
Being in charge of your children’s safety is incredibly important. Any tool that you can use to put you in the driver’s seat and bring you peace of mind is worth looking into, if it provides the unmatched benefit of safety to your loved ones.

It’s not that you can’t do it alone. The advantages afforded to you and your children by the hereO GPS Watch extend all the way to durability, convenience, appearance and price, yet it can fully deliver overall greater security and better peace of mind.

hereO Child GPS Watch

这se qualities are also strong on their own, to where the watch itself is attractive to kids, comfortable to wear and well-built, among other smart features that make using one quite easy. The digital age has provided many benefits to the modern parent, however due to hardware constraints, much of it has remained too unreliable to spend money or depend on, because up until now, you wouldn’t have the range, durability or overall battery life that would make it worthwhile.

Software has also been a limiting factor in the past, due to the lack of desirable features that can make it easier to track and monitor your children, no matter where they go.

This will all be taken into consideration in this review of the hereO Children’s GPS Watch,正如您会发现其最大的整体素质是什么,以及它可以作为充满爱心的父母解决的特定问题。

hereO Child GPS Watch



LEYO的主要优点之一是它完全启用了GPS,使您可以按需访问实时位置数据,这些数据足以准确地向您显示孩子的位置 - 直到坐标。这允许跟踪和记录它们通过BreadCrumb Trail Logging的位置以及高级安全功能,我们将稍后讨论。

它既可以启用GSM,也启用了WiFi,这意味着它与您的所有蜂窝设备完全兼容,包括在120多个国家 /地区提供连接性的SIM卡。结合先进的WiFi三角测量算法,这给出了非常经济的价格点的令人难以置信的详细信息。

hereO Child GPS Watch

As you may know, GPS access isn’t always available as the signal must bounce off of a satellite dish, however with its GSM, you’ll almost always have constant access to location data, due to greater access to cell services in most areas, especially in cities.

With an added WiFi option you’ll also have total access while at home and achieve greater battery life at the same time.

hereO Child GPS Watch

Smart Access in the Palms of Your Hands

Smartphones and tablets are an excellent platform due to the virtually limitless access that they provide for other wireless-enabled devices. On the other hand, without a talented and professional team to design, develop and update dedicated apps for the GPS watch, the advantages can be more “pie in the sky” than effective, since feature limitations and bugs can ultimately reduce safety and throw reliability right out the window.

hereO Child GPS Watch

Like its connection capabilities, the smart features of the hereO Kid’s GPS Watch are quite comprehensive, offering full compatibility with both iOS and Android operating systems, so that no matter which specific smartphone you’re using, you always have access to everything.

hereO Child GPS Watch

What’s more is that the GPS chip has geo-fencing capabilities, allowing you to create safe zones for your child, so that any time they enter or leave these areas, you’ll receive automatic alerts and updates, if you choose to.

您也可以与您选择的任何家庭成员安全地共享它们,因此,如果从Heryo GPS手表或Whoreo Family应用程序触发紧急警报,将通知每个人的通知,以提供最快的路线,直达您的孩子的精确位置。

hereO Child GPS Watch

家庭成员之间的交流甚至into consideration, allowing you to send messages to them from one central app, keeping information secure and accessible. Each family member will be able to notify the group with specific location updates, so that everyone knows that they’ve made it to their destination safely and on time. This ultimately will provide added peace of mind, and complete information in case of an emergency.



hereO Child GPS Watch

这hereO Watch has been specifically engineered to be very resilient, with a water resistant outer cover to protect all of the inner-technology from potential damage.


hereO Child GPS Watch

In terms of safety and ease of use, it contains a battery that holds a charge of up to 60 hours and automatically alerts you via your smart device when it runs low, so that you can rely on it for extended periods of time without second guessing. Charging is made simple by an integrator USB connector that allows you to charge it anywhere you have access to an electrical outlet or computer. Additionally, it can always upgrade to the latest firmware update without requiring access to a WiFi signal.


Full Features & Specifications

  • 无论是什么时候,在任何地方都找到您的孩子。
  • Receive specific locations and alerts.
  • Offers a wide range of services in case of emergency.
  • Use the app to share with the entire family.
  • Compatible with both iOS and Android
  • 创建自己的安全区域并设置自定义警报。
  • Connectivity in over 120 countries around the World.
  • Up to 60 hours of battery life on a single charge.
  • Fully water resistant and built to withstand constant wear.
  • Utilizes both GSM, GPS and WiFi connections for the most precise, up-to-date tracking.
  • Adjustable band size from 112 to 136 millimeters.
  • Weighs just 40 grams.
  • 屏幕是EPD(电纸显示),可确保电池寿命的持久。

Final Thoughts

这里的儿童GPS手表is primarily a safety device and using it must be taken seriously if you truly want to know exactly where your child is at all times.

hereO Child GPS Watch

With the performance capabilities of GPS, GSM and WiFi the it provides access to both a host of reliable, advanced features as well as ultimate reliability, whether it has connection to a GPS signal at any moment or not. As long as your child wears it, you’ll always be presented with precise location details, with full iOS and Android compatibility, allowing you to track pertinent information without the involved guess work.


该设计对儿童和成人都令人愉悦 - 在各个季节和活动中舒适耐用,整体上提供更大的安全性,包括恐慌按钮和易于充电的电池,其寿命非常长。

没有切割一个角落,hereO GPS窟ch for Kid’s provides the latest advantages without putting too much of a strain on your budget. Overall, it’s a highly recommended piece of technology that’ll surely provide a substantial amount of benefits for any loving parent or family member.


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