Netgear Nighthawk X10 AD7200 WiFi Router Review

When we’re out hunting for the latest tech, we’re always on the lookout for something that is faster, more powerful, and all-around better. One of the fastest growing industries is wireless networking. What was once considered the top-dog is now considered yesterday’s news. If you’re on the hunt for a high performance wireless router, then NETGEAR has something exciting you might want to check out.

Nighthawk X10它的声称是目前市场上最快的路由器。它可以忍受测试吗?我们决定找出答案。

Netgear Nighthawk X10

First Look

Netgear Nighthawk X10当然是一个强大的路由器。这是莱克阀门ely much larger than any router you’ve seen before, with four LED illuminated antennas extending from the sides and the back. Despite its high-performance look, it still manages to come across as a little more reserved than other high performance networking equipment on the market. It’s got sleek, smooth edges. The smooth triangular design on the face contrasts nicely with the deep grooves of the cooling vents, creating a look that is completely unique. But looks can only get you so far, so we’ll have to see how it performs to make a judgement.


Netgear advertises the X10 as having a total Wi-Fi bandwidth of 7.2Gbps, or AD7200, which is simply shocking. This is possible with a combination of 802.11ac and 802.11ad, a new technology we’ll get into shortly. This gives you a total of two 802.11a channels with a maximum bandwidth of 4600Mbps, an 802.11c channel with 1733Mbps of bandwidth, and an 802.11d channel with 800Mbps of bandwidth.

在如此多的动态接口上处理多个数据流肯定是一个小路由器可以处理的很多工作。NetGear必须通过在带有高级操作系统的1.7GHz Quad Core CPU中加强性能超出任何合理路由器的能力。这本身就是令人印象深刻的,但是他们包含的其他功能确实使该路由器脱颖而出。

Netgear Nighthawk X10


设置Nighthawk X10时,您会注意到的第一件事是它们的系统多么简单。您可以使用称为“ NetGear Up”的接口访问设置。您可以从计算机或智能手机上的应用程序访问它。它具有非常简单,易于导航的接口,可以逐步浏览安装过程。对我们来说,我们的网络非常通用。我们有几台台式PC和许多移动设备。在这种情况下,这只是插入路由器,打开应用程序并为您的网络选择密码的问题。一旦启动,您就可以进入路由器的更高级设置。

Netgear Up Mobile App

If you’re connecting your router to a corporate or heavily customized network, you might not be sure how to proceed. The X10 supports virtually every networking configuration in common use, so you can be pretty confident that it will work. But for those challenging technical issues, the NETGEAR UP application gives you one touch access to their support infrastructure. You can browse how-to topics and video tutorials, or connect and chat with a support representative in real time. Combined with the straightforward configuration procedure, this is one of the easiest routers to set up that we’ve ever seen.



一旦设置,你当然想take a look at all of the advanced software features that are available to you. All of the standard configuration options are available. You can view the devices currently connected to your network, look at real-time bandwidth statistics, set up security and access restriction tools, and access parental controls.

You also have some of the more advanced options we’ve occasionally seen on other routers. You can set up a public access hot spot that has no password, but more restrictive access times and bandwidth use. You implement powerful QoS (quality of service) optimization that keeps your networking running at it’s peak performance.

Netgear Nighthawk X10

But what really makes the X10 stand out is two unique features we don’t often encounter. The first is the Amazon Drive Cloud Backup system. Amazon offers free cloud storage for photos and music (or unlimited storage for a monthly fee) and you can configure it to automatically backup all of your devices with a few simple clicks. There’s a little configuration needed from your computer. For example, all files that need to be backed up should be accessible from the network. But beyond that, this is one of the easiest and most reliable backup systems we’ve used.

You’ve also got the advanced NAS, or Network Attached Storage, feature that’s built right in. The router has two USB 3.0 ports, allowing you to plug in external hard drives. All of your devices will now see these drives on the network, so you can access your data with ease.

Nighthawk X10Plex

最让我们印象深刻的是随附的Plex Media Server。PLEX是一种强大的媒体服务应用程序,可让您将所有本地存储的音乐和视频流式传输到任何家用设备。您可以通过本地存储共享连接到路由器的文件,也可以包括其他任何计算机的网络共享。亚洲官方合作伙伴PLEX为您提供了一个美丽的界面,可以从您的媒体播放器理解的格式中自动将这些文件转换为格式。支持任何PC或Mac,以及手机,游戏机和流灯棒。


Wireless networking technology really took off in 2003 when 802.11g was implemented. This was the first system that allowed for 100Mbps connection speeds, and drafted that standard for MIMO. This standard was updated to 802.11n, providing a small increase in bandwidth. Now, it’s what we know as 802.11ac. Although quite similar to the original 802.11g, it can provide users with access to 2 GHz of wireless spectrum. 802.11ad is yet another expansion of this standard, providing access over the 60 GHz band. When the two platforms are used together, they can offer a theoretical bandwidth of 7 Gbps. Hardware hasn’t been released that can constantly hit this limit yet, but the Nighthawk X10 is one of the first that can come close.

Netgear Nighthawk X10

像任何好路由器一样,Nighthawk X10与所有以前的无线标准兼容。最重要的是,它为您提供四个千兆以太网端口来连接有线设备。从历史上看,有线端口仅用于速度是最终优先事项的关键任务应用。在这一点上,用户最终可以比无线获得更好的性能。

这last standard that’s included is the SPF+ port. This looks like a standard gigabit Ethernet port, but it’s actually several bonded channels that provide you with 10 Gbps bandwidth. Not many consumers will have access to this technology, but it’s still among the best on the market.

Netgear Nighthawk X10

Real World Performance

At this point, there are很少甚至可以提供7 Gbps吞吐量的存储设备。从理论上讲,您也许可以使用一系列PCIE SSD,但是您迅速进入了耗资数千美元的存储解决方案领域。另外,市场上几乎没有802.11D兼容的网络卡,因此您无法完全利用此路由器的性能。


Netgear Nighthawk X10

Should I Get the Netgear Nighthawk X10?

If you want the best of the best, then you should definitely consider theNetgear Nighthawk X10. What sets it apart from other high performance routers is that it’s future proof. It’s got all the latest standards, even if some of them haven’t hit the market yet. You could leave this plugged into your home for the next 5 years, and it will still provide you with the bandwidth you need.

If you find yourself sharing lots of files over your home network, then you’ll see an immediate performance increase. Users who have high speed internet connections (50 Mbps+) can use this router knowing that it won’t bottleneck your connection.



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