Goodee K100与Anker PowerWave Pad无线充电器 - 评论和比较

这information revolution has changed our lives in ways we never thought possible. With a modern smartphone, you can find get directions, listen to audiobooks, and search for information. This has made today’s world more efficient, as well as more connected than ever before. That said, it’s also caused us to become reliant on our electronics. Without your smartphone, how would you pay a bill, navigate an unfamiliar neighborhood, or stay in touch with your family? As a result, good charging technology has taken on outsized importance in today’s world.


Today, we’re going to be looking at two of the most popular wireless Qi chargers. First, we’ll be reviewing the GooDee K100 Wireless Charger. This is a wide, flat charger that’s made specially for smartphones. Next, we’ll examine the Anker PowerWave Pad Wireless Charger. This is a slightly narrower charger with raised sides for charging smaller objects. But there are a few other differences that we should take account of. Let’s take a deeper dive into each of these wireless chargers, and see how they compare!

Goodee K100无线充电器

Goodee K100无线充电器

GooDee is primarily known for manufacturing audio-visual equipment, such as视频投影仪。当我们听说他们正在制造无线充电器时,我们感到惊讶,但也很高兴能窥视。这Goodee K100无线充电器是一个简单的圆盘形QI充电器,设计用于大型手机。它由一个宽阔的充电平台组成,具有橡胶饰面,可防止手机滑落。底部还有一组橡胶握把,以保持充电器本身。作为额外的奖励,橡胶中心垫有助于防止耳塞滑动。因此,您正在寻找适合大型或小型电子产品的充电器。

Goodee K100无线充电器



Goodee K100无线充电器

Charging Features

这GooDee K100 can charge at several wattages, ranging from 5 to 15 watts. It also has a trickle charge mode, which is designed for wireless earbuds and other low-wattage devices. As a result, the K100 can be used to charge anything from the latest smartphones to the smallest earbuds. One thing we should point out is that the standard cable in the kit only delivers 5 watts of power. If you want to charge at 7.5, 10, or 15 watts, you’ll need a PD cable. Presumably, you’ll already have one that came with your phone. If your phone didn’t come with one, odds are good that your phone doesn’t support faster charging to begin with.

Goodee K100无线充电器

One thing we appreciated about the design is how wide the charging coil is. It’s designed specifically for large smartphones. Instead of fiddling around with placement, just set your phone down and walk away. The charging coil is also powerful. It can charge through a 5mm case, provided the case isn’t metal or magnetic. Unless you’re using an OtterBox, your phone should charge just fine without any issues.


Anker PowerWave Pad

Anker PowerWave Pad Wireless Charger

Anker PowerWave Pad Wireless Charger比K100的设计稍微胖。在0.5英寸处,几乎是厚的两倍。它的范围也较窄,直径仅为3.7英寸。仅2.08盎司,它的重量轻而易举,几乎可以在任何地方轻松运输。该表壳由黑色ABS塑料制成,非常轻巧。将其扔进笔记本电脑袋或随身携带的袋子中,您将不会有任何旅行问题。

房屋在外面上有一条橡胶戒指,顶部有一个,底部有一个。顶环的设计旨在防止耳塞从充电器的顶部滑落。它还为智能手机执行相同的功能。底环是防止PowerWave Pad充电器本身在桌子上滑动或滑落。大部分外壳是黑色的,但实际上有两个变体。一个是黑色的,另一个是黑色,带有蓝色戒指。

Anker PowerWave Pad

这re’s a green LED light bar surrounding the circumference of the Anker charger. This ring flashes for 3 seconds whenever the charger is plugged in. When your phone or other device begins charging, the ring will light up solid for 16 seconds. These functions let you know when the charger is connected and when it’s charging. Otherwise, the LED light ring remains dark, so it won’t pose any issues when you’re sleeping. The power input port is located on the outer edge of the charger. This is a PD-capable USB Type-C port that’s compatible with any USB Type-C cable. A Type-C to Type-C and Type-A to Type-C cable are included in the box, but an AC adapter is not. Any AC adapter that provides 15 watts will be good enough. That means just about any AC adapter on the market.

几乎您不想使用Anker充电器的唯一地方就在您的车内。为此,您将需要一个充电器,该充电器还可以安全地将手机固定在适当的位置。这Fiora Ultimate Wireless Car Charger供应完整的15瓦,您的手机将不受损坏。

Anker PowerWave Pad

Charging Features

这PowerWave Pad Wireless Charger supports 5-watt, 7.5-watt, and 10-watt charging. The included cables will be good enough for standard 5-watt charging. However, if you want to get faster speeds, you’ll need to plug the charger in with your own PD cable. Most modern smartphones that support higher charge speeds already ship with a PD-capable charge cable. Unlike the GooDee K100, the Anker charger does not support 15-watt speeds.

Anker PowerWave Pad


像Goodee K100一样,Anker PowerWave无线充电器具有几个安全功能来保护您的手机和充电器。手机和充电器都有温度控制。有短路的保护和电涌保护,以防止您的电路免受损坏。也就是说,Anker无线充电器还提供异物检测(FOD)。如果FOD与金属对象(例如键)紧密相邻,则将自动关闭该充电器。这样可以防止危险的过热,如果磁性材料靠近充电器。最后,整个软件包受到Anker的终身退款或更换保修的保护。您不会在这个行业中看到很多一生的保证,因此这是一个很大的价值。

Final Verdict

Goodee K100无线充电器和Anker PowerWave Wireless Charger都带来了很多桌子。这Goodee K100是更好的选择如果您需要最可能的充电能力。它的最大瓦数为15瓦,它是市场上最强大的无线充电器之一。直到技术进一步发展之前,您将不会更快地找到任何东西。宽的设计是另一个优点,因为很容易将手机放在实际的充电线圈上。线圈具有足够的功率来穿透5mm外壳,并具有大量的安全保护。同时,它还具有针对微型电子设备的特殊trick流的功能。

Anker PowerWave Pad Wireless Chargerisn’t quite as powerful as the K100. That said, with a maximum wattage of 10 watts, it’s still pretty powerful. On many smartphones, 10 watts is already as fast as you can get. On the other hand, you won’t get the maximum out of the latest phones. Nonetheless, the PowerWave Pad charger has a sturdy design, with a fat rubber ring that keeps anything from sliding off. It actually offers more safety protection than the GooDee charger, with FOD technology. And with its lifetime warranty, malfunctions are not a concern.

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