骑骑士AP006vs. AP008 – H13 HEPA Air Purifier Review & Compare


In fact, your home may contain all kinds of air contaminants that are hazardous to your health. Perhaps the most obvious of these is pet dander, an allergy trigger that’s absent in most workplaces. But modern, heavily-insulated homes can trap a wide variety of materials that are simply not healthy. For one thing, seasonal pollen should normally be seasonal. But if a bunch gets sucked in on a pleasant day and you close your house up afterwards, it can remain trapped. The same phenomenon can occur with mold spores, which are not merely an allergy trigger. Mold can also be unhealthy for people with no allergies at all!

Other common indoor contaminants include smoke and cleaning chemicals. If you cook with a lot of oil – or brown a lot of anything, period – there’s going to be some smoke. Smoke is even more of an issue if there’s an actual tobacco smoker in the house. By now, we’re all well aware of the dangers of secondhand smoke. And while an air filter is by no means a perfect solution, it can help mitigate the issue. Moreover, a good HEPA filter can help eliminate old odors if your home’s previous owner smoked.

骑骑士AP006vs AP008

今天,我们要复习两个不同的HEPA air purifiers from the same manufacturer. We’ll be reviewing both the TaoTronics AP006 and the TaoTronics AP008. In fact, they’re not just from the same manufacturer, but the same exact product line! TaoTronics themselves are known for producing an array of electronics. These range from totally unrelated offerings like wireless earbuds, to other indoor air treatment options likespace heaters。这两个空气过滤器如何执行?我们将要与它们进行比较,看看它们是如何堆叠的。一旦我们对它们进行了彻底比较,我们就可以准备作出判决。让我们开始!


骑骑士AP006Air Purifier

骑骑士AP006Air Purifieris a compact, rectangular filter that stands 11.65 inches high. It has a roughly square footprint, which measures 8.27 inches per side and has rounded corners to soften the profile. The intake vents are located on the front and back, and are shaped like an irregular grid. The plastic housing itself has a matte finish, which is easy to clean. That’s an essential feature, since the vents will inevitably collect some dust. The filter is available in black or white, so it can match just about any home décor.




How loud the fan is depends on how fast it’s running. At the highest setting, the volume is just over 50dB. That’s the volume of a normal conversation, so it’s audible, but it’s not disruptive if it’s in the next room. At the lowest setting, the volume is about 24dB. That’s literally as quiet as a whisper, and most people will sleep through it without even noticing it. The AP006 is covered by TaoTronics’ standard 12-month warranty, which protects you from manufacturer defects. It anything was done wrong at the factory, you’ll receive a full refund or a free replacement.


Performance and Effectiveness



内部过滤器由三层组成,incorporated in a single cartridge. This has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, you can easily change the filter by dropping in a whole new cartridge. On the other hand, if only one part, such as the pre-filter, needs replacing, your options are limited. You can’t simply replace the pre-filter and leave the rest of the cartridge in place.






Inside of the HEPA filter, there’s an activated charcoal filter. This doesn’t remove particles, but is instead designed to remove odors and chemical contaminants. This is where cleaning chemicals and other harmful vapors get removed from your air. In addition to resolving health hazards, the charcoal filter makes your home more pleasant. You can cook a rich dinner full of garlic, run the filter overnight, and not smell the garlic in the morning.


这filter cartridge will require replacement roughly every three to six months. Exactly how long will depend on how dirty your air is and how often you run the air purifier. When the filter is sufficiently dirty, the warning light on the control panel will begin to flash. After replacing the filter, simply press the filter reset light to get the warning light to stop flashing.

AP006不会为您做的一件事是使冬季空气更加愉快。为了防止您的皮肤在加热时发作,请考虑像室内加湿器一样TaoTronics 6L。它不比空气净化器大得多,并且可以处理一个非常大的区域。



骑骑士AP008is a bit larger than the AP006, and has a round footprint instead of square. It measures 18.5 inches tall from base to tip, with a diameter of 9.45 inches.


这outer housing is white plastic, and the entire vertical side is covered by a honeycomb of intake holes. At 8.6 pounds, it’s reasonably light for the size, and it even includes a carrying strap. This strap is made of stitched leather, which is aesthetically a bit odd but very effective.


这top is very similar to the AP008’s, but reverses the concept. Instead of a circular LCD control panel in a square vent, it has a square panel in a round one. There’s also a spiral vent design instead of a diagonal one, once again going round instead of straight. The buttons themselves perform the same functions, but the overall layout is more intuitive. This is probably because the square panel has more real estate than the AP006’s round one. There are also a couple of other minor differences.


First off, the fan has four speeds instead of three. This gives you a bit more flexibility. There’s also a sleep mode that deactivates the LCDs and switches to the slowest speed. On the other hand, the lowest speed is 33dB, which is still noticeable on a quiet night.


Secondly, the timer is a bit different. Instead of running for one, four, or eight hours, it runs for two, four, or eight. Is this actually going to matter to anyone? We can’t really imagine why it would be the deciding factor. But it’s a difference nonetheless, regardless of how important it was.


Performance and Effectiveness

这AP008’s True HEPA filter is equivalent in most regards to the AP006’s. It has the same three-layer design, the same ratings, and lasts for the same period of time. There’s even the same expected life and the same replacement/resetting system. With that being said, it has a 50 percent larger coverage area. With 312 square feet of coverage, it can handle larger rooms, or treat the same sized rooms at a lower speed.


如果您想要最安静的过滤器,original TaoTronics air purifier击败了今天的两种选择。也就是说,这是一个超小型覆盖面积的超紧凑型单元。如果您需要管理的不仅仅是卧室,那么这对工作就不够强大。

骑骑士AP006vs AP008




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