An Honest Review of the Wohome S9920 Soundbar

When it comes to saving space, nothing beats a soundbar. But even though soundbars are basically simplified speaker setups, like any piece of sound equipment, choosing the right one can be tough. Because the optimal size and power of your audio configuration is always relative to the room it’s being placed inside, and is rarely intuitive.

Wohome S9920 Soundbar

A couple years ago, a50” televisionwould’ve been considered enormous. But average screen sizes are getting bigger, and consequently, many people feel drawn to larger sound equipment. As a general rule of thumb, you want a soundbar that’s within 30-inches of the size of your television.

That makes theWohome S9920 Soundbarsuitable for screens between 40 and 60-inches. If your display is much larger or much smaller than that, you’re probably going to want something bigger or smaller to match. Putting aside size, when you’re buying sound equipment, you’re really paying for two different categories of stuff.

Wohome S9920

The first category is raw sound quality, and the second category is additional features. People who are searching for a value oriented soundbar will typically care less about features and more about audio quality. More or less, that describes the S9920 Soundbar. What it lacks of features, it aspires to makeup in general sound performance.

That’s not to say the S9920 doesn’t bring anything extra to the table. For instance, it supports 3D surround sound backed by DSP technology for the kind of precision and clarity you generally don’t see under the $200 price point. When you start to compare the S9920 to smart-home speakers, only then will it begin to disappoint.

Wohome S9920


尽管S9920被描述为40英寸的音箱,但实际上是38.6 x 4 x 4.1英寸。长长的身体重约十磅,这足够轻,可以提供一些简单的壁挂式选择。它。虽然并非绝对必要安装此音箱。底部有一对橡胶脚,这可以通过将S9920放置在地板上来安装它。


One more thing to note is the power button on the backside, which is something many soundbars tend to overlook. But it can be more important when you’re dealing with a technology like this, which can move between wired and wireless operation.


Wohome S9920

Audio Connections


When you start exploring wired connections, you’re able to choose between coaxial, optical, USB, and RCA inputs. There are also some RCA and optical cables included with the S9920 to help you get started. Nothing truly unique is available for connection options, but all the essentials are covered.

Wohome S9920

Interface & Ease of Use

Operation is also pretty simple. You can either control the S9920 Soundbar with the aid of a remote control, or by using four analogue buttons that are positioned on the right side of the soundbar. Those buttons let you turn on/off the equipment, play/pause content, and adjust volume levels.

Unfortunately, this soundbar is not compatible with universal television remotes; you need to use their proprietary Wohome remote. Their remote is more than respectable, but it’s a small shame to have to add another remote to your collection.

Wohome S9920

What is there to like about the included remote? Mostly its simplicity. The topside features the two buttons you probably care about the most – mute and the power button. Beneath that, there’s a volume wheel and play/pause/skip buttons. They’re perfectly positioned on the basis on priority, easily identifiable, and even nicely placed for your thumb while holding the remote.

Beneath that, there’s eight function/feature buttons which let you switch between various modes. These are tucked towards the bottom of the remote, where they belong. For instance, this is where you’ll find the 3D button, which can swap the S9920 to play 3D surround sound. The SR-1 mode button amplifies the bass output, while the SR-2 mode was intended to construct greater vocal clarity. It’s useful for TV shows or new-casts which involve lots of dialogue.

Wohome S9920

Audio Quality


Soundbars are a compromise. If you really want unmatched audio, then you have to bite the bullet and start using separate audio components. You’d want tweeters separated from your midrange drivers, and you’d want a subwoofer instead of a couple of bass tubes. But in going that route, you’d probably transform your room to something unrecognizable; a place littered with cables and speakers.


Wohome S9920

The only part of the tonal range that isn’t high-performance audio is the bass. Though the bass tubes and some software support can give the bass a real presence, it’s never going to be able to dominate the soundstage.



Using the included remote control, you can switch between a couple different audio modes. Those modes affect the experience of using this speaker, and that makes it slightly more complicated to think about how the S9920 really sounds. At the same time, these extra audio modes are fairly easy to ignore. Especially if you end up finding one you really like and never switch it off, which is something many people end up doing.

一起努力,的最大功耗those midrange drivers and tweeters works out to 80W, which can output about 105 dB of sound. For the sake of comparison, 100 dB is about as loud as the roar of a chainsaw, and can easily lead to hearing damage over even relatively short periods of time. In other words, the S9920 is capable of being loud. Probably louder than most people want.

However, the S9920 doesn’t have any noteworthy features when it comes to expandability. It’s not possible to do more elaborate audio setups based around the S9920, like running a second soundbar on the opposite side of the first one. This kind of expandability is something not many people are looking to find, but it’s something to keep in mind.

Wohome S9920

Other Considerations


The Wohome S9920 includes a remote control, power adapter, digital optical cable, and Stereo RCA to 3.5mm audio cable. It’s a bit confusing why the power adapter wasn’t constructed inside of the soundbar. However, having to run a boxy adapter isn’t much of an inconvenience. The fact the cable can run about ten feet doesn’t hurt, either.

Wohome S9920

The S9920 includes a one-year warranty. That’s not a terribly impressive warranty, but it’s enough time to ensure you don’t receive some kind of defective product.

It also includes a pair of mounting screws and wall mount brackets. The mounting brackets are pretty simple. They’re basically just a piece of metal you can nail to a wall. However, the included mounting instructions are not terribly informative. They really only provide you with enough information to prevent you from making a catastrophic mistake with your installation.

Who Should Choose the Wohome S9920 Soundbar?

The mounting equipment is a little pathetic, but the fact there’s any included mounting equipment at all is really a cherry on top. TheWohome S9920并不是想向您出售许多额外功能,例如出色的安装设备或麦克风。这是一款专注于大声且负担得起的音频质量的音栏。在此价格范围内,音频硬件对于音箱的竞争力相当有竞争力。

Wohome S9920

Wohome的音频并没有试图替换1,500美元的环绕声设置或像The一样昂贵的型号Bluesound Pulse 2i, it’s trying to replace the kind of feeble speakers you find built inside televisions. Knowing that’s the goal its developers set out to achieve, it’s fair to call the S9920 a success, though with a few caveats in mind.

For aesthetic reasons, people often like selecting soundbars that are similarly sized to their television. The S9920 can appear a little small next to a 60” screen. But appearances side, it delivers all the audio you’d need for a screen of that side. Which makes it a pretty good choice for someone who’s looking a highly affordable and no-nonsense type of soundbar.

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  1. Catherine Rose
    • TechGuru
  2. 格洛里亚·布莱克威尔
  3. Jayme
  4. Ross

