Review of the EnGenius ECW260 Cloud Managed Outdoor Access Point

EnGenius ECW260

EnGenius ECW260


9.0 / 10.


10.0 / 10.


9.0 / 10.




  • Ideal for connecting multiple devices.
  • 无需交流电源连接。
  • Full suite of cloud management controls.
  • Can work as part of a mesh system.


  • Low bandwidth compared to other WiFi 6 devices.
  • 非常贵。


IoT devices include all kinds of gadgets, from doorbells to security cameras to smoke detectors, and they can be anywhere on your property. For instance, you might have a connected thermometer in the lawn, or a camera in a detached garage. This means you’ll have to improve your wireless network not just in terms of number of devices, but of range. An outdoor wireless access point is one good way of doing this.

今天,我们将审查Engenius ECW260云管理Wi-Fi 6 2×2户外接入点。这是一个小的接入点,因为它的名字暗示,旨在安装在户外。这意味着工程质量是必不可少的,简单地就物理建设而言。但是,虽然我们需要良好的防水,但我们还需要确保无线性能达到PAR。否则,我们可以找到一种防水装置,实际上并没有做任何事情。因此,我们已经介绍了ECW260性能的各个方面。这是我们发现的,以及我们的最终判决。

EnGenius ECW260


EnGenius ECW260是一个紧凑的接入点,用于安装在您的家庭或商业的外部。当我们说“紧凑”时,我们的意思是在户外设备方面。它实际上大约10英寸长,宽6英寸,但外面看起来更小。它具有梯形外形,具有光泽的白色塑料饰面。结果,它对于大多数外部颜色方案来说是一个合理的匹配。附在单位的任一端,你会看到一对天线,它们本身很长。天线可以保持平行于时尚外观,或旋转以获得最佳信号。


EnGenius ECW260


我们应该提到的最后一件事是ECW260需要通过以太网(PoE)连接的电源。PoE允许您运行小型设备,如无线接入点,而无需单独的电源连接。这意味着只有一根电线运行。另一方面,这意味着你需要一个PoE injector向以太网线提供电源。或者,在更大的网络上,使用a可能有意义PoE switch反而。PoE开关可用于为多个设备电源,无需设置多个注射器。

EnGenius ECW260


设置ECW260要求它首先插入您的PoE供电以太网线路。完成后,下一步是在智能手机上安装Engenius应用程序。此应用程序在Google Play和Apple Store上免费,只需分钟即可安装在现代手机上。一旦安装了它,您将通过设置过程引导,这需要您与WAP配对。这意味着您必须在设备背面扫描一个唯一的条形码。完成后,配置其他设置只需几分钟即可。你不必花几个小时来修补周围,以便让一切都像你喜欢的方式设置。不仅如此,而且Engenius为需要它的人提供时钟的客户支持。


EnGenius ECW260

这best part is that all of this is free. There are no licensing or subscription fees for using the EnGenius app. This is not a small factor in the ECW260’s favor, since it’s an enterprise-grade access point. In many cases, enterprise-grade WAPs require a subscription for their online services. By providing monitoring and analytics for free, EnGenius offers a great value for consumers and businesses alike.

除此之外,ECW260还提供了许多安全选项。您可以在WPA 3个人,企业和混合或WPA2混合和企业之间切换。企业选项配有Suite B支持,这对于电力用户来说是一个大的。无论如何,您将能够保留您的设备 - 以及您的其他网络用户 - 在冲浪时安全。

EnGenius ECW260

WiFi 6.Connectivity

正如你可能已经猜到了,ECW260的能力WiFi 6.connections. But what does this mean in practice? In theory, WiFi 6 supports speeds of up to 9.6Gbps, an increase from 802.11ac’s 3.5Gbps maximum. But there’s a lot of play in both of those numbers. In fact, they’re theoretical, and no real hardware can actually achieve 100 percent of those numbers. Even if you could get a full 9.6Gbps, you wouldn’t be able to use it. The average American internet connection is still slower than 100Mbps, or roughly 1 percent of the maximum.

What does this mean for the ECW260? The four detachable, 360-degree mics support up to 1,200Mbps on the 5GHz band. On the 2.4GHz band, they support an additional 574Mbps. This means that, in theory, you can achieve a maximum speed of 1,774Mbps. That’s better than plain Ethernet speeds, but short of what WiFi 6 can fully offer. In addition, keep in mind that the 2.4GHz band has a longer range than the 5GHz band. Don’t install your WAP all the way at the end of your main router’s range. Install it where you’re still getting four bars, and take advantage of those 5GHz speeds.

EnGenius ECW260

With all of that being said, there are good reasons thatWiFi 6.允许这种疯狂的速度。原因是路由器或WAP不仅仅是处理设备与Internet之间的流量。它还还在不同设备之间传输信息。例如,假设您正在在电视上观看Netflix。与此同时,您正在将您的笔记本电脑上的一些文件备份到网络驱动器。您的netflix流来自Web,但备份文件是所有本地流量。换句话说,它们不会受到LAN互联网上行的限制。当您当地的网络设备可以处理时,它们可以快速转移。

EnGenius ECW260

WiFi 6的另一个优点是它允许在设备之间更有效地共享带宽。具有较旧的WiFi变体,即使是低交通设备也可以使用大量带宽。例如,WiFi烟雾探测器可能会呕吐20Mbps,尽管每天只发送几兆数据。这可能听起来不大。但乘以20,30或50个智能家居设备,并且您将快速运行到带宽Logjam中。WiFi 6根据需要为带宽分配带宽。因此,您的闲置烟雾探测器可能只能获得几kbps的带宽。如果它突然熄灭,WAP将打开闸门并通过所需的带宽供应。

EnGenius ECW260

ECW260尤其利用2×2个Mu-MIMO技术来增加其WiFi 6能力。简而言之,MU-MIMO允许您的路由器或WAP多任务更有效地开关设备。再次,您正在寻找有很多物联网设备的人的重大好处。

One of the ECW260’s few drawbacks is that it’s a bit pricey. If you don’t need an outdoor WAP, you can save a lot of money and get similar performance. If that’s what you need, take a look at theEnGenius ECW120. It’s much more affordable, but it can only be used inside the home.

EnGenius ECW260


Engenius ECW260户外接入点有效且易于使用。只需几分钟即可安装,它还配备了强大的应用程序。这使得新手和能力用户相似。此外,它达到了其承诺,具有优异的水和防尘。它可以提供更多的带宽,特别是游戏玩家可能需要更多。也就是说,它仍然在正常范围内,特别是作为接入点而不是路由器。最后,ECW260在分配带宽和连接之间切换时非常有效。如果您有很多智能家居设备,您将欣赏此功能。


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