审查Onelink Secure Connect(双和三带)Wi-Fi网格系统


Onelink Secure Connect(双和三频段)整个家庭Wi-Fi网格系统

Onelink最近发布了两组旨在解决此问题的网格路由器系统。第一个是Dual-Band Wi-Fi Mesh System, and the second is the三带Wi-Fi网格系统。他们可能听起来非常相似,但这两条设备实际上是完全不同的。

当然,他们有很多相似之处,这可以使其很难看到它们在不同的方式。这两者都是基本上的,因为它们使用802.11ac Wi-Fi架构,两者都能够提供多个网格接入点。它们还具有相同的安全功能。

Onelink Secure Connect.

Dual Band vs Tri Band Systems




Onelink Secure Connect.



在物理上讲,Onelink的双频控制台测量为2.5 x 5.5 x 6.6英寸。它类似于大型白色烧瓶,旨在垂直休息。三频座机测量7.0 x 8.8 x 1.6英寸,旨在水平休息。它看起来更像是一个大型的矩形火灾探测器。考虑到这家设备是由Onelink制作的。


The reason why Onelink took the time to make these routers look attractive is because you probably shouldn’t be storing away your Wi-Fi nodes. Think of them like antennas, after all, that’s literally what’s inside of them. In any case, that’s why aesthetic isn’t a totally unimportant concern for a mesh router.

Onelink Secure Connect.



For the dual-band version, the reset button is recessed well-within the chassis of the router, similar to most other home router equipment. But the spacing provided to access the reset button is actually quite wide, so you don’t need to go searching for a pin or needle to do so. On the tri-band version, the reset button is not nearly as large and accessible, which is slightly disappointing.

Network Coverage and Speed

在这两种情况下,onelINK Secure Connect在四核处理器的帮助下构造了接入点。具有合理良好的处理能力对于该路由器的最佳功能之一,专用无线回程通道至关重要。这是您现在只在市场上最好的家庭路由器中找到的东西。



在任何一种情况下,这些设备都旨在适自动支持家庭助理,相机和类似的Wi-Fi连接设备。也许无处可见,而不是安全保护 - 这路由器可以扫描出站流量来寻找感染的迹象。这样,即使是没有防病毒软件的设备,也可以很好地保护。

Onelink Secure Connect.


关于安全选项,您将找到Onelink Secure Connect整个家庭Wi-Fi网格系统能够基本上交付所有普通的家庭用户可能期望的所有内容。例如,您可以为网络上的每个人创建个性化配置文件,然后给出唯一的权限。


What you won’t find are the kinds of protections typically reserved for business-tier equipment. For example, features to specifically for creating your own secure wireless VPN network. If you wanted to run a secure network exclusively consisting of the computers operating at your place of business, that might be an essential feature. But typical home office users shouldn’t have to think twice about that type of thing.

Onelink Secure Connect.


现在已经很容易设置路由器几年。在这方面,您可以非常希望与这些设备相同。Onelink策划了彻底的引导设置过程,通过Onelink Secure Connect应用程序逐步移动。这意味着您必须安装其应用程序。但它实际上并不是一个坏主意,因为应用程序允许您从您所需的任何地方监控您的网络。





The Onelink Whole Home Wi-Fi Mesh System includes a power adapter, Ethernet cable, and quick start guide. You can also pair them with a Onelink Safe & Sound Smoke CO Alarm, but those alarm units are not included with this router system. If you happen to have an extremely well-connected smart-home, then you would definitely want that kind of support.

Onelink doesn’t mention their equipment having any gaming features. But if you dig around through user menus, you’ll find it’s not hard to setup some basic traffic prioritization. Apart from being useful for gaming, it’s also quite useful for downloading large files, or streaming high bandwidth video content.

Because Onelink doesn’t have extensive experience creating router equipment, their support pages aren’t as robust as equipment made by long-standing manufacturers. With that said, you shouldn’t encounter those kinds of issues anyway. And if you happen to encounter a serious problem, you’ll find Onelink’s warranties compare with the best of them.

Onelink Secure Connect.


在许多方面,在这个设备之间很容易选择。他们真的在涉及覆盖问题时才有所不同。美元为美元,双乐队版本Onelink Whole Home System非常壮观。您只能获得一个节点来帮助扩展您的网络,但可能是大多数人都需要的一切。如果您正在尝试熄灭单个Wi-Fi死区,小或大,双频套件几乎可以帮助您。

如果你想消除一个以上的wi - fidead zone, then you’ll want to consider using the tri-band version instead. It includes two nodes to help expand your network, which means you’re capable of ending two distinct Wi-Fi dead zones, small or large. Additionally, the Tri-Band Wi-Fi Mesh System has coverage options that literally compare with industrial scale equipment.



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