LG 29WK600-W 29″ UltraWide IPS Monitor (2018) Review

Computer monitors have taken full control of our desktop space, and we are sick of it. We are very busy people with lots of things that need to get done, and need to get done quick. All the things we need to get done require a plentiful portion of the limited screen real estate provided by our displays. The biggest problem is that multi-tasking translates to multiple displays. Having multiple monitors wouldn’t be such a big deal if their clunky base units didn’t take up every square inch of space, but alas, a desktop we have not.


如果我们告诉您当前的显示器已过时,您会相信我们吗?那会让你感到不足吗?因为我敢打赌,它使您的桌子(以及您家中的所有其他家具)都感到尴尬。帮自己和家具一个忙;将那些粗暴的,日期的监视器扔到窗外。认真地打开最近的窗户,然后查克'em。对于奖励积分,当您这样做时,发出一个不错的塔尔赞尖叫声。您不仅会感到精美的治疗释放,而且在此过程中,您会警告任何路人,即即将来临的危险朝着他们的头骨坠落。现在,如果他们受伤,那就在他们身上。宝贝,这就是称为合理的可否认性。 And we’ve got mounds of it.

LG 29WK600-W


在这里为了挽救您的技术生命免于完全无关紧要的是新的LG 29WK600-W. LG’s newest monitor is 29 inches of widescreen wonder. Featuring a stunning 21:9 aspect ratio, the UltraWide HD IPS monitor is a PC display for the modern worker. Every inch of this bad boy displays an amazingly color accurate picture. With over 99% sRGB coverage, a 2560 x 1080 resolution and an HDR 10 compatible high dynamic range, the LG display is not only massive, but the picture is displays is absolutely stunning. Measuring in at 27.5” x 16.2” x 8.2” and weighing about 11.5 pounds with the stand attached, this flat screen monitor packs in a sturdy heft. It definitely doesn’t feel like it will fall apart in your hands, which is a problem that some monitors with cheaper build qualities sometimes have.

LG 29WK600-W

Wide Screen

The massively wide length of this monitor is truly something you’re going to want to experience yourself. Just a quick disclaimer! We can attempt to relay the experience the best we can, but merely describing the experience does not do the display any justice. The screen is wide enough that it can pleasantly consume your entire field of vision, but is not gigantic to the point that you need to move your whole head to see the full length of the screen. We found that the 29 inches of this display was a true sweet spot.

LG 29WK600-W


自然,我们要检查的第一件事是整体图像质量。从您为监视器供电的第一刻起,HDR分辨率的高质量是突出的。当您将标准定义监视器与HDR 10监视器进行比较时,相比之下,标准DEF显示器看起来很可悲。这是一个如此明显的差异,标准定义显示器几乎看起来是黑白的。颜色令人震惊,颜色之间的对比很强。有时,监视器感觉就像您从窗外凝视着。看起来很好。

并非所有视频都兼容HDR 10,这没关系。由于LG添加了直观的HDR效果,因此该LG监视器的所有者不必担心这一点。29WK600-W使用特殊算法将非HDR内容转换为类似于HDR的体验。这使我们想起了蓝光播放器,这些玩家将DVD转换为高清质量。效果相似。质量不如真正的HDR质量好,但它比原始SD质量要好得多。

为了测试HDR效果,我们将我们最喜欢的DVD淘汰了;伟大而杰出的Ace Ventura:宠物侦探。吉姆·卡里(Jim Carrey)的夏威夷衬衫如此生动,有时我们觉得我们可以从胸口袋中散发出残留的kibble泡沫。Snowflake的小海豚喙(不是海豚……一只海豚!正确!)闪闪发光。使用29WK600-W,您可以立即看到Einhorn是Finkle,而Finkle是Einhorn。使用HDR效果会破坏大揭示吗?是的,也许。但是谁是宠物侦探?嗯,王牌?我永远不会理解为什么这部电影永远不会赢得奥斯卡奖。 Courtney Cox got snubbed!

LG 29WK600-W


如果您要拥有HDR 10动态范围,那么您将需要一些壮观的颜色再现来进行。LG确保此显示器显示SRGB颜色范围的99%,这意味着您不会丢失太多。在这一点上,获得更好图片的唯一方法是自己在那里,老实说,有些地方您宁愿不是。例如,我们非常高兴观看爆发火山的视频,但我们宁愿不在一个人那里。


A lot of companies don’t take the design of their displays very seriously. Most computer companies agonize over the design of their keyboards, their handhelds and even their towers, but for some reason, the device that we stare at the most – the monitor – seems to have zero effort dedicated towards its design. LG knows better than that. Taking a lesson from the design of mobile technology, the 29WK600-W features a virtually borderless display surface.

LG 29WK600-W

The display’s bezel is very thin. We find thick bezels to be distracting and intrusive, so the attention to detail was a welcomed surprise. Another design element that filled our hearts with aesthetic joy is the sleek and ergonomic stand. Because of the stand’s curved design, the monitor winds up taking very little desk space, which is one of the biggest reasons we were excited for the 29WK600-W in the first place.


Let’s talk about some of the multi-tasking features, since that’s where this display really shines. Part of the 29WK600-W’s OnScreen Control feature is the ability to use several different multi-tasking tools. The Screen Split mode, if you couldn’t guess from the title, cuts the screen in half. You can then use the use to click and drag the size of the two sections. The Dual Controller feature lets you connect two separate computers to the same monitor. Once they are both connected you can control both using the same mouse and keyboard. This would come in handy if you have a separate computer for work and for home.

LG 29WK600-W


Gamers are going to love LG’s newest monitor. You know what’s a real shame? It’s a shame when hardware companies put so much time and effort into building great graphic and sound hardware, but fail to integrate the hardware with a great monitor. Having an expensive graphics card doesn’t mean very much if you don’t have the display to back it up. No matter how great your hardware might be, a poor monitor is going to cause the picture to stutter and tear.


LG 29WK600-W

除了FreeSync外,LG还可以轻松访问黑色稳定器,该功能在黑暗的场景和环境中提供了更多细节。在测试黑色稳定器时,我们注意到深色剪切场景中图形准确性有明显的差异。动态动作同步功能通过提供平滑的动作运动进一步提高了图形完整性。其宽屏纵横比,HDR 10兼容性和AMD FreeSync的结合使游戏体验成为令人难忘的体验。我们通过几种不同的类型测试了监视器,玩各种游戏,我们绝对被每个游戏吹走了。

LG 29WK600-W


All in all, theLG 29WK600-W是一个壮观的监视器选项,尤其是对于那些希望摆脱双重监视器设置以及希望优化其图形体验的游戏玩家。事实是,我们生活中没有足够的空间来进行多个展示。我们没有台式机空间或维护两个功能性显示所需的钱。LG显示器是一个时尚的节省空间,可提供与多个监视器相同的多任务实力,而不会丢失大量空间。

LG 29WK600-W具有超速显示,HDR 10兼容性,拆分屏幕和双屏幕功能,AMD FreeSync和其他高级游戏功能,对于那些短暂的空间甚至时间较短的人来说都是一种通用的显示器。我们绝对可以推荐此显示,不要对我们的建议感到遗憾或怀疑。对于任何专业或游戏玩家来说,29WK600-W是一个可靠的选择,但用途足够多,可以满足大多数需求。休息一下。将那些笨拙的监视器从隐喻的肩膀上拿出来,并用新的,现代的性感,美丽的展示益智给予它。您的家具会感谢您。你的眼睛也会如此。

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  1. rod cudal
  2. 韦德

