Best 2.5 & 3.5-Inch SATA Hard Drive Enclosures

No matter how much we upgrade our computers, it seems that storage is the one thing we just can’t get enough of. It’s easy to buy a manufactured external drive, but there are some disadvantages. External drives tend to have a little extra markup, and the manufacturers save money by using a slower speed internal drive. Picking up an external hard drive enclosure can save …

Guide to the Best Two-Way Radio Headset and Earpiece

Two-way radios with headsets used to be the domain of security, whether private or government. Watch any cheesy action movie from the 90s, and you’ll see men in black suits with earpieces. And, to be fair, radios are still essential for security. Everyone from the Secret Service to Paul Blart Mall Cop uses them. But headsets have far more applications. For example, suppose you run …

Best PCIe RAID Controller Cards (2022 Updated)

If you’re looking to expand the capabilities of your computer, RAID is a very powerful platform that can be utilized. There are three main benefits to using a RAID system. First, you’ll be able to add and maintain more storage space. Second, you can improve the performance of your hard drives or solid state disks well beyond what’s possible with a single disk system. Lastly, …

Guide to the Best Wall Mounted Surge Protectors for 2022

For anyone who owns valuable electronics, surge protectors are essential. Because if an electrical incident occurs, you don’t want to have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars replacing your stuff. In some circumstances, a surge protector is your only line of defense against that kind of outcome. Wall mounted surge protectors are essentially the same as surge protectors with cords. Their main difference is …

最好的智能车内安装空气净化器(2022年更新d Guide)

There’s no such thing as being too concerned about your home’s air quality. Whether you’re worried about allergens, odors, or general air pollution, an air purifier is a powerful tool. But there’s a wide variety of air purifiers available on today’s market with different sets of features. Before you choose one for your home, you need to consider your actual needs. What kinds of contaminants …