Preview of Jumpi: 3 in 1 Car Jumpstarter, Vacuum & Powerbank

Quick Analysis

Quick Analysis



Jump Starter







  • 紧凑且易于存储。
  • 轻量级和人体工程学。
  • Quiet vacuum function.
  • Plenty of built-in safety features.


  • Cannot start some larger vehicles.
  • Relatively limited power bank capacity.


Today, we’ll be looking at a new, innovative jump starter, the Jumpi 3 in 1 Car Jumpstarter, Vacuum & Powerbank. As its name implies, it performs three basic functions. First off, it’s a jump starter, which is self-explanatory. Secondly, it’s an automotive vacuum, so you can keep your car clean. Finally, it functions as a power bank for your smartphone or tablet. Jumpi is a Kickstarter product, and has already quadrupled its goal. The campaign will end on April 29th, at which point the units will start to ship. So, is it worth getting in on the ground floor and contributing to the campaign? Let’s take a closer look, and see what the Jumpi has to offer.



Jumpi 3 in 1 Car Jumpstarter, Vacuum & Powerbank具有紧凑,轻巧的设计。它长14.2英寸,宽3.1英寸,厚2.95英寸。在此尺寸下,您甚至不需要树干即可存储它。它将适合大多数杂物箱,甚至在大多数座位上。即使您驾驶皮卡或小型紧凑型汽车而没有太多存放,也应该很好。该装置的总重量为1磅,11.75盎司,这使得携带易于携带。如果您难以处理重物,那根本就不关心了。总重量仅是iPhone重量的两倍。


这case is constructed from black ABS plastic, with a matte finish that’s easy to keep clean. The main body of the unit functions as a handle. It’s got a nice, wide grip, with enough space underneath to accommodate even large hands. On the front of the unit, there’s a vacuum tip that doubles as a canister. It’s a semi-transparent amber in color, so you can see when the canister is getting full. Inside, there’s a filter, just as you’d expect to see on a normal vacuum cleaner. Outflow vents are located on the bottom of the Jumpi, directing air away from your hands and body.


电池组位于大学的后面t. It has an identical form factor, and fits seamlessly into the back of the Jumpi. The battery is removable, so it can be used as a power bank. There are USB Type-C and Type-A ports located on the back of the battery pack, which are used for charging. On the front of the battery pack, there’s a proprietary port. This port connects both to the vacuum body and to the cable attachment. On the back of the battery, there’s a small power button, which is used to activate the jumper cables. Finally, you get a small wand attachment to use with the vacuum.

Vacuum Function

跳跃的真空函数通过手柄正面的一个小按钮激活。这很容易用拇指操作,因此激活简单而轻松。总功率为10kPa,略低于平均的家用真空吸力14 kPa。乍一看,这似乎令人失望,但这不是家庭真空。这是一个小型汽车真空吸尘器。考虑到我们正在谈论的产品类,它非常强大。该跳线被广告宣传,因为能够捡起99.9%的霉菌,花粉和细菌。这只是营销炒作。实际上,没有HEPA过滤器,这些材料将被吹回去。

Jumpi vacuum


Jumpi vacuum

这vacuum comes with a small crevice attachment. This is practically a must for cleaning a car interior, where nooks and crannies are the norm. The attachment is easy to install and remove. It fits directly into the normal vacuum opening, so you don’t need to mess with any adapters. In addition, the Jumpi vacuum has an antibacterial coating. Not only will your vacuum not harbor any bacteria, but it’s a great bonus feature for shared vehicles.


To use the Jumpi as a power bank, you simply remove the battery pack from the back. There’s a small button that will release it from the back of the vacuum body. On the front edge, you’ll see two ports: a Micro USB port, and a USB Type-C port. With these two ports, you can charge just about any smartphone on the market. Keep in mind that you will only be able to charge a single device at once.

Jumpi power bank

That said, this isn’t a major problem. The total capacity is only 6,000mAh. This is sufficient to charge an iPhone X twice, or a Samsung Galaxy S8 about 1.75 times. The manufacturer advertises that you can charge your phone 2.5 times, and this may be true for some smaller phones. In practice, you’re looking at about 2 charges for most modern smartphones. In other words, this shouldn’t be your go-to charger. Instead, think of it as an emergency backup option in the event that you’re stranded on the roadside. It will provide you with enough juice to call for help. If you need a dedicated power bank, consider something larger, such as theJackery Supercharge 26800

Jumpi power bank

这battery pack itself charges via a USB Type-C cable, which is included in the kit. When used in a properly-powered port, you can get a full charge in just under an hour. While charging your device, the Jumpi power bank is incredibly safe. It provides short-circuit protection so your phone won’t get shorted out. It has overload and over-voltage protection, which ensures that it won’t burn out your phone’s battery. Over-current and overcharge protection prevent the Jumpi itself from getting damaged during charging. As you can see, it’s just as safe as any dedicated power bank you’ll find on today’s market.


We’ve talked about the Jumpi’s vacuum and battery functions, and these are worthwhile. But how well does it work as a jump starter? After all, this is ostensibly its primary purpose. To begin with, it’s rated for 10 jumps per charge. This means you’ll get to make several attempts to restart your vehicle. In practice, the exact number of jumps you get will depend on how long you turn the key for. Your best bet is to simply connect the charger for a few minutes and let it do its job. This can be frustrating, but it will get you the most reliable results.


That said, this will only work if your car battery has not been totally drained. If it’s dead as a doornail, you’ll need to rely on the Jumpi’s peak output to get you started. In this case, you’re looking at a peak output of 700 amps. This is sufficient for the vast majority of passenger vehicles. Unfortunately, it’s not sufficient for some larger pickups and SUVs with powerful engines. For those vehicles, you’ll need a more powerful jump starter. If you’re in that situation, read our review of theTacklife KP200 Portable Jump Starter。It has an impressive peak voltage of 2,000 amps, and it’s very compact. That said, it doesn’t have a vacuum.




因此,值得投资Jumpi 3 in 1 Car Jumpstarter, Vacuum & Powerbank?在大多数情况下,这是非常值得的。唯一不应该购买的人是拥有非常大型车辆的人。700-AMP峰值电压小于某些发动机需求。也就是说,对于大多数车辆来说,这将是足够的。电缆和夹具设计精良,有效且易于使用。


When it comes to the vacuum function, we had no complaints. The advertising is a bit overhyped, but the fact remains that you’re looking at a solid vacuum. With 10kPa of suction, you’ll get much better performance than you’d expect from most automotive vacuums. It’s easy to operate and easy to clean, with a canister that can be emptied in mere seconds. The power bank performance is a bit of a mixed bag. As we said, the total charge is limited, so it should not be used as a go-to option. But that’s not what the Jumpi is designed for. It’s meant as an emergency backup to get you out of a pickle. In this regard, it gets the job done just fine.


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