How to Remove Other Users Likes on Your Instagram Photos & Videos

If you’re an Instagram user, you’re not alone. As one of the most popular social media platforms today, it’s often seen as the ideal way to share photos over the web. Whether you’re an experienced Instagrammer or someone who just started using it, finding your way around the app can be a bit overwhelming. Although we can’t say the user interface is known to be confusing, there’s actually much more to it than you might think.





Although comments on Instagram are easy to delete, likes are not quite the same. Simply put, there’s no feature on Instagram that lets you manually remove specific likes. Instead, you’ll need to try a different technique. In fact, the only way to get rid of their like is if you block the other users account. This may seem a bit extreme, but it’s a better option that deleting your entire post. However, if you decide that you want to unblock them in the future, all of their previous likes will re-appear. Ultimately, this seems like severe step, but it’s really the only straightforward way to remove their likes on your photos.

Blocking a third party account is the only way to remove their likes. It has the same effect on your likes as if they were to disable their own Instagram account. In that case, their likes would automatically be removed from your posts. The same would happen if they decided to permanently delete their own account. As a result, their likes would disappear from every post or photo they previously liked in the past.


Making Your Instagram Account Private

The best preventative measure you can take to stop random users from liking your posts is to make your Instagram account private. By placing your account in “private” mode, only people that follow you will be allowed to view and like your posts. Additionally, you can vet and verify each and every person who wants to follow you. This way, you have a clear understanding of who is viewing (and liking) your content.



3。Tap on the菜单图标(三个水平线)在右上角。


4。清单会出现,点击Settings- 图标将具有齿轮齿轮,并首先列出。


5。在设置菜单下,点击Privacy– the icon with the little lock.



7。然后Instagram会问“switch to private account?”It will notify you that only your followers will be able to see your photos and videos. Also, it will not change who can tag, @mention or message you.


Regardless if you use iOS or Android, the steps to manually remove likes that you, yourself have made, are all the same within the Instagram app. While we discussed earlier that you cannot delete likes on your own posts, you always have the ability to remove likes that you have made on other profiles.



3。Tap on the菜单图标(三个水平线)在右上角。


4。清单会出现,点击您的活动- 图标将有一个带有四个点的时钟,并将排名第三。

instagram interactions

5。将出现管理活动的工具列表。从顶部下来的第三是一个称为的设置“互动”。点击它 - 这将使您可以查看和删除喜欢,评论和其他互动。这是YOUR活动,因此只能让您删除以前进行的互动。


6。The next screen is self-explanatory. Simply select “Likes” and it will bring up a list of likes that you’ve made on other users photos, sorted from newest to oldest. Think of this as your own history of likes – not on your own account, but other account posts that you have liked in the past. Selecting an individual image will bring up the original post. From here, simply tap the little heart to unlike.


Although Instagram doesn’t let you manually remove other peoples likes on your Instagram posts, we’ve outlined the best way to prevent unwanted likes from random users you may not be familiar with. Blocking them seems to be the only way, although it’s quite an extreme measure to take. All in all, the best way to prevent strangers from liking your content is to simply activate full privacy on your profile. This way, random users won’t have access to your content; meaning no unsolicited likes from strangers!

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