Guide to the Best Wireless Android Auto Adapters for 2022

By now, we’re all aware of the dangers of texting and driving. Simply put, if you’re on your phone, you shouldn’t be driving. That’s all well and good, but it presents certain practical challenges for responsible drivers. For one thing, a lot of us use a phone app, like Waze, for navigation. For another thing, most people use their phones to play audio nowadays. And …

Best PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Network Interface Cards (NIC)

We’re often reviewing networking technology from the wireless side of the industry. Wireless networking is changing every day. We’ll look at a router and determine that it’s the fastest on the market, then three months later something better has come along. When you’re sending data through the air, you’re constantly battling a number of different issues. Signal quality, clarity, obstructions, and interference are all major …

Ultimate Guide to the Best 2000w Pure Sine Wave Inverter

Inverters are burdened with the difficult task of converting DC power to AC power. For smaller and more portable pure inverters, more often than not, that means converting from the DC current of a battery to the AC current used by most household appliances. AC generators have their place. If you’re willing to transport and burn fuel, endure fumes, and ignore the roar of an …

3 of the Best 12v DC to DC Battery Chargers

At first glance, using a DC to DC battery charger might seem redundant. Why not just charge directly from your power source? There are a couple of reasons for this, and the first is a multi-battery vehicle setup. If you’re trying to keep your backup battery charged, it can be very difficult on a modern vehicle. The reason for this is that modern “smart” alternators …