Panasonic RZ-S300W vs. RZ-S500W Earbuds Review & Comparison

Panasonic is primarily known for their cameras and other video equipment. However, they also produce some quality earbuds,some of whichwe’ve过去审查。今天,我们将研究他们的两个新产品RZ-S300W和RZ-S500W耳塞。这两个芽旨在提供最优质的声音,并具有您期望的所有现代功能。直到7月12日,它们才能向公众开放,但是我们有机会偷看。那么,哪对更好?让我们仔细看看,看看RZ-S300W和RZ-S500W带来了什么。

Panasonic RZ-S300W

Panasonic RZ-S300W

The松下RZ-S300W耳塞will immediately catch your eye with their mint green design. Admittedly, this look isn’t for everybody. But they certainly stand out from the pack. They have a small, “shell”-style design, rather than the AirPod-style design of many modern earbuds. If you prefer a small, compact form factor, you’ll love the design.

The buds are designed to sit snugly in your ear canal. First off, this will prevent them from easily falling out. Secondly, it ensures passive noise protection. For this to work, you need a secure fit. So if you’re not happy, try either the larger or smaller-sized ear tips that are included in the kit. The tips themselves are fairly slender, and sit deep in your ears. Once you’ve found the right fit, you’re going to be just fine.

Panasonic RZ-S300W

The RZ-S300W buds come with a water-resistance rating of IPX4. This means that they’re splash-resistant, but not submersion resistant or able to withstand streams. In other words, you can wear them during a sweaty workout, but you’ll want to take them out before showering.

Like most wireless earbuds, the RZ-S300W buds come with a charging case. The case has a clamshell design, and a mint green ABS plastic construction that matches the buds. The matte finish is easy to keep clean, and doesn’t show fingerprints like some high-gloss cases. On the front, there’s a small depression under the lid that makes it easy to pop open with one hand. There are three LED lights below the lid, which display the battery’s current status. On the inside of the lid, you’ll see two small foam pads. These hold the earbuds in place while they’re charging. So you can carry the case in your backpack without worrying about the buds popping out or getting scratched.

Panasonic RZ-S300W

Battery and Connectivity

The RZ-S300W earbuds carry enough charge for five hours of playback. This is sufficient for just about any purpose. Even if you have a long two-way commute on public transportation, you’ll be just fine. Wear them on your morning jog, take them to work, and wear them home again. Then recharge them in the evening and get ready for your next day. If you’re on the road, you can use the charging case without plugging it in. It holds enough juice for 21 hours of additional battery life, for a total of 26 hours. You can take a weekend trip and not need to worry about recharging your RZ-S300W buds.

Panasonic RZ-S300W


松下RZ-S300W耳塞的一个独特功能是它们没有物理控制。相反,它们配备了一个专用的应用程序,该应用程序运行所有耳塞功能。Panasonic Audio Connect应用程序在Android和iOS上均可免费使用。该应用程序允许您更改轨道,调整卷,接听电话或结束电话。它还可以解决配对问题,甚至可以帮助您找到丢失的耳塞!对于免提控制,该应用程序与Alexa,Siri和Google Assistant兼容。因此,如果您不想拿出手机进行更改,Siri可以提出您喜欢的歌曲。

Panasonic RZ-S300W



When it comes to call quality, the RZ-S300W buds perform very well. They don’t have CVC 8.0 noise cancelling. However, the high-performance mics offer excellent performance. They’re engineered inside a deep channel, which does an excellent job of blocking wind and crowd noise. As with any earbuds, what you hear is going to depend on the other person’s mics.

Panasonic RZ-S500W

Panasonic RZ-S500W

ThePanasonic RZ-S500W earbudshave a more traditional design than the RZ-S300W. Instead of a mint green shell, they have a matte black shell that’s a little more laid back. That said, the RZ-S500W buds have a similar form factor. They’re compact, and the ear tips extend deep into your ears, ensuring a secure fit. For maximum comfort and security, make sure your tips have the right fit. If it hurts when you put the buds in, use the smaller tips. If they’re wobbling around, use the larger tips. When properly fitted, they aren’t just comfortable; they also provide plenty of passive noise isolation.


Panasonic RZ-S500W

The RZ-S500W case has a matte black finish that matches the shells of the earbuds. It doesn’t show fingerprints, and it’s easy to keep clean. It has a traditional, clamshell-style design, with a spring-loaded lid that won’t pop open on its own. Even so, it’s still easy to open. There’s a groove under the lid that can be used for one-handed operation. Inside the groove, there’s a set of three LED lights that display the current battery level.

Battery and Connectivity


Panasonic RZ-S500W

The RZ-S500W earbuds can be paired either individually or as a pair. Obviously, using both buds is best for music. But using a single bud is a great choice for hands-free calling. As a side benefit, it effectively doubles your battery life. And the Bluetooth 5.0 protocol ensures a stable signal with clean, clear audio.

Just like the RZ-S300W earbuds, the RZ-S500W buds utilize Panasonic’s Audio Connect app for controls. You can operate all the standard functions right from your smartphone. And with voice assistant compatibility, you can even operate the controls hands-free. This is a great feature when you’re carrying two bags through a busy airport.

Panasonic RZ-S500W


RZ-S500W味蕾利用一对8毫米司机that are a bit larger than average. This allows them to put out more volume than the RZ-S300W buds. It also allows for better bass response. You’ll hear strong, punchy drums and low synths. Even so, the soundstage remains nice and wide. There’s separation between all the instruments, as well as the vocals. Mids and highs are clean and clear, without any interference or crossover. If you’re looking for earbuds that are suitable for all genres, you’ve got your eye on a solid choice.


Panasonic RZ-S500W



So, which of these earbuds is the best? It depends on what you need. To begin with, let’s acknowledge the obvious: thePanasonic RZ-S500W earbuds提供一些额外的功能。更大的驱动程序s allow for more powerful bass and a louder volume overall. Not only that, but the ANC is a welcome feature on any pair of earbuds. Usually, you’ll only find this feature on over-the-ear headphones. On the other hand, the battery life is a bit limited, mostly due to the larger drivers and ANC.

The松下RZ-S300W耳塞,,,,on the other hand, offer slightly less volume and noise isolation. That’s not to say they’re a bad choice, though. Considering the small driver size, the sound quality is still very good. Not only that, but they’re more budget-friendly than the RZ-S500W buds. The battery life is also superior, more in line with what you expect from a modern pair of earbuds. And the design is fun and playful, adding an individualistic flair to an accessory that’s usually merely utilitarian.


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