Micro HDMI vs. Mini HDMI – Differences Explained

如果您比25岁大的年轻,您可能会认为高清视频是“标准”视频。这表明我们在短时间内走了多远。从1941年到2000年代初,标准为720 x480像素或480p。这足以说明发生了什么,但是按照现代标准,这很模糊。例如,在曲棍球比赛的广泛镜头中,您看不到冰球!在2000年代初期,高清视频可用。该标准允许分辨率高达1,920 x 1,080像素或1080p。您可以看到曲棍球,以及各种其他细节。

如今,1080p分辨率不再是一些闪亮的新格式。这是常态!现在,像4K甚至8K这样的新格式开始出现在我们的客厅中。和其他设备开始变得高清。甚至几年前,在智能手机上流式传输1080p视频也是一个愚蠢的主意。只是没有足够的带宽。但是,既然您可以在智能手机上以1080p流式传输,则如何将图片放到大屏幕上。普通的HDMI端口将占用您的智能手机的三分之一!因此,制造商为较小的设备开发了两个较小的HDMI标准:Mini HDMI和Micro HDMI。让我们来谈谈Micro HDMI和Mini HDMI,以及为什么您可能更喜欢一个或另一个。


之前我们谈论任何特殊类型的HDMI出租车le, let’s start by talking about ordinary HDMI. Believe it or not, “standard” HDMI actually has a name: HDMI Type-A. Type-A HDMI cable is what probably comes to mind when you first think of HDMI. It’s the cable you use for most TVs, monitors, PCs, game consoles, Blu-Ray players, and set top boxes. In fact, most of these devices already come with an HDMI cable. If you’ve got one laying around, go ahead and pick one up and look in the end. There, you’ll see two rows of pins, with 19 pins in total.

hdmi diagram

This 19-pin design is the heart of all different types of HDMI connectors. Regardless of what type of HDMI cable you use, there will always be 19 tips. These 19 tips allow you to do everything that HDMI can do. Most obviously, it transmits video. For this, there are three tips belonging to each channel, as well as audio. There are additional channels called clock channels. These channels don’t actually carry any useful data, but they keep the other channels in sync. This prevents your screen from looking janky if the three color channels were to get out of sync. At this point, you’re probably thinking that it’s just a video cable, right? That’s what HDMI does.

That said, there are some extra advantages that HDMI offers other formats. For one thing, there’s a 5-volt power supply channel for delivering power to certain devices. Another channel is a monitor channel that keeps track of when devices are turned off. There’s even a so-called “swing pin” (pin 14), which is used as a utility pin for a variety of applications. For example, it can be used to transfer an Ethernet signal over short distances.

There’s one particular channel that bears mentioning before we continue. This is the CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) channel. The CEC channel allows you to do fun things, like program your soundbar to turn on whenever your TV does. Keep in mind, though, that your devices have to be compatible in order for CEC controls to function.

When choosing an ordinary HDMI cable (or any HDMI cable) look for an HDMI 2.0 cable. HDMI 2.0 supportsARC and eARC,它允许更高级的音频设置。存在ntially, they allow audio to be sent both ways, which is essential for many AV controllers. In addition, if you need to support 8K video, you’ll want a beefier HDMI 2.1 cable. Contrary to popular belief, HDMI 2.1 is not required for 4K video. HDMI 2.0 can handle it just fine. Regardless of which type of HDMI Type-A cable you choose, they all have the same 19-pin tip.

并非总是如此。实际上,有一个计划的标准称为HDMI Type-B,它会震撼整个行业。该标准被称为“ HDMI双链接”,以29针连接计划,以使连接速度更快。但是,从未使用过HDMI B型。在任何人实际实施它之前,HDMI 1.3标准已推出。HDMI 1.3提供的性能比HDMI型B型更好,因此B型在发布之前已经过时了。

There are three other HDMI standards in use today. HDMI Type-C, commonly called mini HDMI, HDMI Type-D, commonly called micro HDMI, and HDMI Type-E. We’re talking about mini and micro HDMI today, but we might as well briefly touch on HDMI Type-E. HDMI Type-E is a specialized connector with a clip-on connector that’s designed to resist vibrations. It’s commonly used for automotive display panels and other high-vibration applications. However, you’re not likely to ever need it for a household entertainment setup.

hdmi types


Remember that HDMI 1.3 specification that rendered HDMI Type-B obsolete? Along with that standard, a new type of connector was welcomed to the HDMI family. Known popularly as mini HDMI, this new HDMI Type-C standard was designed to the same standard as HDMI Type-A. The only difference is the size of the tip. Instead of the larger Type-A tip, the mini HDMI tip is only 10.42mm wide and 2.42mm thick. This makes it a full 60 percent smaller than the standard HDMI connector.

Now, you might be wondering what the advantage is of this small size. After all, most TVs, monitors, and game consoles don’t struggle for size. However, this isn’t always the case. For example, theDragon Touch S1便携式监视器is exceedingly small, and uses a mini HDMi port. In addition, mini HDMI ports are commonly found on DSLR cams and other mid-sized devices.

Less frequently, mini HDMI ports are sometimes found on tablets. In many cases, such as some iPads, you get a standard HDMI dongle along with the device. In other cases, you’ll need to buy your own适配器。无论哪种方式,它都是具有相同功能的相同电缆,因此适配器的价格非常合理。

types of hdmi

What is Micro HDMI?

HDMI Type-D(通常称为Micro HDMI)以后发布了HDMI 1.4标准。像Mini HDMI一样,Micro HDMI具有与原始设计相同的19针。这使其很容易与普通HDMI兼容,尽管您仍然需要一个适配器。The most impressive thing about micro HDMI is just how compact it is. The connector has a plug size of only 6.4mm wide and 2.8mm thick. This makes it an amazing 72 percent smaller than the original HDMI connector.

In the early part of the last decade, some smartphones started using micro HDMI connections. Perhaps the most popular of these was the Droid X, which made it one of their top advertising features. However, USB Type-C now offers a more universal standard for smartphone video. And if you don’t have USB Type-C, there are numerous streaming applications available. For most smartphones, micro HDMI connections are simply not needed, and they’ve largely been abandoned.

也就是说,在某些应用程序中,Micro HDMI可以很有用。例如,它提供的4K播放比USB Type-C连接更好。因此,许多HDMI action cameras仍使用Micro HDMI连接器。公平地说,更新的USB Type-C连接比以往任何时候都要快,USB无疑会有一天Eclipse Micro HDMI。但是就目前而言,Micro HDMI保留了对几个利基应用程序的有用性。最重要的是,由于它是一种利基连接类型,因此大多数Micro HDMI设备已经带有适配器。


那么,Micro HDMI和Mini HDMI有什么区别?如您所见,这只是一个大小。Micro HDMI连接器大约是Mini USB连接器的大小,因此几乎可以安装在任何设备中。因此,这是一种利基产品。Mini HDMI在更广泛的设备上更为常用。但是在性能方面,它们是同一件事。没有一个人真正“更好”或“更糟”。这只是您的设备使用的问题。


无论哪种方式,您都会获得可靠的,防止未来的格式。使用任何现代HDMI电缆,您可以获得4K视频的支持。而且,如果您升级到HDMI 2.1,您甚至可以在没有任何麻烦的情况下传输8K视频。考虑到8K电视仍然是消费者娱乐的出血边缘,HDMI将会有一段时间。为什么不应该这样?它的19针设计使其几乎可以连接任何类型的设备,并且已成为通用标准。因此,无论您需要迷你HDMI还是Micro HDMI,您都不必担心它变得过时了。



  1. Doug Kelly
  2. Ohiocav

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