Hyperx Cloud Alpha Pro游戏耳机审查

High end gaming headsets are becoming a popular commodity. Just like high end headphones designed for music, once you try a pair out it’s extremely hard to go back. High end audio equipment provides incredible resolution, pristine detail, and a whole new level of clarity that you never thought possible.



Today, Kingston is still behind the HyperX line even if their name isn’t featured so prominently. We’ve already taken a look at the revolver and stinger lines of headsets, but the Cloud Alpha is the new kid on the block. Can this stylish new headset keep up to the high standards set by earlier models? To find out, we decided to try them out for ourselves.

HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro


金士顿Hyperx Cloud Alpha Pro是一个时尚的耳机。它得到了复古风格的头带,带有松散的网格式夹具,将耳罩安装在乐队本身上。耳机具有光滑的塑料和毛绒形式的固体平衡,确保触及头部的每个部件都像可以一样柔软。



HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro


Kingston advertises compatibility with the PC, the PS4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch. Although this is true, there are a few things to consider.

作为有线耳机,它通过3.5mm端口与您的控制台通信。这是一个特殊的三个节点连接器,包括立体声输出和单声道输入。在PS4上,使用耳机在手中将耳机插入控制器时简单。在大多数xbox一个控制台上,同样是真的。但是,市场上有一些Xbox一个控制器(主要是第三方模型),没有3.5mm端口。使用Xbox 360向后的控制器几乎都有2.5mm端口。你可以讲述差异,因为它们有点小。如果是这种情况,您需要购买耳机不包括的特殊适配器。但只要你正在使用官方的微软控制器,你应该好好去。


It’s also worth noting that you can also use this headset with Android devices and older apple phones. Although not officially supported, the three prong standard is available on most portable devices that have a headphone jack.

HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro


When you’re just trying on a headset quickly at a retail store, it’s hard to get a good feel for comfort. Something might feel very plush and comfortable at first, but it only takes on 8-hour gaming session before your ears start to hurt. (Admit it, we’ve all done it.)

While these aren’t the most comfortable headphones we’ve ever tried, they’re definitely up there. The most luxurious part is the memory foam padded earcups. Memory foam is fairly springy when cold, but gets incredibly soft as it warms up. Once you’ve been wearing the headphones on your head for a while, the foam almost melts into a mold that perfectly fits your head. When combined with the wide, padded headband, you’ve got a headset that can easily be worn for an entire day.


HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro

Sound Quality

One of the most important aspects of any headset is how good it sound. The biggest selling point for the HyperX Cloud Alpha is this special dual-chamber design that supposedly improves accuracy and reduces distortion. At first, this might sound like a marketing gimmick, but there is a very good reason for this design.

To understand how this works, consider an older style of floor standing speakers. These things used to be massive, right? In fact, high end stereo equipment is often pretty large in size. The reason is that sound quality relies both on the volume of an enclosure as well as the driver. If you cram a massive speaker into a tiny box, you’ll generally get pretty poor sound.

HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro



直到现在。HyperX Stinger有多个室s all with different resonant frequencies. This can balance out the drivers natural weak points, and give a more balanced, precise sound.

它有效吗?绝对地!Cloud Alpha Pro是我们使用的更平衡耳机之一。你仍然得到深深的雷鸣扬声器,但你也会发现你没有与其他司机没有看到的令人难以置信的闭散性。非常微妙的细节被曝光,但这并没有牺牲表现。总的来说,这种设计非常令人印象深刻。

HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro

Microphone Quality



Another neat feature about the microphone is that it’s removable. It just plugs right into the side with a standard plug, so taking it off is a simple process. If you want a break from gaming and just want to zone out to some campaign action, taking the microphone off improves the comfort of the headset considerably.

HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro


金士顿一直以生产精良的硬件而闻名,持续很长时间。云alpha pro没有什么不同。所有移动部件都由金属制成。虽然钢材是最便宜的材料,金斯敦选择使用铝制。铝的重量非常轻,但仍然具有帮助所有移动部件的抗拉强度持续很长时间。


Aside from the moving parts, the cable is another component that commonly wears out or gets tangled. Kingston used a braided sheath for the cable, which helps to prevent cuts, kinks, or tears. Obviously, you can still cut through it if you’re determined. But for regular wear and tear, this design is much more powerful.



HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro

Final Verdict

作为金斯顿的“道路中间”耳机,我们忍不住对此印象深刻Hyperx Cloud Alpha Pro游戏耳机。这build quality is top notch, and the sound quality is excellent. But what we like most about it is how well balanced it is. Generally, you have two types of headsets on the market. Models designed for high accuracy are desired by competitive gamers. The sound signature is a little more flat and boring, but the level of detail is unparalleled. On the other hand, you’ve got the fun headsets. These have an engaging, explosive sound, but lack detail.

HyperX Cloud Alpha Pro为您提供两个世界的最佳。倾听是非常有趣的,但仍然有很多细节。对于钱,这是市场上最好的选择之一。

尽管有了这些优势,但这耳机不会成为每个人。它牢牢地在中间层,而消费者带有一点额外的现金燃烧仍然可以找到一些听起来更好的东西。一个例子是HyperX云旋转矢量的游戏耳机。该型号具有优质价格,但需要我们喜欢的一切,并使其更好。另一方面,如果这个耳机对你的血液有点丰富,请​​考虑Hyperx Cloud Stinger.。这个型号有点基本,但是这个选项价格的一半。

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