搜索YouTube评论的最佳方法:3 2022年的方法方法


The YouTube comments section can be a gold-mine of humor, knowledge and/or drama. They offer an excellent way to engage with an audience. However, some videos have hundreds, even thousands of comments to read-through. Needless to say, navigating through them can be time-consuming and frustrating – especially if you’re looking for a specific reply. Regardless of your reason to search through comments on YouTube, there are a few easy methods to do so. Let’s get right into it.

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First and foremost, the simplest method to search through YouTube comments is using your web browser and a keyboard shortcut. This method requires little-effort and is very easy to do. First, make sure you’re using a web browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc.) on your Mac or PC. Load the video you want to search and scroll down to the comments section. Take note on how many comments the video has. The more comments, the more difficult this method will be to perform.


Unfortunately, YouTube doesn’t load all of the comments at once. Rather, they load them as you scroll further down the page. Since we want to see as many comments at once, continue scrolling down as quickly as you can. We recommend clicking and holding your mouse wheel to push the page down as far as it can load.


到达底部后,使用键盘并点击“Ctrl and F“ 同时。如果您使用的是Mac,则需要点击”Command and F” instead. This will bring up a little search box that will search the entire contents of the page, including all of the comments you just finished loading. From here, search the phrase, word or anything else you’d like to search.

此方法还可以在您的iPhone或Android智能手机上使用。但是你需要使用您的网络浏览器-不是YouTube应用程序。Load up a video and its comments as we described above. But this time, click the three dots in the top-right corner and select “Find in Page.” Simply type-in your search terms and it’ll show you all of the instances (one by one) the keyword appears in the loaded comments.

Unfortunately, this method does not search all of the “replies” that each comment may receive. Simply because YouTube requires you to click “View reply” underneath each replied comment, for the replies to load. However, this is a quick, easy method that doesn’t require any commitments. If you need to search these all of these replies or other videos with thousands of comments, move onto the next method.

安装浏览器扩展名:YCS - YouTube评论搜索

下一个方法要求您安装浏览器扩展名。可用于Firefox或ChromeChrome网络商店orFirefox Add-Ons网站。只需单击“添加扩展名”,然后在几秒钟内就可以使用它。





Alternative Browser Extension: vidIQ Vision for YouTube

If you’re looking for a bit more substance, we recommend trying outvidiq。First, you’ll need tosignup for VidIQ并通过VIDIQ网站登录您的Google帐户,将您的YouTube帐户配对。只需单击几下,不到一分钟。


Next, install either the VidIQ Vision through theGoogle Chrome store或者Firefox Browser Add-ons网站。




Select “search by phrases” to enter your query. Hit “enter” and a list of matching phrases will load directly below. VidIQ opens up a whole realm of extras that go well beyond a simple search function. The only small issue is that the VidIQ extension sometimes requires that you manually scroll down to load more matching comments. It isn’t that big of deal for most, but worth pointing out.


As you can see, there are several easy ways to search the YouTube comments section. Whether on your own videos or those of your favorite channels, these three methods are effective solutions to scouring hundreds or thousands of comments at once.

But which is the best method? We recommend trying the first method with a simple keyboard shortcut before you go-ahead and install a browser extension. Sure, it may not be the most effective, but it’s a quickest way to find keywords that you’re looking for.

如果简单的键盘快捷键不像您想要的那样健壮,请尝试YSC (Youtube Comment Search) browser extension第一的。它的唯一目的就是这样做 - 在任何视频的评论部分中找到特定的单词或短语。这是一个轻巧,快速安装的附加组件,如果您不是粉丝,则很容易删除。


While YouTube themselves haven’t opened up video comment sections to searching, it’s nice to see several effective methods that all work almost equally as well.


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