
Damson Audio Dahb01BK头部骨传导耳机提供多种用途,也可以作为具有精湛品质的听力障碍辅助功能。所说,这不仅仅是一组耳机。这是一个改善听证会的设备,并通过拍摄耳朵区域振动,并享受更好的享受优质的娱乐性能。

大学英语这项技术有一个激进的方法g to sound or music. It taps the bone structure in your skull to hear sound versus the traditional method of listening through the ears. This is why it’s sitting in front of the ears when in use. Conventional headphones stay in the ears which bring a whole different kind of listening experience.

Damson Audio DAHB01BK Headbones Bone Conduction Headphones

这se headphones let you hear the rest of the world while enjoying your favorite music. With conventional headphones, several sounds compete with each other. But with these, the sounds coming from the speakers and surroundings seem to work out very well. This creates a harmony in the several sounds that you can hear clearly hear and still have a presence on what’s going on around you.


Damson Audio DAHB01BK Headbones Bone Conduction Headphones


Bone Conduction is the act of delivering sound through the bones in the head. The hearing impaired often uses this kind of technology for various reasons. Medical experts say that sound that travels through bone conduction is clearer and more audible. Unlike the inner ear levels, bone conduction gets the sound signal faster than the many levels that the inner ear has. The sound goes through the temporal bone which then goes to the inner ear. This prevents hearing damage while sending supreme sounds.



Damson Audio DAHB01BK Headbones Bone Conduction Headphonespromise a new way of hearing sound. This radical technology lets people tap into the skull’s bones to experience a different level of sound that most people haven’t ever experienced. When a person uses it for listening, there’s a better sense of hearing that the inner ear is not able to provide. Those from all walks of life could gain with the improvements and benefits they provide, even if there’s no necessary medical need.

Damson Audio DAHB01BK Headbones Bone Conduction Headphones


  • 听证会改进- 某些听力障碍可以通过定期使用来改善。这些是脑膜炎引起的微量滴虫,缺氧,耳鸣和听力丧失。还可以容纳单面听力障碍。特殊应用程序通过使用智能手机作为助听器来增加听明者的能力。来自智能手机的音频可以将您的声音流流入您听取。而且别担心,你不需要临床处方来使用它们。
  • Sports- 在玩运动的同时,往往会禁用一个人听音乐。这只是因为具有传统耳机的典型设计。它们粘在耳朵里或覆盖整个耳朵,这可以让一个人无法在他们周围听到世界其他地方。许多体育狂热学希望在参与他们最喜欢的活动时听音乐,这么多人很高兴发现这些坐在耳朵前面,所以你能听到音乐,同时也听到周围的环境。
  • Gaming– Your favorite video games are better experienced with the Damson Audio DAHB01BK Headbones Bone Conduction Headphones. Their superior quality lets the gamer feel every move and hear every sound. This immerses you into the game which makes for a more life-like and enjoyable experience.
  • 可移植性– The incredibly compact size makes them a great choice. The headphones arms fold into a single strip which makes it slide into pockets and small pouches very well. They’re also very lightweight so they’ll never get in the way.
  • Take Your Call- 无免提电话,没有任何电缆或电线悬挂。使用蓝牙,您可以无线连接到手机。

Damson Audio DAHB01BK Headbones Bone Conduction Headphones


  • 蓝牙能力
  • 防水
  • 使用锂离子可充电电池
  • 根据声音路径的8-20小时的电池时间
  • 300小时待机时间
  • 内置麦克风
  • 语音拨号
  • Auto switch for calls
  • 重量80克


  • 微USB充电电缆
  • 玻璃式箱子
  • Ear buds
  • Sports strap
  • 1年保修

Damson Audio DAHB01BK Headbones Bone Conduction Headphones

Who is Damson Audio?

Damson Audio launched in 2011 with the mission to expand the quality and reach of audio devices for several purposes. They started with speakers that blew the competition away by using US Navy systems in their products. Now, they have an entire lineup of top of the line, highly rated audio equipment available.


Damson Audio DAHB01BK Headbones Bone Conduction Headphones如果您正在使用大多数人尚未经历的全新技术寻找卓越的音频质量,这是一个很棒的选择。它们是重量轻,紧凑,耐用,整体投资。适合各种运动和活动,或者对于那些听到困难并希望尝试更好地解决优质耳机的人。


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