
对于复古游戏的粉丝来说,很少有系统与Nintendo 64相同的痒。也许您喜欢在第一个Great Console Shooter Goldeneye中奔跑和枪支。也许您喜欢在Mario Kart上用精美的外壳带出您的朋友的感觉。谁能忘记在《塞尔达传说:时代的典范》中击败加农的快感呢?如果您拥有原始的N64,那么考虑这些游戏可能会给您带来微笑。



早在2018年,游戏硬件制造商Hyperkin宣布发布他们的海军上将蓝牙控制器。Since it uses Bluetooth, the Admiral lets you cut that cord once and for all. Hyperkin was already known for their “Captain” premium wired controller and their “Moonlight” USB N64-style controller. The Admiral’s release was originally slated for the second quarter of 2019.





Hyperkin通过更简单,更符合人体工程学的设计解决了这个问题。他们没有在中心握把上定位Z键,而是N64控制器最明显的故障,而是在两个侧握把上集成了双Z-Button。这些按钮类似于PlayStation和Xbox控制器上的R2和L2触发器。它们位于L和R触发器下方,以便于使用。在戈德尼(Goldeneye)射击并在马里奥卡丁(Mario Kart)中sling着乌龟贝壳从未如此自然。左模拟棒和D-pad也已切换,这使得海军上将与现代控制器更相似。

In terms of design, the A, B, C, and Start buttons have a flat surface, much like the original N64 controller. However, the triggers have a concave shape, which makes them more ergonomic than older designs. The overall feel is very good, with a comfortable ABS plastic shell that left us with no complaints. The Admiral weighs 12.8 ounces, about the same as the original N64 controller. This makes it easy to switch between one and the other, once you’ve learned to appreciate the dual Z-triggers.


这thumbsticks are very responsive, with just the right amount of resistance. If you’re already used to the N64 controller’s thumbsticks, you’ll hardly notice a difference. You’ll have no problems with aiming, whether you’re playing GoldenEye, Mario Kart, Super Mario 64, or any other N64 game. The only major disappointment was the lack of a rumble pak. It makes sense that Hyperkin left this out to save weight. But we would have gladly put up with a few more ounces in exchange for some tactile feedback.

这N64 isn’t the only Nintendo system with an iconic control scheme. The Nintendo GameCube also had a control scheme that was beloved by fans. If you own a Nintendo Switch, but you still prefer the GameCube controls, why not buy aGameCube controller adapter?您可以使用自己喜欢的控制器玩所有您喜欢的新Nintendo游戏。



这Hyperkin Admiral utilizes the latest Bluetooth 5.0 protocol. This doesn’t have quite the range of Bluetooth 4.2, but it’s still good for 30 feet of distance. That’s more than enough for just about any living room. More importantly, the 5.0 protocol offers lower latency than earlier protocols. As a result, you’ll get a virtually lag-free connection, similar to Xbox One and Playstation 4 controllers. That’s pretty impressive when you’re working with a 23-year-old game console.

As we’ve mentioned in passing, the Hyperkin Admiral uses a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery. With ordinary gameplay, it lasts for six hours. However, it’s also play-and-charge compatible. There’s a Micro USB cable included with the kit. But you’ll need your own AC adapter if you want to plug the USB cable into a wall outlet.


在兼容性方面,海军上将将与所有N64型号一起使用。如果您在模拟器上玩游戏 - 或者您像控制器的布局一样,海军上将为您覆盖。它能够通过蓝牙连接到您的PC,Mac,iOS电话或Android设备。因此,您不仅要获得更好的N64控制器;您正在获得具有N64兼容性的多功能控制器。

Good aftermarket controllers aren’t just the domain of the N64. There are equally good controllers for PlayStation and PC players. For example, theAstro C40 TR。这是一个强大的多功能控制器,可对库存PlayStation控制器进行重大升级。


那么,海军上将控制器比其他售后市场控制器做得更好?首先,正如您可能期望的那样,它接受原始的N64存储卡以及第三方替代品。到目前为止,非常标准,对吗?是的,否。您的存储卡不是将存储卡放置在控制器本身中,而是适合蓝牙加密狗。这减轻了体重,而不仅仅是由于 - 可忽略的存储卡本身的重量。它还消除了存储卡插入所需的额外电子和塑料。毫无疑问,这是海军上将尽管内部电池太平衡的重要原因。



我们希望看到的一个功能是支持N64 Transfer Pak。如果您不熟悉此设备,请进行快速概述。N64传输PAK用于在N64和游戏男孩或游戏男孩颜色之间传输数据。这有点像利基产品。仅需少数游戏,并且游戏列表可在Nintendo Fandom Wiki。如您所见,大多数游戏不需要。但是,如果您是神奇宝贝完成者,那是必要的。



如果您是任天堂的粉丝,并且想要更多的符合人体工程学的解决方案,则无需停止使用N64。例如,Nintendo Switch有很多有趣的社交游戏,您在其他游戏机上找不到。也就是说,您可以管理严重的尴尬控件。为了获得更好的体验,请查看HORI Nintendo Switch Split Pad Pro Ergonomic Controller。它为Nintendo Switch提供了您所需的所有控件,并具有更舒适的配置文件。


Final Verdict

海军上将高级BT控制器是至今最好的公司吗ntroller to hit the market in recent years. If nothing else, it’s certainly the most innovative. First off, there’s a lot to like about the overall design. The switch from a 3-grip to 2-grip design makes it easier to hold, and actually increases your options. The Bluetooth connection is also quite good. With the 5.0 protocol, you’ll get less latency than most other wireless systems. And while Bluetooth 5.0 has become the new standard, it’s nice to see Hyperkin keeping pace.

In addition, we liked the SD slot for keeping backups. The only disappointment was the lack of a rumble function, which would have been easy enough to integrate. Still, the Admiral is the best N64 controller for extending your range. Considering that that’s the main reason for using it in the first place, we’ll call this a win.

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