
Have you ever wanted to use various symbols that are so easy to draw but apparently impossible to replicate when typing on a computer? For instance, it’s a breeze to draw a heart symbol when writing a love letter to your significant other on paper, but it’s much more difficult to get the same image across if you’re relying on a Word document or just using a text box that doesn’t contain pre-rendered emojis.


All it requires is a sequence of key presses with a special number code. Let’s go over the exact steps required to make the “degrees” symbol and more in whatever text box or document you wish.



At its core, creating special characters that can appear in any kind of text box requires inputting a special code into your keypad. This can only be initialized by both A) initializing Num Lock, which is a button on the right-hand of most keyboards and which allows for the three by three number pad to be used and B) inputting the correct numerical code. These codes aren’t well known by the general public, and there are too many of them to create an easy to understand keyboard interface for everyday use.


Windows PC计算机可以接受的代码数量确实令人惊讶,因此不要期望完全记住这些代码。您可以记住一个或两个代码的符号,这些符号经常使用,但如果您想在下一个电子邮件或聊天会话中输入新符号,则可以将代码列表的列表列出以获取简单的列表。

Note that all of the above information only works for Windows PCs. These directions may be drastically different for other operating systems or types of computers since the base code underlying inputs from a keyboard is vastly different.

If you are using a Windows PC, these instructions will work with any kind of text box that accepts inputs from your keyboard. This includes emails, social media chat boxes, video games, or forum posts.



To start, click into whatever text field or box in which you wish to place your “degrees” symbol. Wherever the winking line directed by your cursor appears is where the symbol will show up once you’ve followed the correct instructions.





接下来,按下您的任何一个“ alt”键,其中两个键在您的空格键的两侧都应该有两个键。您按下的钥匙对计算机无关紧要,因此请选择更舒适的钥匙。

一旦您的“ alt”键不断固定,请快速连续按下您的数字板上的数字键。用一只手做到这一点,这样您就可以无需努力就可以击中他们。


While most people tried to do this as quickly as possible, you actually don’t need to be in any particular rush. So long as the “alt” key is held down by your finger your computer will be waiting for inputs from the number pad and consider what symbol you’re trying to input. You can take your time as you put those numbers into the keyboard, so be sure to get them right.

如果您看到此代码读为字符,则将其描述为“ Alt+0176”。




如果您不知道这些命令是什么,它们很简单。拿起鼠标光标,然后单击并将其拖动要复制的文本,包括“学位”符号。突出显示后,放开鼠标按钮,然后一起按“ Ctrl+C”。这将将所选文本复制到计算机的内存。

接下来,单击要放置复制的东西的任何地方。然后按“ Ctrl+V”。这应该导致所选文本的完美复制品。这是一种快速简便的方法,可以使多个符号散布在文档或短信中,而无需一遍又一遍地输入相同的数字序列。

Step Five: The Character Map

You might be wondering what other cool symbols you can make using your number pad and the “Alt” key. To view those symbols and their accompanying sequence codes, you can access the Character Map on your computer if you are using a Windows PC.

Simply click the start menu, then go to “all programs”. Next up you’ll click “Accessories”, followed by “system tools”. At this menu you should see a button called “Character Map”. Clicking here will let you see various symbols that your computer can transcribe from an associated numerical code.


Those codes are the same no matter what kind of text box you want to place the symbols inside, so you can either write these codes down for symbols that you feel you’ll use frequently or you can simply remember to look for the Character Map whenever you want to find a new symbol.


As you can see, learning these codes opens up a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to your official paper writing or online discourse. You’ll be able to use the exact symbols you imagine when you compose a new letter or chat message, plus you’ll feel a little more tech-savvy at the same time. It’s a win-win. Have fun with your new tricks and thanks for reading!

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