Linksys CM3016 16×4 Cable Modem Review



What you may not have known is that you don’t have to pay these rental fees every month. You can purchase a cable modem of your very own. Saving cash on rental fees isn’t the only benefit of these modems either. Many of them are actually very high performance and can provide you with much higher speeds than what is available to you with your included modem.


Linksys CM3016

First Looks

Linksys CM3016 16×4 Cable Modemis a surprisingly fashionable device. Featuring a shiny black case, the modem definitely stands out with its modern appeal. On the outside, it seems like a pretty simple device. You’ve got your indicator lights on the front, and connectivity ports on the back. But the first thing you’ll notice about the modem is that it’s very large. At over eight inches tall, it’s very monolith-like in appearance. Despite how simple it looks on the outside, it’s the incredibly powerful hardware on the inside that requires such a large case.


调制解调器只是componen的总和ts. And that’s why the CM3016 is such a great piece of hardware. Inside, a highly specialized Intel Puma 6TM chipset is the brains of the whole operation. This chipset is what manages the cable connection with your ISP, as well as the speedy Wi-Fi connection for your local devices.

PUMA本身实际上包括它自己的Intel Atom处理器(笔记本电脑中使用的类型相同)来管理连接。为什么简单的电缆调制解调器需要如此强大的CPU?首先,它用于处理所有包括的先进负载平衡技术。请记住,有线互联网标准很旧。为了获得现代ISP可用的非常高的带宽,您实际上需要同时管理多个Internet连接。该调制解调器上的英特尔PUMA芯片组最多可处理20个单独的连接。每当您的设备发送或接收信息时,PUMA芯片组都可以动态确定20个频道中的哪个将是发送和接收信息的最快方法。

Linksys CM3016 speed chart

Docsis 3.0

DOCSIS或电缆接口规范上的数据是允许通过传统有线电视线广播互联网的标准。该标准经过了许多修订,Docsis 3.0是可以在常规实践中找到的最新修订。

Linksys CM3016背面面板

有两个原因为什么Linksys调制解调器与DOCSIS 3.0兼容。最明显的好处是最大吞吐量。尽管最多可达到1千兆位的速度,但大多数制造商以50至250兆的速度限制。但这是您要长时间持续的调制解调器,因此它支持更高的速度真是太棒了。如果您的互联网服务提供商将来会升级您的速度,那么您已经有能力利用这些速度而无需购买任何其他设备。

Docsis 3.0的另一个好处是安全功能。有了较旧的DOCSIS标准版本,人们发现存在一些主要的安全风险。黑客可以克隆调制解调器,并使用黑客式设备点击您的连接,并查看正在来回传输的信息。使用DOCSIS 3.0调制解调器,这些安全孔已关闭,并且您的数据是安全的。

Linksys CM3016 Box

Speed Improvements

An inexpensive modem might look just as good on paper, but his particular modem has some advanced features that will improve its performance. If you are a user of file sharing programs such as bit torrent, you’ll probably notice that your connection often chokes. This is because file sharing programs work by opening hundreds of connections to a variety of peers. Many inexpensive modems cannot handle so many connections at once, and lock up even if you are not yet approaching your maximum throughput. Because the CM3016 has an advanced Atom based chipset, it can handle a huge volume of connections so you’ll be able to make the most of your high speed connection.

Cost Savings

So, can you actually save money by purchasing your own modem? If you’re a long time subscriber, this modem will essentially pay for itself. Many companies charge around $10 per month for their hardware rental. If you were to purchase this modem, you could pay it off entirely within a year. Since this modem is designed to last a long time, this just may be a profitable purchase.

Linksys CM3016盒子


Most clients will notice a huge benefit from upgrading their home modem. However, some customers won’t find a lot of value in the purchase. There are two main reasons why you would want to make this purchase.

Are you paying hardware rental on your cable companies modem? Even if they already provide you with a high end modem, why pay a never ending monthly fee? For just a small investment, you can own your modem and cut your monthly expenses by a reasonable margin.

Do you find that your current modem is under-performing? If so, you might stand to benefit from an upgrade to a high speed cable modem like theLinksys CM3016。该调制解调器支持16个下载渠道和4个上传渠道。最大容量为250兆位,即使是一些最高速度连接也可以利用这一点。在销售页面上,他们建议使用缓慢连接的用户购买较慢的调制解调器。我们不同意这一点。较慢的调制解调器的成本几乎与faster one, and internet speeds improve every year. Even if you have a slower connection, you’ll be able to upgrade in the future without changing your hardware. If you instead choose a slower modem, you’ll never have room to expand.

Does your cable company give you a free modem rental? Are you happy with the speeds you’re getting? If that’s the case, it might not be worth it for you to purchase a modem of your own. This purchase is reserved specifically for people in either or both of the scenarios we described above. Remember, your modem is only as good as your connection. It’s important to remember that if you live in a rural area that only gets a maximum of 10 megabits of download speed, upgrading to a 250 megabit modem is unlikely to improve your connection in any way.


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  1. Jeremy

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