Review of the Diamond VS50 Wireless HDMI USB Powered Extender Kit

Trying to run HDMI cables over any significant distance can be pretty tedious. In order to not become tripping hazards, or horrible eyesores, those cables need to be tucked away somehow. Some people can avoid the problem with in-wall installations.

But with resolution standards on the rise, those people will have to worry about replacing their cables in the next five or ten years. That makes it less convenient in the long term, which is one of the reasons why so many people turn to wireless solutions.

However, running a wireless HDMI extender comes with its own challenges. If you can manage those challenges, then you can also get around all the trouble associated with running cables. It’s all a matter of having the right equipment for your own unique circumstances.

钻石VS50Wireless HDMI USB Powered Extender Kit

The钻石VS50就是可以称为Barrebones Wireless HDMI USB扩展套件的方法。它应该为您提供运行优雅,便携式和完全无线HDMI扩展所需的一切。无线有些误导,因为您最终不得不运行几条短电缆来为发件人和接收器供电,但是此设置所涉及的简单性很难击败。


Like most tech products, it’s important to be able to match your expectations with reality. It can be tough to get a good read on the capabilities of hardware like the VS50 without personally handling it. But in terms of its capabilities, the VS50 is usually a pretty good choice for conference rooms and home entertainment settings.




VS50包括无线接收器和一个无线发件人。从一眼看,很难区分他们。从物理上讲,它们基本上是彼此的克隆。每个测量大约3.1 x 0.9 x 0.5英寸,这是USB拇指驱动器的标准尺寸。尽管这些单元比标准的拇指驱动器稍大一些,但差异充其量是边缘的。

让他们略problemati看起来很相似c. Using the same black chassis, and nearly an identical layout on their backside, it’s easy to get them mixed up. One of the only ways to tell them apart is a single word beneath their logo. The receiver as a wireless receiver, while the transmitter is marked as a wireless sender.


The text is small enough that some people may struggle to read it. With the passage of time, the text could easily wear away. It would’ve been more convenient if there was some kind of color coordination. Even if the sender/receiver labeling was written in a large font, that would’ve helped considerably.

But provided you don’t end up confusing the two units, thanks to the support of universal formats like HDMI and USB, this gear is literally plug and play. You don’t need to download any special software, app, or management tools. There isn’t even any form of Wi-Fi setup. You do have to take a moment to run a power cable to each unit, but beyond that, there’s no extra configuration involved.


Video Transmission

VS50支持HDMI 1.3,并与HDCP 1.2兼容,这使该套件可以流媒体受到盗版保护。由于信号涉及较旧版本的HDMI格式,因此您无法通过信号填写3D内容之类的功能。



The Diamond VS50 allows you to move 1080p signals across a radius of about 30ft. That range assumes a clear line of sight between the sender and receiver. When you’re trying to move a signal from one room to another, or move it from one end of a room to another, 30ft is all that most people will need.

由于您需要更强大的天线,因此大大增加了30英尺以上变得昂贵。但是,不要被这个套件以30英尺限制的事实所欺骗 - 这不是入门级设备。连接是无滞后的,因为它支持需要使用5 GHz频段的抗干扰技术。

And the VS50 provides about the same level of adaptability as more elaborate HDMI extender kits. Much of that adaptability is possible with the included accessories, which we’ll get to in a moment.



There are pros and cons to the transmitter using 5G. Because it’s using the infrared band, you don’t have to worry about encountering issues in environments with have lots of 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi signal traffic. It’s also much better at carrying very large amounts of data. When people start streaming 4K content wirelessly with extender kits similar to this one, those kits will certainly be using IR technology as well.

But there are downsides, too. The 5G band does not work like the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band. Your signals don’t bounce around very well. Rather, you need actual line of sight between the transmitter and receiver. Anytime more than a couple of trivial objects pass through the signal, you’ll find it won’t be able to maintain integrity.



Gaming Considerations



Especially when it comes to fast-paced action games, where you need to be responding to the screen within a fraction of a second. For casual players, or people who are playing slower paced content, it’s fair to say this wireless kit feels like it runs pretty smoothly.


该套件包括发件人和接收器,用户指南,一对5英寸HDMI扩展电缆,一对12英寸的微型USB电缆以及一对HDMI雄性到女性直角适配器。拥有两根电缆和两个适配器意味着将发件人和接收器保持在视线状态要容易得多。Diamond Multimedia似乎确实竭尽全力确保您不需要其他任何东西即可开始。

However, if you’re using a sensationally large television, and the HDMI ports happen to be positioned towards the center of the screen, you’re out of luck. These short 5” extension cables are not sufficient for moving the receiver away from the backside of the television and into line of sight. That being the case, you’d have to invest in a separate HDMI cable, probably one which runs about 12-inches, and then use that cable to help stretch the receiver into a better position.



Diamond Multimedia provides a one-year warranty for their HDMI extender kit. They also provide American based tech support on a toll free number, which American tech support ready to help people who encounter issues. The VS50 is reasonably simple to setup, but it’s nice to know you’re covered if you do encounter a problem.

Who Should Choose the Diamond VS50 Wireless HDMI USB Extender Kit?

Extender kits which are aimed at smaller areas, like the VS50, tend to provide far less. The VS50 was built to broadcast about 30ft because that’s all that most people need. But it has the actual adaptability of equipment made to broadcast five times that distance. You can add on an HDMI extension cable to place the transmitter/receiver in a better position, or you can utilize the included right angle adapters to make the whole thing run smoothly.


For wirelessly extending your screen, this adapter is suitable for most workspaces, conference rooms, classrooms, and offices. If you’re trying to move a signal through walls, you’re out of luck unless the wall is tremendously thin. For some people that means, finally, a reason to be thankful for having thin walls.

Small form factor almost speaks for itself. Both the transmitter and the receiver use a small form factor. They’re basically the size of a USB thumb drive. The plug and play nature of this kit makes it easy to use, and easy to take with you on the go. And that makes theVS50无线HDMI USB动力扩展套件is a good choice for someone who needs a portable kit that’s easy to setup, and can provide an effective signal for about 30ft.

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