Dojo Labs Smart Home Security Gateway

dojo.Labs is a company that made waves in the technology industry a while ago, but they haven’t made any of their products publicly available until now. The company introduced their first product that’s not just a test version and is now accessible to the general public –dojo., a small digital security device that’s designed to protect your home by serving as an all-in-one solution.

有一个原因列表了数字安全不应该被忽视,其中大多数人不注意,直到他们到达没有回报的观点。对于一个,智能家庭倾向于完全依赖无线网络。即使您正在通过Top-Notch加密而执行重要信息,这远非最安全的方式。因此,逻辑问题是 - 你如何保持受保护?嗯,Dojo专门设计用于拍摄所有当前的连接并完全保护它们。

Smart Security

The secret behind Dojo’s functionality is that it does as many things as it doesn’t. For instance, while comparable security systems might operate outside of your network, Dojo doesn’t. It also doesn’t serve as a manager for the security devices you’re using. The thing it focuses most on is your device’s wireless activity. It’s constantly on the lookout for problems. As soon as a problem is detected, it informs you on the spot so you can make a solid decision. You’ll get updates straight to your smartphone (iOS and Android supported). The Dojo works around the clock.


In order for you to grasp this in a practical manner, we’ll have a look into some examples. Say you have some wireless device (like your brand new TV) connected to your network and it starts acting strange. You’ll receive updates on your phone and Dojo will let you block it instantly. If someone is trying to hack into your WiFi or a neighbor tries connecting, you’ll be notified right that second.

Most new internet enabled devices will send information to a manufacturer, even if you’re not aware of it. This helps the manufacturers gather more information on their users, however, with Dojo you’ll be asked whether or not you approve of the information being sent. Dojo also serves as an internet security device of sorts, because it can monitor a detect suspicious activity when you visit websites – If you’re looking at the weather on a certain website and you suddenly start downloading some video, the device will know that something is off and prevent it instantly.



它看起来像在图片中呈现的时尚 - 一个非常简单但有效的设计。只有2个主要部分需要使其工作:码头和鹅卵石(两个包装在包内)。您可以自由地实验鹅卵石的放置,并且码头也可以远离路由器放置。鹅卵石上有小型LED指示灯有助于可视化您的整个连接列表。正如您可以想象的那样 - 通过简单的设计来判断,它只需要几分钟才能设置它,只要它就在开箱即用即可将其插入路由器。



Similar to other security systems you’ve likely used (though the newer ones), you do the controlling via a mobile app. The app has a simple and user friendly interface that allows you to do everything with the press of a button. You’ll be prompted whenever there’s unusual activity and you can either enable or block devices that way. Literally nothing sneaks past this little thing.



The system is called Dojo Intelligence and it’s basically an engine designed to detect all types of network behavior through complex algorithms, ones that stem from the company’s extensive research. Dojo was designed to prioritize efficiency, and all the data that comes through is collected/analyzed on the spot to help you remain alert as well as on top of potential system threats.


One thing you may not be seeing from the pictures online is how small Dojo is. You can practically fit it inside the palm of your hand. Its impressive the way they’ve managed to design everything so that it combines top notch security features, a minimalistic/portable design and effective monitoring with the latest of technology.


If we rewind the clock to a few years earlier – in order to get an efficient security setup, we’d have to pay obscene amounts of money and also dedicate a lot of time staring at an instruction manual before anything gets done. Setting up Dojo is practically effortless in comparison. All you have to do is plug the box into your current router and then put the Dojo app on your smartphone or mobile device.

You can place the small Dojo rock anywhere as long as the security hubs remain near your main router (assuming you’re using extenders). This way you’ll be alerted whenever something unusual pops up and the lights on the Dojo will change accordingly.



Is It A Reliable Company?

这实际上是最新的公司成为网络安全市场的最新公司之一,尽管背景故事和创始团队执行它正义。Dojo是由Yossi Atias和Shmulik Bechar的成立,以色列人拥有与谷歌,三星等更大的科技公司合作,并开始在以色列智能下进行网络安全。他们对资格规模的高度高,并且在他们设法筹集了大约200万美元的设备之前,它并没有长时间。


结论 - 您是否应该立即预订或等待它?



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