Guide to the Best Sega Dreamcast to HDMI Converter

If you’re a fan of retro gaming, Sega games are an essential part of your library. Now known as a publisher, Sega used to be one of the two main console manufacturers, along with Nintendo. Their earlier-generation consoles, the Sega Master System and Sega Genesis, were major successes. On these systems, you’ll find the first Sonic the Hedgehog games and the Phantasy Star series. The Sega Genesis also brought us the first Mortal Kombat games, which remain a popular franchise even on newer consoles.

后来SEGA控制台,例如SEGA CD,SEGA SETURN和32X Genesis适配器不太成功。但所有这些系统都有共同点是他们使用相同的视频端口的事实。结果,如果你买一个converterfor one, you’ve got a converter for all of them. A simple 9-pin converter with an 8-pin adapter will get the job done. Unfortunately, with Sega’s last system, the Dreamcast, they changed up the video output.

First launched in the US in September of 1999, the Sega Dreamcast sold 1.5 million units by year’s end. But then, sales stagnated. Sony’s announcement of the PlayStation 2 put a damper on sales in the new year. The PlayStation 2 was a more powerful console with more processing power. It also used a DVD drive, which allowed for larger games than the Dreamcast’s GD ROM technology. Moreover, Sega had significant problems with game production. Millions of defective GD ROM discs were sold, which ultimately had to be returned and replaced.

playing sega dreamcast

This led to a death spiral for the console. Sega reduced prices several times in order to drive sales, so they were actually losing money with each unit sold. In theory, they could have recouped these losses by selling more games. But a lack of consumer confidence meant that they still weren’t selling many consoles. And with a small customer base, developers were leery of developing games for the Dreamcast. In March, 2001, Sega officially discontinued the console, and got out of the hardware market altogether.

This is really a shame, because the Dreamcast offered some of the best games available. For example, Sonic Adventure was one of the best-reviewed Sonic games of all time. And Shenmue and Shenmue II were so successful that Sega continued the franchise. Ironically, they published Shenmue III as a PlayStation 2 exclusive, after the Dreamcast’s demise. In addition, the Dreamcast featured several ports of popular arcade games, such as Crazy Taxi. These are games you can’t play on any other console.

Sadly, because of its short lifespan and low sales, it can be hard to come by original Dreamcast hardware. Moreover, the original VGA output isn’t compatible with modern TVs. If you still have the original VGA cable, you can always use anRCA to HDMI converter。但if your cable is damaged, you’ll need a specialized converter. Remember how Sega changed their output plug layout? Because of that, you won’t be able to use your Sega Genesis converter. You’ll need a dedicated Dreamcast to HDMI converter.

今天,我们将研究三个这些设备。首先,我们将查看Sega Dreamcast的英镑HD链路电缆。这款适配器体育了一个突破HDMI电缆,因此如果您愿意,可以使用更长或更高质量的电缆。接下来,我们将查看Wreamcast的超级高清电缆。这是一款易于安装和易于使用的一体化单元。最后,我们将看看Sega Dreamcast的Levelhike HDMI电缆。这个分离单位可能有点挑剔,但一旦你的工作就会提供令人惊叹的结果。


Dreamcast Video Output Standards



可悲的是,跨界玩从未成为现实。但about 90 percent of the Dreamcast’s game library supports 480p graphics. That said, about 10 percent will only work with an RCA output. All of the adapters on our list are designed for a 480p video signal. This makes them compatible with modern TVs, and eliminates the need for a power supply for upscaling. That said, they won’t work for a small portion of Dreamcast games. Among these are Gunlord, Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, Mars Matrix, Fast Striker, World Impact, and Marvel vs. Capcom I. For most other games, including Shenmue, Crazy Taxi, and Sonic Adventure, you won’t have any issues. Now, let’s check out these converters!

POUND HD Link Cable for Sega Dreamcast

POUND HD Link Cable for Sega Dreamcast

POUND HD Link Cable for Sega Dreamcastis a simple, two-piece unit. The video connector features a 9-inch connection cable, with a small black fob that does the converting. The fob is compact and lightweight, with a matte black ABS plastic shell. It has a bold white POUND logo on the front, with an HDMI port on the other end. The kit includes a 3-foot HDMI cable for quick and easy setup. This should be good enough for most configurations. However, if you need a longer cable, the breakaway design allows for it. You can also replace the stock cable with a higher-quality, premium HDMI cable.

Image Quality and Performance

这POUND HD Link Cable for Sega Dreamcast displays video in full 480p. Provided your HD display is compatible with 480p, you’ll be good to go. In addition, the converter removes much of the “fog” found in original Dreamcast signals. You’ll notice that textures are a bit crisper and sharper than they were previously. This isn’t due to upscaling, since there’s no upscaling taking place. It’s simply due to the superior transmission quality you get with an HDMI cable versus standard VGA.

POUND HD Link Cable for Sega Dreamcast

也就是说,颜色准确性不如我们所喜好的那样好。颜色明显更暗,因此您可能需要通过升高电视上的亮度来补偿。增加对比度在这方面也非常有帮助。Bullkier VGA到HDMI转换器将以更准确度完成工作。但是,这将假设您仍然有一个工作的Dreamcast视频线开始。如果您没有,则为HDMI转换器的Dreamcast是您唯一的现实选项。

Due to the nature of the display, some games might not appear centered in your TV. Fortunately, this is very easy to fix. Simply turn off your TV, then turn it back on, and your problem should be solved. Alternatively, simply turn on your Dreamcast before you turn on your TV. This will ensure that your game appears smack in the center of your display.



Dreamcast的超藻高清电缆is a bit different than the POUND cable. Instead of a breakaway design, it’s an all-in-one unit. This makes it easier to manage, since you’ll only have one component to work with. Moreover, the cable is 7 feet in total length. This means you can use it in more configurations, without the need to worry about an extension. The converter box itself is a plain black, and is located roughly in the center of the cable.



Image Quality and Performance

As with all of our converter options, the Hyperkin HD Cable for Dreamcast outputs in 480p. As a result, your HD television will need to support this format. Most modern televisions do, but it’s best to be sure before you click that “buy” button.

这signal itself is clean and clear, but there’s no significant improvement over a standard VGA signal. The textures are not noticeably improved, nor are the edges smoother. We’re not saying the Hyperkin converter is bad. We’re just saying it doesn’t improve the texture quality. Essentially, you’re getting a simple converter that works as advertised. That said, if you want a major boost to image quality, you might want to look for some better options.

One area where the Hyperkin converter stands out is color quality. Colors are noticeably brighter, to the point where you might actually want to reduce your TV’s saturation level. But if you like your games to look as bright and fun as possible, you’re looking at a top-notch converter.

Sega Dreamcast的Levelhike HDMI电缆

Sega Dreamcast的Levelhike HDMI电缆

Sega Dreamcast的Levelhike HDMI电缆与我们已经看过的英镑电缆有类似的设计。它有一个分体设计的设计,有一个梦想的视频连接器,最后有一个小的FOB。FOB是紧凑且哑光的黑色,带有LED灯,指示它何时插入。它在底部也有很少的橡胶脚,因此易于在您的Dreamcast旁边的架子上定位。

这video connector sports a 1-foot cable, while the HDMI cable measures six feet in length. This is plenty long for most setups, but you can always replace it with a longer one. Moreover, you can replace it with a premium HDMI cable for an even better picture. The converter comes with a one-year manufacturer’s warranty against any defects.

Sega Dreamcast的Levelhike HDMI电缆

Image Quality and Performance

SEGA Dreamcast的Levelhike HDMI电缆产生非常高质量的图像。你会得到颜色再现,这是真的到原来,也不太暗也不太亮。你也会得到改善的纹理。图像将是良好的柔软,锯齿状边缘较少,像素较少。此外,图像更柔和,消除了您通常在原始Dreamcast输出上看到的雾霾。



As you can see, each of these cables comes with its own unique benefits and drawbacks. But which one is the best? To begin with, thePOUND HD Link Cable for Sega Dreamcastoffers excellent performance at a reasonable price. It significantly improves textures, as well as removing fog. That said, the color is a bit dark. The cable is also on the short side, but you can always replace it with your own if that’s an issue.

Next, we looked at theDreamcast的超藻高清电缆。这all-in-one design is very convenient to use, and the cable is long enough for almost any setup. On the other hand, the textures aren’t improved over the base Dreamcast cable. But the colors are nice and bright, and the cable is easy to use.

最后,我们审查了Sega Dreamcast的Levelhike HDMI电缆。该转换器提供卓越的纹理和颜色。它还在一个长的电缆上进行体育,如果您需要,可以更换甚至更长的电缆。有时可能有点抽搐,所以设置可以采取一点努力。但是,如果你愿意进入时间,它是市场上最好的转换电缆。


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