SoundPeats Truebuds真正的无线耳塞评论

Quick Analysis

Quick Analysis

Overall Design

9.0 / 10.


9.0 / 10.



Battery Life



  • Very comfortable, easy to wear.
  • Carry case also charges earbuds and your phone.
  • Charger holds 100 hours’ worth of runtime.
  • Great sound fidelity.
  • No need for silicone/foam ear-tips.


  • No noise-cancelling.
  • Earbud battery life is somewhat disappointing.

Earbuds are becoming more and more common and important every day. Even if you can’t work with your earbuds in, chances are you still listen to music at the gym, or even just when you want a little privacy. They’re useful for hands-free calling, and the smaller design of earbuds makes them more portable than headphones.

但对于这种常见的技术,当拍摄耳塞时,仍然存在巨大的质量和价格。不幸的是,虽然有一些经济实惠的宝石,但有很多耳塞不值得的价格。今天,我们将审查SoundPeats Truebuds真实无线耳塞。SoundPeats是一个可靠的制造商,我们过去审查了他们几个耳塞。这些包括TrueShift2, theTrueWings,而且TruEngine SE。我们已经仔细看看SoundPeats TrueBuds,看看这套是否达到了炒作和价格。让我们看看他们是如何堆叠!


Overall Design

TheSoundPeats Truebuds真实无线耳塞s带有几种创新的设计功能。耳塞本身对大多数人来说都很舒服,并且不会长时间造成酸痛。他们也相对安全。虽然他们可能并不完美在健身房跑步机上跑步,但你不应该担心他们在走来走去的时候,甚至做一些轻量级训练。

The longer profile on the Truebuds also helps prevent them from getting lost. They’re large enough to be easy to spot, without sacrificing in-ear comfort. The earbuds also come with a mobile charging case. When they’re in the case, they’re getting more juice. Small LED lights on the earbuds indicate when they have a good connection to the battery, it’s all wireless, so you always know that they’re charging effectively.


The case holds power equivalent to about 100 hours of runtime. It also offers a USB port so that your headphone charging bank can act as a phone charger in a pinch. That additional adaptability is a nice touch and makes the set as a whole much more functional.





The additions of a charging case and touch control on the earbuds themselves make them significantly more functional. The small size of the carry case also makes them highly portable, great for air travel, and other situations where space is tight. The features that really would have put this pair over the top in terms of design would have been if they had size options, or if you could turn on a sound canceling setting. It also would have been nice to see longer playback per change on the earbuds themselves, but we’ll talk about that more in the Runtime section.

In addition, the Truebuds are Bluetooth-enabled. They utilize the Bluetooth 5.0 protocol, which means that they’re compatible with even the latest smartphone connections. The earbuds are protected by a 12-month warranty, more than long enough to make sure you like the set and to make sure there aren’t any manufacturer defects.



When it comes to earbuds, there are few things more important than the sound quality. Earbuds have long been plagued by a slightly tinny sound and bad bass. Bluetooth connections have also had problems with causing some static in the sound, further reducing sound quality. That’s why audiophiles have preferred traditional headphones for so long. The larger design has space for better hardware, producing a higher quality of sound, whether you’re listening to music, the news, or a call from your best friend.

But, as technology advances, manufacturers need less and less space for the equipment needed to produce high sound quality, and this set does well. The Truebuds’ sound system is flexible and has a wide range with good fidelity. That’s largely thanks to a 14.2mm large bio-compound diaphragm driver. The driver can maintain high melodies with the needed delicacy and crispness, without sacrificing deep bass thrumming.

When the full range of sound is called for, the Truebuds balance the different sound demands reasonably well. It’s not as good as hearing the music live for yourself, but you won’t notice significant quality differences between this pair and a similar pair of over-ear headphones.
Most impressive is the bass, which is a range difficult to produce in the small space of an earbud. This set does well enough and can bring you favorite clubbing dance songs to life just as well as more melodic country. The deep growling tones of heavy metal also sound very good. Sound quality does go down as the earbuds come loose, which can provide an additional warning before they fall out of your ear.





The two most common points of failure on a typical pair of headphones are the wires and the over-head band. This set has neither. As a truly wireless set of earbuds, even for charging, you don’t have any wires that can develop kinks and soft spots. Similarly, without the overhead band you don’t have to worry about stressing the plastic or metal components, and no sudden snap when they give out. The batteries themselves are also reasonably durable. They don’t seem to develop much of a memory, even after extended use and many charging sessions. That’s good news for this style of earbud, where batteries have often been a point of weakness.





Runtime is another issue for wireless earbuds. Many audiophiles want a set of headphones that can keep up with their demands all day, which is where wired earbuds and headphones really stand out. But with battery-powered headphones there’s a lot more space for that battery than in little earbuds.


这是其中的一个地方,Truebuds clearly made some compromises. It’s not that they don’t have a good runtime, they do, but it’s not quite as impressive as some of the other specs on this set. The earbuds themselves have a runtime of about 2.5 hours on a single charge. That’s assuming good conditions and reasonable use. The highest volume, or taking a lot of phone calls, can both lower the runtime on a single charge.

You get a decent amount of added runtime thanks to the travel case doubling as a charging station. It holds about 100 hours’ worth of charge, which will give you plenty of charging time. The earbuds themselves charge relatively quickly. So if you do run out of charge, you can put them in the charger for a few minutes and continue. The battery power of the charger can also be used to charge your phone and other small accessories, but that will reduce your playtime. The lower overall runtime on the Truebuds means that they’re less effective for all-day listeners and long travels. But they’re just fine for workouts or commutes.


Final Verdict

Overall, theSoundPeats Truebuds真实无线耳塞S是一个很好的投资。它们相对实惠,优质音频比在同样的价格点中的许多其他耳塞提供更高的音频。它们具有体面的电池寿命,无论是单独的耳塞和充电器。他们更适合偶尔听众超过持续的音乐听众。对于短途飞行和其他旅行,他们也更好,而且对更长的旅行不太好。

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  1. Gyhuvi
    • TechGuru

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