
现场直播的视频游戏正成为一个increasingly bigger phenomenon in the online world. Already some forty-five million gamers go on Twitch every month to stream, watch, and chat about their favorite games. And that’s just one streaming platform, there are many others platforms, like YouTube gaming, just to name one. But streaming is traditionally something that was done from a PC and specific games like DOTA, Counterstrike, and StarCraft seem to dominate the streaming scene.

But with the newest generation of consoles, streaming from consoles finally became a reality. Microsoft’s Xbox allows gamers to download a free Twitch app and begin streaming just by using voice activation. Sony’s PlayStation allows gamers to link their console with their Twitch account and begin streaming with the press of a button.

Being a good-quality streamer requires good equipment; a high quality camera, a decent microphone (the ones that come with the consoles may not be good enough), etc. However, because of the relative newness of console streaming, there’s a lack of quality console streaming equipment.

Thankfully, Turtle Beach has decided to rectify this by producing their very own universal digital USB streaming mic. Turtle Beach has a long history of making quality gaming headsets, mics, and sound cards, so it’s not surprising that the first console streaming mic is coming from them. Today we’re going to explore exactly what it has to offer and go into detail regarding what it’s fully capable of.


What’s Included?

  • 3 meter USB Cable for connecting the mic to the consoles or your PC.
  • 易于阅读的指南,旨在帮助您尽快使MIC工作。
  • 通用安装适配器。

Look and Feel

海龟海滩流媒体麦克风相当轻巧且紧凑。尺寸为0.4 x 0.6英寸,比任何平均流媒体麦克风都要紧凑。但这是可以理解的,因为该麦克风首先是针对游戏机的。它的手中感觉轻,很容易移动。



Universal Compatibility

While many of Turtle Beach’s headsets have worked with both Sony consoles and Microsoft consoles, Turtle Beach has sometimes tended to lean towards Sony in terms of console headsets. Just two years ago Turtle Beach agreed to manufacture Sony’s official PS4 headsets. But console gamers will be happy to know that it works well on any console. The mic boasts universal plug and play compatibility with PlayStation, Xbox, PC, or Mac.




乌龟海滩流媒体麦克风是第一个专业,专门的控制台流媒体麦克风,考虑到Xbox和PlayStation彩带。但这并不意味着它的使用仅限于主机游戏玩家或游戏。It’s a high quality mic that can be used to fulfill a number of different roles and can be used for a wide variety of uses – Gaming, Podcasts, YouTube, etc. Overall, even though it is marketed as a streaming mic for consoles, and console streaming is undoubtedly the main function of it, it can be used as a general, all-purpose microphone for any occasion.





Headphone Compatibility

For some games it’s essential that you have the ability to clearly hear what’s going on in the game while you’re in the middle of the action. When you’re streaming you want to be able to also listen to the important sound effects within the game that your audience is also hearing. At the same time you need to manage and keep a close eye on the specific audio levels, which may be difficult to do when you’re listening to the audio through speakers.




Voice Quality

Of course the most important factor to consider when looking at any microphone is how well it picks up your voice and how well it makes you sound. Turtle Beach is known for its high quality sound technology and the streaming mic is no different. It’s equipped with studio level technology, the digital signal processing allows you to easily balance EQ, as well as gain and compression. The mic can also support multiple pickup patterns for different applications and environments due to its dual-capsule array.

此外,它配备了高definition, adaptive voice pickup; referred to as “TruSpeak Technology” by Turtle Beach. This means that the mic can easily pick up your voice with excellent clarity, regardless of whether the mic is mounted right in front of you, beside you, or on a boom.

This is important feature for any streamer, because the mic cannot be too close, otherwise it’ll pick up things like typical mouse and keyboard noises – no audience wants to hear that. For a streamer, it’s crucial that the mic be powerful and able to pick up voices from different distances and angles.

You may also be wondering why anyone would use this mic over one of Turtle Beach’s many headsets, after all the technology is no doubt similar. The main reason to invest in this mic, even if you already own a Turtle Beach headset, is that microphones offer a much greater degree of control over sound settings and sound quality. For dedicated streamers, a good quality mic is truly a must have.


Personalize Your Stream

配置麦克风时,您可以下载Turtle Beach提供的可选“耳力音频轮毂”软件。下载非常快速且非常易于配置。下载软件后,您可以开始自定义各种特定的麦克风设置。

In addition to the voice presets that the software comes with, the software also allows you to make numerous volume adjustments, lets you change audio settings based on what game is being played, and many other customizable features that dedicated streamers will find quite useful.



Turtle Beach is taking a serious leap by making the very first streaming microphone designed for console gamers. Streaming is still primarily a PC activity, even though the amount of console streamers are growing. It will be interesting to see how the mic is received amongst the streaming community, and whether console centric streaming equipment becomes popular. Although some may say that it’s priced a bit high, theTurtle Beach Universal Streaming Micdelivers outstanding quality with fantastic clarity that’s packed full of streaming-specific features that could definitely come in handy.


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