TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97True Wireless Earbuds Review

Quick Analysis

Quick Analysis

Overall design



9.0 / 10.


8.5 / 10.

Audio Quality



  • 舒适,符合人体工程学的合适。
  • Sturdy build with excellent water-resistance.
  • 持久的电池。
  • 光滑,富低音。


  • Soft touch controls are a bit twitchy.
  • High frequencies are a bit too powerful.

这se days, it seems like everybody is wearing a pair of wireless earbuds. But not too long ago, they were hard to find. The reason is that before True Wireless Stereo (TWS) technology, wireless earbuds generally weren’t worth owning. The audio was low-bitrate, and you could only listen in mono. For anything more demanding than a spoken word podcast or hands-free call, they were useless.

事实上,他们是如此无用的是,人们认为苹果疯狂地让iPhone 7无线。这一点存在于TWS,Apple在iPhone 7和相关的Apple Airpods上兼而有些。但是技术媒体中的许多人开始宣称时代的结束,因为iPhone 7不可避免地失败。这是当时对无线耳塞的偏见。但正如我们所知,事情才很好,而且航空公司非常成功。其他电子产品制造商跳上船上,我们最终结束了我们今天的位置。现在,而不是太少的选择,我们有太多。

So, how do you know which wireless earbuds are worth investing in? One way is to look for a reliable manufacturer. On the list of good earbud manufacturers, TaoTronics sits near the top. Now, we’re about to review the TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97 true wireless earbuds. They’re compact, with a vertical case that’s unusual for this type of earbud. But how is the audio performance? And how good is the hardware under the hood? To find out, we’ll need to dig a little deeper. We’ll take a close look at all of the SoundLiberty 97 earbuds features, benefits, and shortcomings. Once that’s done, we’ll render our verdict.

TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97


SoundLiberty 97无线耳塞have a compact design that sits flush with your ears. There are no protrusions or parts hanging down that might get snagged. On the other hand, this design requires a secure fit in order to work properly. Without a bottom-heavy design, loose ear tips will simply pop out when they feel like it. To this end, TaoTronics includes three sets of extra ear tips in the package. They come in three different sizes, with a spare set of mediums just in case. If the tips are too tight or too loose, try a smaller or larger pair respectively. When properly fitted, they should offer not just security, but also some passive noise isolation.

TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97

耳塞壳体本身由黑色ABS塑料构成,易于保持清洁。他们手里觉得很好,善良,好像他们对他们有点憎恨。它们主要是光滑和圆润的,但背部完全是平坦的。这些备份函数作为软触摸按钮,可轻松操作。您可以使用它们跳过曲目,答案或结束调用,更改卷等。如果您想要免提控制,您还可以调用您的语音助手。不幸的是,控制表面有点抽搐。如果你只是轻轻刷它们,他们就会离开。同样,耳塞可以很容易地在单个,双倍和三腹部之间混淆。另一方面,如果您有敏感的耳朵,柔软的触摸设计很舒适。 You’ve got to pick your poison.

TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97

Soundliberty 97耳塞具有IPX8的防水等级。这是可用的最高耐水等级,需要定制测试。由于测试对于每个IPX8产品不同,因此很难说他们实际上是多么防水。我们所知道的是,它们比IPX7产品更耐水,这是淹没的。Soundliberty 97耳塞可以浸没至少30分钟,深度至少三米。早上锻炼后淋浴不会造成任何危险。

随着所有这些都说,你可能想要一对看起来像听起来一样尖锐的耳塞。在这种情况下,Taotronics SoundLiberty 80耳塞are an excellent choice. Their chrome shells are sure to catch anyone’s eye, and their audio quality is very rich. This comes at the expense of shortened battery life, though.

TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97

SoundLiberty 97案例旨在匹配耳塞,具有类似的黑色施工。它也很紧凑,袖珍,宽度为2.27英寸,1.8英寸高,只有1.1英寸厚。随着耳塞的两个,它只重3.84盎司,或略低于麦当劳的汉堡帕蒂。因此,Soundliberty 97耳塞容易随身携带。

案例具有垂直设计,对于没有帖子的耳罩是不寻常的。也就是说,它的运行方式很好,带有弹簧盖的盖子,当您需要时保持关闭。盖子下面有一个LED,让你知道芽正在充电。但是,这不应该是一个问题。当它们掉入壳体时,耳塞用磁铁捕捉到位。这意味着您可以保证获得可靠的费用。充电情况本身也是一个捕捉。它插入六英寸USB Type-C电缆,包括在套件上。六英寸在短边,但它会完成工作。

TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97

要将其全部关闭,SoundLiberty 97耳塞有一个90天的禁令 - 要求返回窗口。即使您只需更好地决定其他耳塞,即使您可以将其送回退款。但是,您将负责退货运费。如果在前90天后出现问题,你仍然被覆盖。有一个针对制造商的缺陷的12个月保修。



TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97

If you need to top off your buds in a hurry, don’t worry. A 10-minute quick charge will provide up to two hours of battery life. That’s enough to get you through a morning workout, with plenty of juice left to spare. An hour-long charge will have the batteries topped up entirely. On a similar note, the case will also charge in about an hour via USB Type-C.

Soundliberty 97的持久电池应该没有惊喜。这是SoundLiberty的一件事所令人着迷的。例如SoundLiberty 95耳塞提供类似的电池寿命和更好的音频,但没有防水性。

TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97

Along with its reliable battery, the SoundLiberty 97 utilizes Bluetooth 5.0 technology. This is the latest Bluetooth standard, and it allows for lower latency, so you can watch movies or play games. In addition, it has a more stable signal than earlier Bluetooth versions, and allows higher bitrates. The SoundLiberty 97 earbuds will automatically pair with your phone when the case is opened. You’ll need to pair them manually the first time, but after that, everything is automatic.


TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97

Audio Quality

In terms of audio quality, the SoundLiberty 97 earbuds are a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, the bass is surprisingly good for the size, and the mids are nice and clear. The treble is also clear, but high frequencies come far forward in the mix. This doesn’t cause any distortion, but it can make some songs sound harsher than they ought to. The soundstage is also a bit cramped. It sounds better than cheap Walmart earbuds, but it’s not as wide as we’d have liked. That said, the SoundLiberty 97 buds use the aptX Low Latency codec. This codec is perfect for games, movies, or any low-latency application.

这些耳塞不提供的一件事是任何一种噪声消除。要公平,ANC在耳塞上罕见,而不是耳机,但它仍然可用。如果这是你需要的,请考虑Taotronics sounderliberty 94耳塞. They have an ANC function and similar battery life to the 97. However, they also have some audio shortcomings, and you may find that the sound lacks texture.

SoundLiberty 97上的呼叫质量令人惊讶的是。这些芽用CVC 8.0噪声消除技术隔离声音的声音。它非常有效,即使只插入单个耳塞。即使在拥挤的嘈杂的环境中,另一个人也应该没有麻烦听到你。一如既往地,你能听到的程度如何依赖于他们的麦克风质量比其他任何东西更多。

TaoTronics SoundLiberty 97


所以,是Taotronics SoundLiberty 97无线耳塞适合你的选择?这一切都取决于你需要耳塞的工作。正如我们所指出的,音频质量只是如此。另一方面,所有其他功能都是顶级层。为了找到一双耳塞这个精心设计,你通常会期望花更多的时间。它们是防水,它们紧凑,它们很舒服,它们很容易配对。不仅如此,而且电池寿命比我们预期的更好。这种情况也很精心设计,磁耳塞孔和弹簧装盖。结合所有的东西,快速,轻松充电,在这里有很多东西。


