Satechi USB-C功率计Review



这Satechi USB-C功率计is an inexpensive tool designed to help you answer these questions. We decided to put it to the test, and see if we could answer a few questions for ourselves while we were at it.

Satechi USB-C功率计

First Look

Satechi USB-C功率计is a compact little device that is designed to be operated in-line with your USB-C devices. This means that you plug the meter itself into your USB-C port, then your charger plugs into the back of it. On the face of the device, there is a compact OLED display that provides some information about the current that is passing through it. It’s pretty simple in terms of functionality, but we were still surprised at just how useful the output wound up being.



Satechi USB-C功率计

这plastic case is fairly rigid, and built to the same standard as any USB drive. It feels solid in the hand, and we don’t see ourselves breaking it from daily use. That being said, we don’t recommend you abuse it in any way. But it’s not the enclosure that caught our attention the most, it’s what was inside. The black OLED display contains bright blue LEDs that are extremely clear and easy to see, but aren’t hard on the eyes at all. We constantly caught ourselves glancing over from the laptop screen to check the charging rate and power consumption.

One of the nice things about USB-C is that it’s reversible. Although there are USB 3.0 power meters available, if your USB ports are oriented the wrong way you’ll have the screen facing the ground, negating the usefulness of the meter. But this is not the case with USB-C, since you can always flip it over.


这re are three measurements on the face of the meter and one indicator. It measures voltage, amperage, and amp-hours. Generally, people think of power in terms of watts. In reality, watts are determined by multiplying the voltage by the current. Voltage shows the potential electrical charge, while amperage is more of a measure of the volume of electrical flow. 1 amp of current at 120V is ten times more powerful than 1 amp at 12V. This is easy to see with a wattage measurement, as 120W is clearly 10 times larger than 12 watts.

Satechi USB-C功率计

但从测量角度来看,通过这种方式测量电流更有意义。这是因为MAH或Milliamp Hours的总功耗显示。毫安是AMP的1/1000,电池容量始终根据MAH测量。例如,让我们说,你有一个拥有3000 mah的手机。如果它以1A的速度充电,则会很容易判断电池将在3小时内收费。

这对于确定电池组的实际容量也很好。例如,让您购买A *** 20,000 MAH电池组。这并不一定意味着你将获得20,000 MAH。如果电池组被评定为12V并且您为19V设备充电,则转换将存在一些损失。使用此仪表,您可以确定提供给笔记本电脑的可用电流是否有多少可用电流,并对电池的有用程度进行适当的估计。

Satechi USB-C功率计


One of the biggest flaws with USB 3.0 power meters was that they did not support data pass through. This meant that you could only use the meter on a cellphone, or other simple charger. If you tried to transfer data through it, it simply wouldn’t work. Obviously, this is not idea with USB-C since you have so many devices on the same hub, many of which are heavy data users. That is why we were happy to learn that this device is fully compliant with the USB-C standard, so you can connect anything you want to it without any compatibility issues.


When we first got this meter, we thought that it would be something that we’d use for a little bit, then lose interest. After all, once you know how your batteries behave, you won’t need to know again for the future, right?

Satechi USB-C功率计

What we found was quite the opposite. We found several scenarios where the meter was incredibly handy to have. One example was measuring charge when using ourUSB-C docking station. This dock allowed us to plug in some external hard drives, a monitor, and our laptop charger all into one USB-C port. But while these devices are in use, the power that we intended to use to charge our computer is being diverted to run our peripherals. With everything hooked up, our laptop was only charging at about 75% of its normal rate.

Another thing we found was that some USB-C cables have more loss than others. The cable we got with our Pixel phone is one of the best of the bunch, with a volt drop of only 0.1V. Meanwhile, some cheap cables we got online have volt drops of 0.5V each.



这个功率计有两个小问题。首先,仪表仅在应用电源时打开。如果将官方Apple MacBook充电器插入仪表而不将其连接到您的计算机,则不会发生任何反应。将其插入笔记本电脑后,随着电源开始流动,屏幕打开。


另一个问题是,屏幕不旋转。When it’s on the left side of your computer, the text is upright. But on the right side, text appears to be upside down. This is something we hope to see fixed in future versions.

Satechi USB-C功率计



Now, theSatechi USB-C功率计isn’t going to be for everyone. If you’re only using a single USB-C device and never plan on straying from the manufacturer stock chargers, the use is a little more limited. But if you ever have multiple devices on one port, or want to see if you can make your devices charge faster, this is a great buy.

如果您正在寻找更多方法来利用您的USB-C端口,我们强烈推荐拾取一个USB-C docking station. This allows you to take the seemingly spartan connectivity of your new laptop and open up the ability to connect a plethora of devices. Of course, these hubs should definitely be used in conjunction with this power meter, so you’ll be able to prevent your battery from draining too quickly.


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