mobvoi ticpods免费真实的无线蓝牙耳塞equired

For many people, it’s not the fact that headphone wires are burdensome to wear. The problem is they can be a hassle to carry. And unless you treat them with the utmost respect, wired earbuds will short within a few months. True wireless earbuds eliminate those problems completely.


Mobvoi TicPods Free True Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds

Mobvoi TicPods是由一个成功的群体集资活动吗. Any product that’s brought to market by popular demand is going to be at least a little bit interesting. And Mobvoi TicPods are somewhat interesting when you understand what they really are. From a superficial standpoint, they’re a mixture of true wireless earbuds and an athletic-friendly design.

Mobvoi TicPods

But their charging case allows them to enjoy a greatly extended battery capacity, and they have deep support for calling features which isn’t surpassed by any literally any other pair of earbuds on the market. It’s actually small successes in several areas that help the Mobvoi stand out in the otherwise saturated market of wireless Bluetooth earbuds.


Each TicPod earbud weighs about an ounce, with the entire kit inside the case weighs about four ounces. Each bud has a short antenna extending beneath its central frame. This design may appear largely aesthetic in nature, but an extended antenna allows for a phenomenal connection, as well as more space for each battery.

Mobvoi TicPods


The chassis is built with IPX5 protection, which defends the buds against dust, sand, and grit. The earbuds also withstand rain, sweat, and light splashing. They’re basically intended to have the endurance levels necessary to endure athletic activities. Consequently, they can manage just about anything short of taking a dive into a pool. The waterproofing does not protect against submersion.

IN-EAR检测是另一个功能,有助于区分MOBVOI TICPODS Free True Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds。这种功能正是它听起来像的那样 - 芽在你的耳朵里面时意识到。

Aesthetically, the TicPods are available in lava orange and navy blue. The navy blue is rather discreet and subdued, not really intended to stand out. By contrast, the lava orange is high-contrast and eye-catching.

Mobvoi TicPods

Battery Life

谈到他们的电池时,Mobvoi TicPods略显超过预期。每个芽都能够提供大约四个小时的寿命。从充电箱中获得额外的14小时游戏时间。一旦你已经收取了18小时的倾听,那么整套充电并准备就绪。能够通过整天获得全天确保Mobvoi Ticpods足够强大,几乎任何人都在寻找真正的无线蓝牙耳塞。

But there’s always room for criticism. Some earbuds will give you a connection to your smartphone, to display a detailed battery status indicator. Unfortunately, there’s no special software support to monitor the battery life of these buds. On the base of the antenna for each bud, a tiny LED is your only indication about the status of the battery.


Mobvoi TicPods

Charging Case

案件感觉就像它基本上没有什么,它实际上重约两盎司。考虑到在壳体内部锁定的强大电池,这有点令人惊讶。正如您所预期的那样,案例的颜色方案与每个MobVoi TicPod的颜色匹配。

The topside of the charging case pops opens with a simple thumb motion. It’s not totally obvious how each bud fits inside the case at first. But with a few minutes to get familiar with the case, you can start inserting the buds almost without looking.


Understandably, poor sync between the earbuds can be a deal-breaker for many listeners. Even a minor delay between the left and right bud can be a big problem when you’re trying to watch a movie, or listen to a conversation. But the connection between these two buds is so great, it may as well be wired. However, apart from getting the essentials right, there’s not much to praise about their sound quality.

It’s tough to get great audio quality from earbuds. Mobvoi TicPods are best characterized as having a balanced sound. The bass is smooth, though it has the same lack-of-punch that almost any other pair of earbuds suffers. More notably, there’s minimal distortion throughout its design. This allows the sound quality to remain steady, even when you’re listening at lower levels of volume.

The sound quality won’t disappoint someone who’s familiar with using in-ear headphones. The treble range provides ample clarity for cinematic experiences, but it’s somewhat lacking for some types of electronic music. As with many earbuds, the Mobvoi TicPods have a slight emphasis on their mid-range. It’s almost as if the Mobvoi TicPods were made specifically for making and taking calls. But it’s not clear if Mobvoi TicPods ever intended to aim for pristine audio quality, their goals seem to lie elsewhere.

Mobvoi TicPods

Earbud Comfort

每个耳塞的人体工程学都很顺利。虽然天线轻巧,但它充当了一个配重,以帮助保持耳朵内的mobvoi ticpods。另外,除了做这些基本的东西很好,还没有太多庆祝,同样少于粗磨。

When you’re trying to get comfort from in-ear headphones, having plenty of size-options for ear-tips is about 90% of the job. The other 10% is having ear-tips that are made well. But that’s something any decent brand manages to do correctly, and it’s almost a non-issue when you’re looking at headphones above the $100 range.

问题是mobvoi ticpods免费真正的无线蓝牙耳塞仅包括两种尺寸的耳机。第一尺寸是正常平均值;第二个尺寸很大。这些尺寸的选项确保了约90%的人将能够完美契合。另有5%的人可能会发现可通电的契合。这仍然意味着一些人无法访问mobvoi ticpods。

If you’ve had no trouble finding comfortable in-ear tips before, then the included sizing options will almost certainly cover you. But if you’ve struggled to find the right sizes before, especially because you needed smaller sizes, then you may be among the few who find the size options offered by the Mobvoi TicPods Free True Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds to be insufficient.

Mobvoi TicPods

Voice Controls

These days, almost any decent pair of earbuds can be configured to work with a voice assistant. The problem is not all of them have native support. Setup and configuration are added steps which are not always welcome, especially for people who are not technologically inclined.

Cutting to the chase, Mobvoi TicPods provide native support for voice assistants. Out of the box, you can start asking Siri or Google to take your questions. Essentially every voice assistant you can name finds equal support, and making use of the voice assistant feature is easy.


Mobvoi TicPods

Other Considerations

Mobvoi Ticpods免费真正的无线蓝牙耳塞对耳朵较小的人来说并不理想。如果您将它们与类似的真实无线耳塞进行比较,那么与更多谨慎的芽相比,天线设计有点笨拙。如果您无法毫不考虑酌情,则扩展天线将帮助您享受更强大的信号和更大的电池寿命,而不是在此价格点周围的许多耳塞。

When you’ve got truly wireless equipment like this, you’re at greater risk for a different type of headphone problem. You can accidentally lose one of the buds, causing you to need a replacement. But if you can manage to not lose them, it’s fair to estimate about three years of heavy daily use before you’ll need to think about replacement.


Mobvoi TicPods

Who Should Choose Mobvoi TicPods Free True Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds?


他们很聪明地设计,轻微强调呼叫支持和呼叫清晰度。虽然它们可以包含更多特征,相对于他们的价格,但是Mobvoi TicPodspresent a high value opportunity for a certain type of listener. They’re a particularly good choice for someone who values native voice assistant support, great battery life, and having certainty the earbud won’t pop out of your ear.

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