深入审查SHIVR 3D主动噪声取消蓝牙耳机

Quick Analysis

Quick Analysis


10.0 / 10.


9.0 / 10.


9.0 / 10.


9.5 / 10.


  • 出色的音质。
  • 高度符合人体工程学。
  • Effective active noise cancelling.
  • 删除时自动关闭。


  • Uses older, Bluetooth 4.2 technology.
  • A bit expensive for some.

These days, there’s no shortage of Bluetooth headphones on the market. But not all of them are equal. When you’re choosing a set of headphones, there are many factors to consider. Obviously, you need to look for a pair with good sound quality. But there are other important considerations. For example, you need to think about comfort and ergonomics. Battery life is also a consideration, as is the quality and stability of the wireless connection.

With all of these factors to consider, choosing the right headphones can be a challenge. Thankfully, we’re here to break things down for you. We’re about to be looking at the SHIVR 3D Bluetooth Headphones. And we’ll take a deep dive into all of their features, so you know exactly what you’re looking at. Let’s take a closer look!

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Design & Ergonomics

At 10.4 ounces, theSHIVER 3D Bluetooth Headphonesare an ideal weight. They’re not too heavy, so they won’t put stress on your neck. They’re also not too light, so you can rest assured that they’re well-constructed. The headband has a hybrid design. Inside, it’s constructed from aluminum, which gives it strength and rigidity. On the outside, it’s sheathed in ABS plastic, which gives it a little more bulk and comfort. The central portion, over the top of your head, is sheathed with padded leather instead of plastic. This provides additional comfort, and helps to eliminate any potential pressure points. The headband is also adjustable. Simply pull the ear cups, and they’ll slide out to accommodate various sizes of head.


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On the bottom of the left ear cup, you’ll find a USB Type-C charging port. On the top of the right ear cup, you’ll find an on/off button that’s easy to find by touch. It offers good tactile response, so you’ll be able to easily tell when you’ve pressed the button. Next to the power button, you’ll find another button for activating or deactivating the active noise cancelling. There’s also a button for activating the 3D’s conversation mode, which we’ll discuss more later. All other controls are performed from your MP3 player or smartphone. This might sound limiting at first. However, as we’ll see, SHIVR includes some extra features that make this easier than it sounds.

If you’re looking for a similar design, but different overall features, there are plenty of options available. We recently reviewed the AnkerSoundcore Life Q10和Q20耳机。这些便携式设计都是精心设计的,并且提供了大量的价值。

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Battery & Charging

When fully charged, the SHIVR 3D Bluetooth Headphones offer up to 25 hours of use. As is generally the case, this is a manufacturer’s rating, based on playback at half volume. If you prefer louder music, you’re liable to get lower battery life. That said, lower bitrate audio, such as audiobooks, will tend to allow for longer playback periods. There’s a second confounding factor with these earbuds: the active noise cancelling. The 25-hour rating is based on operating the headphones with the active noise cancelling off. With active noise cancelling, the rating drops to around 20 hours. Adjusted for volume, this can drop as low as about 16 hours. That’s still not bad, but it’s hardly impressive.

The SHIVR 3D recharges with a USB Type-C cable, which is included in the kit. It recharges from a dead state in about 90 minutes, assuming a modern, 5-volt USB port. You can plug it into your PC, Mac, game console, or an AC to USB power adapter. All told, you get plenty of battery life to listen for a few days, and recharging is quick and painless.

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选择一对耳机时,可能没有单个因素比声音的质量更重要。在这方面,Shivr 3D真的很闪耀。这些耳机使用40毫米的司机,在尺寸方面是相当标准的。但卷不是一切。清晰度,分离和空间感对大多数用户更重要。

默认的EQ是平坦的,在整个频谱中具有大量响应。有很好的sReview of the Treblab E3 Active Noise Canceling Over-Ear Wireless Headphoneseparation, which allows plenty of space between vocals, strings, and bass or drums. The bass packs plenty of punch, but doesn’t overwhelm the rest of the music. If you want even more powerful bass, consider theMpow H19。These are high-quality headphones, with an exceptionally punchy bass.

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SHIVR 3D的一部分质量可归因于其音频峰值滤波器(APF)技术。这减少了极响亮的声音的体积,导致声音更加和谐。还有2.1通道环绕声,所以你可以获得与工作室耳机的相同空间感。您还可以获得APTX低延迟协议的好处。这不会降低延迟,因为它将在具有蓝牙5.0支持的耳机上。但是,它确实有助于提高电池寿命。

The SHIVR 3D offers two ways of dealing with background noise. The first is active noise cancelling, which is extremely effective. It blocks out background noise from all frequencies, which ensures a distraction-free listening experience. This is a great choice if you use public transportation, or if you spend a lot of time in crowded places.

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The other way of dealing with background noise is to use SHIVR’s conversation mode. With the push of a button, you can temporarily reduce the volume level and let background noise in. The most obvious purpose is for quick interactions, like checking out at the drug store. But this is also a great feature if you need to temporarily boost your situational awareness for safety.

Shivr 3D不提供的一件事是麦克风或免提呼叫支持。对于大多数人来说,这是必要的。毕竟,免提呼叫主要是为耳塞设计的。但如果这对您很重要,则您确实有其他选项,例如Treblab E3。它与Shivr 3D类似,但它支持免提呼叫。

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Connectivity & Extra Features

有两种方法可以连接您的SHIVR 3D耳机。最明显的方法是简单地使用蓝牙连接。SHIVR 3D采用较旧的蓝牙4.2协议进行连接。此较旧协议的上行程序是它允许更长的范围。缺点是它比较新的5.0协议更稳定。这对电话来说可能是有问题的,但这不是一个问题,因为3D无论如何都不支持调用。更有问题的是延迟更高。延迟可以高达100毫秒,这不是音乐的问题。然而,观看电影或玩游戏时,它会分散注意力。

在这些情况下,最好使用3.5毫米辅助cable, which is included in the kit. This won’t allow for active noise cancelling, unfortunately. However, it also won’t drain your battery. There’s also a 2-prong airline adapter included in the kit. This is a nice feature, since it means you won’t need to pay for special headphones to enjoy your in-flight movie. Just keep this adapter in a safe place, since it’s small and easy to lose.

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SHIVR 3 d功能内置传感器,汽车matically pause your audio when the headphones are removed. They also automatically resume your audio when you put the headphones back on. In addition, there’s a built-in gyroscope. When you lie down or recline in a chair, they’ll automatically re-shape the surround sound to compensate. This ensures that you won’t get disoriented just because you’re lying down.

SHIVR is currently developing a companion app for the SHIVR 3D. The app is supposed to allow for a customized EQ, as well as customize various other features. That said, there’s no release date for the app at the time of this writing. So take this with a grain of salt.

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So, are SHIVR’s 3D Bluetooth Headphones值得投资?我们以响亮的是回答。一方面,声音质量非常好,比市场上的大多数蓝牙耳机更好。他们也特别舒适。坚固,衬垫的头带没有挖到你的头部。耳朵杯两者都可以自由枢转,并为您的脸提供安全的舒适密封。最后,额外的功能增加了很多价值。特别是,有源噪声消除和对话模式非常感谢。



  1. 凯文
    • Techguru.

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