柯达迷你射击Wireless 2 in 1 Instant Print Digital Camera Review

还记得第一个宝丽来相机吗?在那之前,there was no real way to know how your pictures came out until you got them developed. Sure, they were a little on the bulky side and the pictures had to be left to develop for a minute or two before you could see the full exposure, but the Polaroid was really a cutting-edge camera when it first hit the market. For the first time, people were able to get an instant result when it came to their pictures. It made sharing photos with friends easy, and in many ways set the precedent for the way we think about photo technology today.

Most smartphones have cameras built right into them, and with dozens of photo sharing websites, it’s hard not to want show off the photos you take when you’re on the go. Every smartphone has enough memory to contain a few albums worth of high-quality photos, and is fast enough to email, upload or text those files to anyone in the country. Much like the first Polaroid was, the prospect of sharing digital images is still really exciting.

However, sometimes a digital photo doesn’t feel quite the same as a glossy print once did. You can view them any time you want, and they are still as crystal clear as the moment you took them, but for those who miss the days of traditional photography it still misses the mark in some way. Technology typically doesn’t go backward, and that also applies to photography, but sometimes it does borrow ideas from the past to improve upon current gadgets.

Like their earlier analog ancestors, some digital cameras are now being released with printers built right into the body. That’s right. You can shoot, edit and print photos all on one camera for an exciting union of new technology and nostalgia. There are more and more of these products appearing on the market and some are really impressive, while others are still trying to catch up.

In this review we’re going to be taking a look at the newly released柯达迷你射击Wireless 2 in 1 Instant Print Digital Camera and Printer. The Kodak Mini Shot is a beginner’s camera at an affordable price point that lets you shoot and print photos just like an old Polaroid. The big difference is that it’s totally digital. We’re going to be looking at the design, features, image quality as well as any downsides the camera has, to give you a full breakdown of whether or not this camera is here to stay.




的back of the camera has a 1.7 inch LCD viewfinder, as well as some menu buttons. You’ll find a menu button, two buttons for scrolling, as well as a print button. There’s also a built-in USB port for charging.


整个相机大约是智能手机的大小,尺寸为3 x 5.2 x 9英寸,重8.4盎司。另外,如果您想知道其他颜色,那么柯达迷你镜头确实有黑色,白色和黄色。



Wireless Capabilities

Even though the Kodak Mini Shot is an all in one camera, it can still connect to smartphones and tablets. It’s Bluetooth compatible, mainly to allow for the editing of photos from your smartphone via the free Kodak app. It would have been nice for this to be more of an on-board feature, but considering that most expensive DSLR’s don’t even do this, we couldn’t be too picky.



Power and Charging

的柯达迷你射击contains a 620 mAh lithium battery that’s completely rechargeable via a micro USB cable. It takes about 1.5 hours to fully charge, and will yield about 20 photos. We weren’t particularly impressed by the battery life, mainly because we felt that an on-the-go camera like this one should be able to last a little bit longer. Furthermore, you could theoretically take twenty photos and only want to keep a few of them, leaving you with a drained battery and no way to take more pictures.

Granted, it only takes 1.5 hours to charge the camera back up again, but you’ll have to stop somewhere which, if you’re on vacation or with friends, can be a little bit of a damper on your good time. That being said, the ability to wirelessly print photos from your smartphone to the camera’s printer. This means that you could use your smartphone’s camera as a backup and print from the Kodak Mini Shot later—if you found yourself with a really dynamite photo opportunity.



Printing from the Mini Shot really could not be any simpler. All you have to do is take your photo, select it using the camera’s menu buttons and the press print. That’s it. It’ll take about 50 seconds for each photo to print and you’ll get an image that is 2.1 x 3.4 inches, about the size of a credit card.

Considering that Kodak fitted this camera with its patented 4Pass printing technology that significantly enhances image quality, this is a pretty fast print speed. 4Pass printing technology refers to something called dye-sublimation that uses a heat transfer process to evenly distribute a range of colors. In fact, the Mini Shot’s printer is capable of producing 256 levels per color, or a total of 1.67 million colors.




柯达应用程序非常易于使用。它可以在App Store和Google Play上提供,并使您在打印照片之前可以编辑,自定义或更改照片。它甚至具有内置的模板裁剪工具,过滤器,贴纸和边界,以给您的照片添加一些额外的东西。考虑到这不是专业的相机,因此在昂贵的照片编辑软件上编辑照片可能有些不知所措。该应用程序是初学者的合适速度,但仍然充满了足够的功能,可以充分编辑您的喜好。


的柯达迷你射击is capable of shooting in up to 10 megapixels and is equipped with full autofocus, auto-exposure, white balance and gamma color control. These features certainly improved image quality drastically and took out some of the guesswork that new photographers may find themselves doing. 10 megapixels isn’t particularly dazzling, but for a camera that is designed to take photos the size of a credit card, it was more than enough.

的only reason one might want a higher resolution would be if they were planning on heavily editing, or blowing up the photos they take with it, but in that instance, they’d need something more heavy duty anyway. This is not the camera for a professional photographer but for the average person looking for something with appropriate resolution for what it produces. The details of each photo come out sharp, with mostly excellent, vibrant and well-saturated colors. The result wasn’t exactly what we saw in the LCD viewfinder, but in a side-by-side comparison, were close enough.



的柯达迷你射击is a great camera – no question there. However it does have a few minor flaws, even for the amateur. First and foremost, the LCD viewfinder may be considered too small. 1.7 inches isn’t nearly large enough to give you a good idea of how your shot looks.







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  1. Jeff G. Rottman

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