金斯敦HyperX云左轮手枪Gaming Headset Review

A high-quality gaming headset is an essential part of any gamers rig. Between high quality audio and accurate microphones, these headsets help pull you into your game in a way that nothing else can. But if you’re on the market, you likely know that it’s not always easy to find a suitable model. Many manufacturers put form over function, focusing on stylish looks instead of high quality sound.


随着HyperX Cloud Revolver的耳机的发布,潜在的买家想知道这是他们的热门产品的演变,还是只是骑着名声。我们决定继续前进,看看这款耳机可以做什么。


First Look

The金斯敦Hyperx云左轮手枪Sis one stylish looking headset. With an all-black design and plush percussions, it’s easy to see yourself wearing it. But with a built-in sound card, 7.1 surround sound audio, and memory foam earpads, it’s clear that this headset will be unlike anything you’ve used before.


When it comes to design, less is more. Sure, it’s easy to see the appeal of a bulky pair of plastic gimmicks covered in neon lighting and aggressive patterns, but that kind of look gets old very fast. Many elements of the Cloud Revolver S are simple. The flat black material, the sleek lines around the earcups, and the simple white accents in the center of the headset. But all of these elements give them a premium feel, making it easy to appreciate the design.



The design is also highly functional. They’re easy to adjust to any head size. The microphone is easy to place exactly where you’d like. It only takes a few seconds after putting them on to get them arranged the way you want.

One of the things we really liked is how the controls are moved away from the headset itself. You’re not reaching up and fiddling around with controls you can’t see. Instead, they’re all placed conveniently on a cabled remote. Two large, LED illuminated buttons allow you to turn on Dolby surround sound, or mute the microphone. The volume of both the headphones and the microphone are controlled by two analog wheels on the side of the remote, which are quite precise. It’s easy to get the exact volume you want with just a quick movement of your finger.



HyperX Cloud Revolver S围绕着坚固的钢框架建造,但是触摸您头部的每个部分都是毛绒和舒适的。宽的头带均匀地在头顶上分配重量,即使在长期游戏中,也不会导致压力或不适。围绕耳罩的厚填充是牢固和柔软之间的完美平衡。耳机将自己的位置很好,但很容易适应头部的形状。



这些不是你每天的耳机。他们不plug into a 3.5mm port. These are USB headphones, with their own dedicated sound card.

The job of a sound card is to take a digital audio stream and convert it into an analog signal that the drivers can understand. When you get into the upper echelon of audio gear, you’ll often need a dedicated headphone amplifier. Since these are expensive, most manufacturers are restricted in what drivers they can use as they need to be compatible with your average, everyday audio output. Because Kingston went with their own dedicated model, they were able to beef them up quite a bit.

The virtual 7.1 surround is digitally encoded by the soundcard before it’s converted to analog. This drastically reduces noise and improves the quality of the surround. The part of the sound card that converts the signal to analog is specifically tuned for them, supporting the higher power and larger impedance of the drivers.


Sound Quality

How does all of this come together? In short, the sound is very impressive. It’s worth noting that the surround sound isn’t true 7.1. It’s simulated. This allows Kingston to use very large, dynamic drivers, so you don’t lose any of the low-end sounds. Simulated surround works by delaying portions of the audio. Let’s say that you’re sitting in a home theater. If the rear right speaker plays a sound, it will hit your right ear first, then you’re left a split second later. Although the audio is transmitted digitally to the sound card in 7.1, when this audio is merged it’s ever so slightly delayed to simulate this effect.




While these headphone aren’t the bassiest, they still have prominent lows that are properly accentuated for gaming. The low end sounds properly reinforce and add power behind sounds like explosions, or a punch bassline of the backing track.

Overall, it’s definitely one of the better gaming headsets we’ve heard. This sound isn’t our first choice for standard music, but it’s on a whole different level from standard gaming headsets.

Microphone Quality



What we liked most about the microphone was the fact that it sounds a little reserved. Its smooth, well formed, and doesn’t come across as harsh or annoying when in-game. If you’ve ever had to listen to the shrill, intolerable sounds of a cheap microphone in a game, you know how frustrating it is. While you might not notice it too much, everyone you game with will appreciate the high-quality microphone on this headset.


该耳机上最大的卖点之一是模拟环绕声。没有此功能,它们是可以接受的。但是,他们比比赛领先几步。不幸的是,您需要PC或PS4来利用此功能。如果您使用的是Xbox One,则耳机将在立体声中运行。长期以来,这是Xbox的常见问题。但是,当微软制作一个S时,他们纠正了问题。不幸的是,金斯敦并没有完全了解这些标准,因此Xbox所有者将不得不在其他地方寻找他们的耳机需求。


Final Verdict

The金斯敦Hyperx云左轮手枪Shas a lot going for it. The high-quality build, stylish exterior, and plush padding make this headset a direct competitor to some of the top-tier headsets. This is the kind of thing we’d recommend to any gamer who wants a headset that can be worn for a very long time without any discomfort or risk of damage.


Are they worth the money? In our eyes, absolutely. Sound is one of the most commonly overlooked part of your gaming experience. If you put your money elsewhere, you might be able to get a slightly larger monitor, a decent keyboard, or squeeze a few more frames per second out of your gaming computer. While all of these things are an improvement, none of them come close to the incredible realism you get with a good gaming headset.

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