Guide to the Best Thin & Flat Extension Cords in 2022

As a homeowner, you probably have a lot of electrically-powered devices. You have kitchen appliances, TVs, and probably a game console or two. You need to run your work computer, as well as your tablet, and you also have to charge your phone. Point being, no matter how many power outlets there are in your house, you probably want more. This can be particularly irritating …


Many people crave office jobs for their creature comforts. This only makes sense. In an office or home office, you don’t have to worry about hot or cold weather. You’re not out in the rain, and your risk of a major workplace injury is virtually zero. For these and other reasons, many “blue collar” jobs actually pay better than your average office job. It turns …

Ultimate Guide to the Best Thermal Paste for 2021-2022

Modern CPUs produce plenty of heat, especially when you’re doing computationally intensive tasks. How well you manage that heat will ultimately impact the both the performance of your PC and the lifespan of your processor. Even if you’re only interested in casual use, like browsing the web, having an effective approach to heat management is still in your best interests. And if you’re using a …

The Best WiFi Smart Slow Cooker & Pressure Cooker

Sometimes, it’s nice to spend an entire day in the kitchen. Everybody looks forward to Thanksgiving, and the time we spend as a family. It’s not just about enjoying a meal together. It’s about the preparation, and sharing the entire experience. But Thanksgiving is a holiday. Most days, we’re juggling real-world responsibilities like work, childcare, and laundry. On these ordinary days, cooking tends to be …