
Have you ever been walking out of your house in the morning streaming some video or on a Wi-Fi call, only to have the call drop? What about having the video simply stop buffering because your phone disconnected from the WiFi the moment you stepped outside? This is a pain that comes with almost every home router. They are simply not rated to get a strong connection through all of your walls across the entire building.



A much easier way is to check out WiFi extenders or a Mesh system that can actually expand the coverage to your entire home. This way you never have to experience the pain that comes when foolishly deciding to put your router near your living room game console, that happens to be on the opposite end of the house as your bedroom. Then realize that you cant get a good signal to stay awake all night looking at photos of cats, the pain is just too much.








安全– How safe are you anyway?

使用Rock Space网络WiFi网络,您同时具有防火墙和WPA2-PSK功能。PSK代表“预共享密钥”,该密钥可提供对您的连接的加密,只有您的键才能解密。使用称为TKIP(含义时间密钥完整性协议)的技术,密码和SSID用于为连接到无线网络的每个设备生成一个唯一的加密密钥。那是与该设备共享的密钥,并用于保护路由器和连接设备之间的流量。


有了较旧的WPA技术,黑客可以轻松地进入您的网络。一旦他们在里面,他们几乎可以做任何事情。为了真正让您了解黑客进入较旧的WPA网络的容易,我们将为您总结它的完成方式。有一个名为Kali Linux的开源Linux发行版,该分发带有大量黑客式工具。这些工具包括您将wifi网络破解所需的一切。黑客要做的就是获取该操作系统,打开终端并运行Airmon-NG并选择其网络接口卡。




It is as simple as that. Such an attack would often take no longer than a few minutes and a hacker could break into your home network. Once in the network they are able to then target your personal computers or phones or just capture all the traffic coming from them with a man in the middle attack. If you are sending unencrypted data on your home network because you believe yourself to be safe, a hacker that has broken in could see all of that data, including payment card data or the list of websites you are visiting and the credentials to those sites.

We hope that explanation has caused you a bit of fear because it absolutely should. The internet is not a secure place and when you use old technology with outdated security protocols you open yourself up to becoming a victim. That is why at a bare minimum you should be using WPA2-PSK to protect yourself on your home network.


With the built in firewall software on the Rock Space Mesh network, you are able to restrict individual traffic types or lock down specific ports. This in combination with your first layer of security should be enough to stop most threats. If you know which protocols you will be using you can make sure that only traffic on those ports is permitted.




Along with a massive coverage range the performance with MU-MIMO technology is great. Most wireless routers can stream data to only a single connected device at a time. When you have multiple devices connected to a router they create a line to pull the requested data which can cause slow downs on your network.

With MU-MIMO which stands for Multi-User, Multiple Input, Multiple Output, a network can stream to multiple devices simultaneously. This results in around three times the throughput to each devices which results in a faster internet experience for all of your devices.


这也是一个双频段网络,因此您同时获得2.4 GHz和5 GHz,速度高达1200Mbps,旨在充分利用您的千兆网络连接。这意味着您可以在整个网络网络网络上获得高速速度。


Rock Space为Android和iPhone提供了一个移动应用程序,使您可以管理网络并使设置过程变得非常容易。如果您想向客人提供有限的访问或不同的凭据,则可以从应用程序中创建来宾网络。您还拥有各种各样的父母控制,可以轻松地从手机中配置。最重要的是,您可以设置QoS函数内置。


QoS stands for quality of service which allows you to tag packets for priority on the network. That means if you want to ensure your personal laptop has priority over all other devices you can set that up in the QoS settings. This way no one downloading or streaming movies will cause your own internet to slow down. This is a particularly useful setting to configure for your home router if you live with many other people and require segmented traffic rules.


This is an incredibly well designed mesh network system with very few drawbacks. The only major drawback that we found was the lack of WPA3 security on the router. As we mentioned before, cracking WPA is very easy and cracking WPA2 though much harder, is still not impossible. The implementation of the latest WPA3 security and encryption would have been a way to bring this mesh network to the next level. Unfortunately they opted to use WPA2-PSK instead and for that we have to dock them a bit for the rating.


除了选择安全协议的轻微错误之外,其余的技术在岩石空间全家网眼Wi-Fi系统is great. This is a business class network that can be used for homes as well. Despite the target market being a home user, if you own a restaurant or franchise business you can easily install this mesh network in your building. The individual devices are easy to mount, take up very little space, and look good. So they can provide you with the public WI-FI that your guests can enjoy.


