审查TreBlab X5高级蓝牙耳机



Treblab x5高级蓝牙耳机

X5关于X5的最重要的事情是他们无处不在的设计的深度。他们旨在同样适用于旅行,工作或接受健身房。Treblab X5设计背后的一般想法是最大化用户友好性,同时保持各种不同环境中的音质。当然,treblab x5不得执行以及以某种特定方式专注的耳机。但坦率地说,这不是这些。

treblab x5





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Treblab X5支持高达20小时的电池寿命,带有警告。小耳朵实际上只有六个小时的力量。您可以从充电箱中汲取14小时差异。在听力会话之间,您可以在其可收费的情况下占用X5,帮助您保持永久充电。

当然,所有这些电池估计都需要进行上下情形化。有一半的不同因素会影响电池持续多长时间,而不是其中最少是您的音量水平。在可能被称为现实世界的条件下,Treblab X5提供更接近5小时的电池寿命。当您以更大的速度燃烧电池时,无论出于何种原因,您都可以预期对充电案件的估计也受到影响。

换句话说,有些人会发现估计的20小时电池寿命更像16小时。但这些估计仍然足以满足Treblab X5建造的各种聆听。五个小时即将从一笔充电中获得所有必需品。

Once you’ve finished the battery, you’re looking at a complete charge time of about two hours. For a quick top-off of the battery, you’re usually done in closer to 45 minutes. OF course, this all depends on the particular USB slot you use to charge with. But in either case, this charging case allows you to keep your music going for longer than essentially any other Bluetooth headphones within this price range.

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As far as high-end features go, you won’t find much on the X5. It does have native compatibility with Siri, as well as a handful of other voice assistants through Android, iOS and Windows. Of course, support for these assistants is part of the reason why you don’t need many high-end features for the X5 to feel as high end as it does. For managing your calls and wirelessly interacting with the world, support for basic voice assistants can turn Bluetooth headphones into much more.

The Treblab X5’s built in microphone is good for basic calling, but it’s not going to offer business quality call clarity. If you wanted an exceptionally clear microphone, that would require some specialist headphones built with multiple microphones.

这是一个很难解释的功能。Treblab X5使用所谓的CVC 6.0噪声消除。这不是它听起来的样子。您可以看到,CVC噪声消除是一种算法。它有助于通过自动增益控制,自适应均衡器,省电技术和流混合等内容提供对声音的更改。

这与普通噪声消除不一样。甚至称之为噪音消除就是一些歪曲。当消费者认为噪音消除时,他们认为是保护它们免受环境中的噪音的耳机。CVC 6.0中的噪声消除是指信号内的声音失真,而不是您讨厌邻居所做的声音。

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但那些CVC 6.0功能确实可以加入一些相当令人印象深刻的无线声音。Treblab X5使用铍司机,旨在提供对各种不同类型的聆听的响应声音。结果是X5非常适合听音乐,看电影,以及使用声音的任何东西。从播客到AudioBooks,Treblab X5不会令人失望。

但音质可以得到毛的一个领域in loud spaces. The X5 doesn’t have any native noise cancelling in its design. The ear tips of the X5 don’t actually enter the ear canal to make a physical barrier between you and external sound. In other words, the X5 block about as much sound as a cotton swab. If you’re listening in a louder place, you’re going to have to turn-up your music. And that’s essentially the only place where the Treblab X5 suffers in sound quality.

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Wireless equipment that uses batteries can be tough to keep tabs on, especially if the gear is small. After all, how are they going to stick an OLED display on a headphone that’s barely big enough to fit in your ear? But that doesn’t mean you’re left in the dark. The Treblab X5 provides in-ear prompts give you information about power levels, incoming calls, and so forth. But really, most of the ease of use of the X5 is wrapped up within the charging case.

Between listening, you just throw them in the charging case, and they’re back to full power by the time you want to listen again. Even though the 6-hour battery isn’t especially formidable on its own, backed with the charging case, it’s rather impressive how long the X5 can last.

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treblab x5

Who Should Choose the Treblab X5?

Sometimes it makes sense to have multiple pairs of headphones, each for a different activity. Not every pair of headphones are built to do the same things. But the Treblab X5 was built with a universal design, intent on making them a jack of all trades.

对于观看电影,听着您最喜欢的音乐,放松到音频书,或追赶新闻,X5在各个方面都很顺利。但所有交易的杰克都是没有的大师。例如treblab x5不会提供与耳机的相同保护,作为专门为该任务提供专门的耳机。而且您不会从未专门从事麦克风清晰度的耳机获得商业质量呼叫。

But if you’re looking for one pair of headphones that will do everything for you, the X5 is a great choice. They offer steady performance for everything they try to do. They’re as lightweight and portable as any pair of outdoor sports headphones, and their charging case gives them the battery life of headphones built for the home theaters. Just about anyone who’s looking for a solid pair of midrange Bluetooth headphones should give the Treblab X5 close consideration.



  1. Jérôme.
  2. 穆萨嘲笑

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