Tronsmart Apollo Bold ANC TWS蓝牙耳塞评论



Overall Design









  • Superb sound quality.
  • 紧凑且易于携带。
  • Effective noise cancelling.
  • Pocket-sized charging case.


  • Lackluster battery life.
  • Little difference between ear tip options.


This huge growth in the number of products is good news for consumers. It means you can get high-quality earbuds at a lower price than ever before. On the other hand, it also makes it tough to shop around. With so many options, how do you know what’s what? One way is to choose a good manufacturer.

Tronsmart以生产高质量的音频设备而闻名,从耳塞到Bluetooth speakers。今天,我们将审查他们的Tronsmart Apollo Bold ANC TWS蓝牙耳塞。这些芽设计采用主动降噪(ANC)设计,这是任何无线耳塞的罕见功能。但是,不仅仅是ANC,制作一双好耳塞还有很多。一方面,音质必须是好的,或者您只是强调低质量的音频。此外,耳塞需要有效。他们需要保持牢固的联系并具有足够的电池寿命才能完成工作。让我们看看阿波罗大胆的耳塞如何站起来!


Overall Design

Tronsmart Apollo Bold ANC TWS蓝牙耳机have a low profile that’s designed to sit inside your ear. When worn properly, they shouldn’t protrude far, but this doesn’t mean they’re low visibility. Unlike many wireless buds on the market, these come with a splash of color.

这backs sport chocolate-colored rings around the flat soft touch buttons. With a single tap or hold, you can perform most earbud functions. Adjust the volume, skip tracks, play and pause music, answer and end calls, and even use your voice assistant. This allows for easy operation, so you can keep your phone in your pocket.


像大多数具有这种风格的耳塞一样,Apollo Buds带有三套耳朵尖端。这里的理论是,安全拟合至关重要。您不想让外部噪音,也不想失去芽。相反,您不希望提示如此紧密,以至于它们不舒服。不幸的是,阿波罗芽随附的技巧的尺寸相似。这意味着如果您有中耳管,您会获得出色的人体工程学。但是,如果您的耳朵尺寸更大或较小,您将遇到麻烦。

如果您的主要问题是人体工程学,那么Tronsmart确实会提供一些更舒适的芽。这Tronsmart Onyx Free earbuds在市场上拥有一些最好的人体工程学。不利的一面是他们不提供ANC,因此并不是真正的可比性。


这Tronsmart Apollo earbuds come with a water and dust-resistance rating of IP45. This means that they’re moderately dust proof as well as splash proof. You don’t want to actually take them into the water or wear them in the shower. But if you’re sweating during a workout or running in the rain, they’re not going to short out on you.

与大多数无线耳塞一样,Tronsmart Apollo Buds带有一个携带箱,可作为充电器倍增。这个携带的盒子是袖珍尺寸的,几乎比一包TIC-TAC大。只有1.9盎司,它也像羽毛一样轻。您可以轻松地用口袋携带箱子,并且椭圆形的形状不会挖出大腿。它也足够小且轻便,可以轻松携带任何袋子。


充电箱具有剪力壳风格的设计,盖子非常细。它弹出打开并轻松地关闭,盖子下方有一个小切口,以便于使用。在切口下,有一个琥珀色的led。与许多充电案例不同,这不是电池指示器。只要插入案件,它都会点亮,因此您知道它正在充电。USB Type-C充电端口位于背面,套件中包含电缆。

Along with everything else, you get a Tronsmart warranty card. Make sure to fill this out and send it in. The earbuds come with a 12-month warranty, but it will only be honored if you register them. That said, once the card is sent in, you’ll be protected from any defects in materials or workmanship.


Battery & Connectivity

这Tronsmart阿波罗大胆earbuds are rated to operate for 10 hours on a single charge. On its face, this looks fantastic. There are very few wireless earbuds that can operate this long. But when you look closer, it’s not as impressive as it sounds. The 10-hour rating is based on manufacturer testing at medium volume. This is standard in the industry, and your mileage may vary based on volume. However, testing was also performed with ANC turned off, which is also industry standard. What this means is that actual performance at full volume with ANC is more like 4-5 hours. This is on the short side, but should still get the job done for most folks.

这charging case provides an additional two full charges for the buds. This extends the rated battery life to 30 hours, or about 12-15 hours at full volume with ANC. That’s not a ton, but it will get you through the weekend if you need it to. Better yet, the case supports fast charging. A 10-minute charge gives you a full hour of use, or about 30 minutes with ANC and full volume. Regardless, that’s enough for your morning workout at a bare minimum. Charge again during your shower, and you’re good to go for the day.


这Apollo Bold earbuds connect to your phone or MP3 player with the latest Bluetooth 5.0 protocol. This protocol is an improvement over previous Bluetooth versions, with three major upgrades. The first is that a Bluetooth 5.0 is more stable than a Bluetooth 4.2 signal. This means fewer dropped calls and no hanging music. The second upgrade is that Bluetooth 5.0 allows for a lower-latency signal. In other words, you can watch videos or play games without the audio being out of sync. Finally, Bluetooth 5.0 allows for higher bitrates, so you can listen to music with more depth and detail.

除了所有这些,阿波罗大胆的耳塞se True Wireless Stereo Plus (TWS+) technology. With standard TWS, the signal is first sent to one earbud, and is forwarded to the second earbud. This leads to an ever-so-minimal amount of lag between the two. For most people, it’s not even noticeable. But why have any latency at all when it’s avoidable? With a TWS+ signal, both earbuds communicate with your phone individually, so they’re in perfect sync. Keep in mind that this is a relatively new technology. As a result, only the very newest smartphones will actually support the TWS+ function.


Sound Quality

这Tronsmart阿波罗大胆earbuds integrate some of the most powerful technology on the market. To begin with, they use a Qualcomm chip with aptX Low Latency support. This allows for even lower latency than you’ll get from ordinary Bluetooth 5.0 earbuds. In addition, you get the benefit of ANC technology. Six microphones monitor external noise and adjust the internal speakers to compensate. In total, the ANC hardware can reduce background noise by 35 decibels. That level of noise cancellation makes a jet engine sound like a lawnmower. Moreover, this ANC function is full frequency, so it handles higher pitches better than most. In terms of quality, you’re looking at AirPod levels of noise reduction for a much lower cost.

If you prefer an AirPod-style design instead, take a look at our review of theTronsmart Onyx Ace。这些是AirPod风格的耳塞,并带有几乎相同的充电案例。另一方面,它们实际上没有提供降噪,因此某些背景噪音会流血。


When using the Apollo Bold buds, there are three different modes to choose from. The first is “ANC on,” which is the standard mode for filtering out background noise. The second is “ANC off,” which doesn’t filter background noise, but does improve your battery life. Finally, there’s “ambient sound mode.” This is similar to the transparency mode found on many other earbuds. Basically, it works as a sort of reverse-ANC, enhancing outside noise. This is best used for short social interactions where you don’t want to take your buds out.

When listening to music, sound quality is excellent across the board. From the deepest lows to the highest highs, there’s plenty of separation between frequencies. This makes the music feel as if you’re listening to it in a physical space. In addition, the low end is punchy and tight. You won’t have any issues with bass response here. The EQ is flat, which is generally what you want on earbuds. After all, if you want to make EQ adjustments, you won’t have your earbud EQ fighting against you.


Final Verdict

So, are theTronsmart Apollo Bold ANC TWS蓝牙耳塞a good buy? It depends on what you want. The battery life in particular leaves something to be desired. On a modern pair of buds, we’d like to see at least an extra 60 minutes. On the other hand, not many earbuds offer ANC, and ANC will inevitably shorten your battery life.


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