Speedefy KX450 AX1800 WiFi 6路由器评论与分析

Speedefy KX450.

Speedefy KX450.








8.0 / 10.


  • Fast signal with good coverage.
  • Supports up to 40 devices with WiFi 6.
  • Multiple security features.
  • 也可以用作无线转发器。


  • 不像最快的路由器那么快。

When WiFi technology first rolled out, most people weren’t using multiple devices. For the average home user, WiFi just made it easier to use the internet on your laptop. You could freely roam from room to room, check your email on AOL, and update your Myspace. Moreover, the average household wasn’t jam-packed with computers. At most, you might have three: the family computer, and mom’s and dad’s work computers. As a result, most routers weren’t designed with multiple devices in mind. The main concern was providing wireless access at anything faster than a slow crawl.

Since then, the way we use wireless internet has changed. Instead of one or two computers, we have multiple devices. We have smartphones, game consoles, tablets, and smart TVs. Throw in a slew of connected smart home devices, and everything from your fridge to your stereo needs WiFi. Those old-school routers aren’t just too slow for modern users. They’re also woefully unprepared for the internet of things and the world of smart homes.

事实上,大多数路由器,甚至大多数较新的路由器都在那艘船中。这是WiFi 6的原因,这是WiFi技术中的下一代。WiFi 6专注于多器件支持而不是专注于速度。通过在设备之间毫不费力地切换信号,并支持动态带宽分配。最终结果是您可以在使用较少带宽时连接更多设备。

今天,我们将审查SpeedEfy KX450 WiFi 6路由器。我们过去审查了许多Seavefyy的产品,如K4 and K8 wireless routers。KX450设计为功能强大的WiFi 6路由器,适用于具有数十个连接设备的现代家庭。它支持超过1.8 Gbps的速度,并带来了额外的额外功能,如家长控制。但它在实践中表现如何,而不是在纸上?要了解出来,我们需要深入挖掘其特征,优势,甚至其缺点。这是我们了解到这款新路由器的内容。

Speedefy KX450.AX1800

Design and Installation

TheSpeedefy KX450 WiFi 6路由器设计如同许多现代路由器,水平设计。它实际上倾斜了一点,这使它成为宇宙飞船的外观,使其看起来是未来的。它也不像许多其他路由器一样华丽。而不是一系列灯,前面只有一个绿色的LED,让您知道它已插入。散装的大部分是缎面黑色,这很容易用湿布保持清洁和擦拭。然而,前面有一个纹理三角形,水平狭缝可以收集灰尘。如果你挑然清洁,它仍然容易清洁,但这是一个潜在的痛点。

Speedefy KX450.AX1800

The overall size of the housing is 12.01 inches wide, 11.65 inches deep, and 2.87 inches thick. This is mid-sized for a modern router, neither inordinately small nor inordinately large. It also doesn’t include the antennas, which are a bit longer. The weight is 1.78 pounds, which is about what we’d expected for the size. For what it’s worth, it’s easy to move around, although a router typically just lives in one place. The antennas are adjustable 360 degrees, and can even be folded flat. We’ve never found that antenna direction makes a difference, and we didn’t notice any effect here. Unless the antennas are obstructed, there’s no real reason to fiddle around with them.

The rest of the controls and connections are all located on the back of the router. To the left, there’s a barrel-style DC power port. An AC adapter is included in the package, complete with a blocky plug unit. Next to the power port, there’s a tiny reset button recessed in a hole. It’s one of those buttons you need a paperclip to press, but you shouldn’t need to use it very often. Next to that, there’s a WPS button for pairing your devices. This is helpful for smart home devices that don’t have a display or WiFi menu.

Speedefy KX450.AX1800


使用代码:MQY6ZQ7S折扣10%在亚马逊的Speedefy KX450

速度and Coverage

As we already mentioned, the KX450 is a WiFi 6 router. As a result, you can expect it to do a pretty good job of dealing with many devices. In fact, it’s rated for up to 40, but that’s a soft limit. The KX450 is a dual-band router that supports both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands simultaneously. The main feature of WiFi 6 is that it allocates bandwidth dynamically rather than statically. Take something like a WiFi refrigerator. It uses data in short spikes, when it sends or receives data. But most of the time it’s just sitting there. With older WiFi versions, that fridge would always occupy a certain amount of bandwidth. And most of the time, that bandwidth would be wasted. With WiFi 6, the fridge will hardly use any bandwidth when it’s idle. When it needs to send or receive data, it will simply use more for a short period.

Speedefy KX450.AX1800

因此,你看更好的性能with a ton of devices, but not necessarily more speed overall. The KX450 reflects this, with a maximum bandwidth of 1.8 Gbps. That’s certainly fast, but it’s not the fastest on the market. It’s not even Speedefy’s fastest router. That honor goes to the Speedefy K7W, which is capable of over 2,000Mbps in speed. However, the K7W doesn’t support WiFi 6. It’s better for media streaming, not for homes with a ton of devices.

Like most modern routers, the KX450 has a dual-band design. This means it connects over two wireless frequencies. The first is the 5GHz band, which is the fastest, with 1,201 Mbps of bandwidth. However, it has a shorter range. The second band is the 2.4GHz band. This channel supports speeds of only 600Mbps, but has a longer range. So if you’re close to the router, you’ll get the full 1,800Mbps. If you’re further away, you’ll lose the 5GHz signal, but keep the 2.4GHz signal.

Speedefy KX450.AX1800

The total range of the router as a whole is enough to cover about 2,500 square feet. In practice, this is just a rough estimate. There are any number of real-world factors that could affect your range. Masonry, metal framing, and other building materials can limit your signal in any direction. Even your home’s configuration can make a difference. Because the coverage area is spherical, you’ll get better coverage in a two story home than in a ranch.

备份无需多设备支持,KX450泌尿道感染lizes 4X4 MU-MIMO technology. Without getting too far into the weeds, this is a more advanced way for a router to switch between devices. Instead of one input and one output, or even two and two, it uses four and four. Because there are more simultaneous channels, less switching is necessary.

Speedefy KX450.AX1800

Control and Extras

The control panel allows you to do a lot more than just set the network name and password. To begin with, there are several parental control options built into the system. You can set different permissions for different devices to keep tabs on your kids’ online experience. You can also set virtual bedtimes, so your little ones can’t stay up all night on their smartphones. Parental controls even allow you to blacklist particular sites, or create exceptions to existing restrictions. It’s a flexible system that’s intuitive and easy to use.

Speedefy KX450.AX1800


除此之外,KX450还可以用作无线转发器。在这种模式下,它的工作方式很像WiFi范围扩展器, acting as a bridge for an existing network. So if you want to get more coverage out of your current WiFi network, you can. You can also use a pair of KX450 routers to begin with to increase your range

Speedefy KX450.AX1800

Final Verdict

正如你所看到的,Speedefy KX450 WiFi 6路由器(off代码10%:MQY6ZQ7S)是一个功能强大的多功能路由器,满足许多需求。首先,它比大多数路由器更快,带宽超过1,800Mbps。它还支持WiFi 6,能够连接多达40个设备。不仅如此,它还具有许多有价值的奖金功能。父母控制保持您的孩子安全,而访客WiFi网络确保您的设备。您甚至可以使用它作为WiFi range扩展器。这是一个精心设计的路由器,适用于有很多智能家居设备的人。

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