Langogo峰会审查 - 一种准确的翻译设备?



Overall Design




Ease of Use



8.0 / 10.


  • 翻译104种不同的语言。
  • Quality design and long-lasting battery.
  • 转换长演讲的转录服务。
  • 也可以翻译书面文本。


  • 需要数据计划或WiFi连接进行操作。
  • 贵。

这se days, our world is more interconnected than ever. If you’re in business or live in a major city, you’ll regularly encounter people who don’t speak your language. Not to mention, if you plan on doing any post-covid tourism, you’ll run into similar issues. For many of these purposes, a tour guide or an interpreter will get the job done. But an interpreter is expensive, and a tour guide can’t go with you everywhere at all times. This can make it nigh impossible to function normally in another country.


Now, we’re going to review the Langogo Summit. The Summit is a handheld device that’s designed to translate between you and another person. You talk into it, and it speaks back in the other person’s language. When they speak into it, you get a readout in your language. But those are just the basics of any personal translator.


langogo summit

Overall Design

langogo summit(10%off代码:SUMMIT10) is designed to look and feel like a smartphone, right down to the camera on the back. It measures 4.73 inches long, 2.4 inches wide, and half an inch thick. At 10.8 ounces, it’s lighter than your average smartphone, so it’s easy to carry and handle. It’s constructed from durable plastic, with a textured back that feels comfortable in your hand. The housing is available in black or grey-brown, so it can match your personal sense of style.


langogo summit

在一边,你会发现一些物理控制。顶部有一个开/关开关,用拇指操作。下面,有翻译按钮,这正是它听起来的样子。无论何时要与译者交谈,您会按下它。最后,有用于更改文本大小的正负按钮。壳体的底部具有USB Type-C端口,用于充电。盒子中包含充电电缆,因此您可以使用您所需的一切。充电端口旁边有四个电池灯,让您知道目前有多少果汁。

电池的容量为3,250mAh,足够约10小时的操作。假设正常使用水平,这是一个粗略的估计。在实践中,根据您的使用方式,电池寿命可能更短或更长。即便如此,性能优于许多其他个人翻译。假设您已插入标准USB 3.0端口,充电大约需要2½小时。

langogo summit




langogo summit


除正常翻译外,还可以使用转录模式中的峰值。在此模式下,它将录制最多四小时的连续演讲。正如它所示,屏幕将显示现场读数。这样,您可以专注于会议或演示文稿,而不会与您的翻译器摸索。您还可以下载转录以供以后使用。这项服务一年是免费的,最多3,000分钟 - 50小时 - 每月。之后,您需要支付月费。与其他类似服务相比,费用非常合理,并提供了优异的价值。

langogo summit


如果你宁愿有点小,那么TimeKettle Zero.是一个很好的选择。它插入智能手机的底部,并在移动数据计划上工作。但是,它不支持所有手机,并且具有比峰会更少的语言。



langogo summit


如果您需要离线翻译,您的选项有限。但是有限并不意味着你根本没有零选择。这LangoGo Genesis.这可能是这方面的最佳选择。它可以将所有与峰值翻译成峰会。但是,它将在没有互联网连接的情况下翻译英语,普通话,韩语和日语。


这Summit can translate between a total of 104 languages. These include English, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, French, German, Russian, and many others. You’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone on Earth who can’t speak one of these languages. Photo translation is a bit more limited, with support for 46 languages.

All the work is done by 24 different translation engines. Why 24, instead of one? For one thing, not all engines support all languages. By using 24, Langogo guarantees that at least one of them will work between two given languages. Another benefit of using multiple engines is that the Summit can recognize multiple accents in the same language. Langogo’s algorithms are based on machine learning, and continually update themselves. The more you use the translator, the better the performance gets.

Even right out of the box, the Summit performs quite well. You’ll reliably get accurate translations on a consistent basis, just as advertised. That said, no automatic translator is perfect. You’re inevitably going to run into some minor hiccups. This is mostly because people don’t usually speak perfectly. They use incorrect grammar, or trail off mid-sentence and jump to another thought. These verbal hiccups can occasionally cause some confusion. But those are minor issues in the grand scheme of things.

langogo summit

Final Verdict

所以,是langogo summit(10%off代码:SUMMIT10) worth your time and money? For most purposes, the answer is going to be yes. To begin with, it’s very well engineered, with quality physical construction. The buttons are easy to operate, and the touchscreen is high quality. We particularly appreciated the use of an IPS panel, which makes it much easier to share the screen. Translation options are also more varied than on many pocket translators. Women will appreciate the ability to use a female voice, albeit only for certain languages. And everyone can take advantage of the photo translate feature. You’ll never have trouble reading a menu in a foreign language again.


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