In-Depth Review of the Canon Rayo S1 Mini Projector

Portable projectors have really only been possible for a couple of years now. At least, when it comes to making projectors look any good while retaining their portability. But as technology has been getting better, portable projectors have too. Though you usually still need a device that’s larger than a phone to really deliver the kind of clarity that people expect from a modern display, there’s an increasing number of phone-sized projectors that can reach the visual standards that people want.

Canon Rayo S1 Mini Projector

TheCanon Rayo S1isn’t Canon’s first attempt at making a portable projector, and it certainly won’t be the last. In this case, you’ll find a device with a very particular slant in its design. That slant is towards professional presentations — at least primarily. Because this projector also has a variety of multimedia purposes that should make it attractive to just about anyone who likes the idea of being able to take a portable presentation with them on the go.

Canon Rayo S1

更具体地说,佳能Rayo S1不是为了创建超大型电影院大小的屏幕而制作的,尽管该设备的图像几乎不比几张名片大。同样,板载蓝牙扬声器可用于看电影,听音乐甚至免费通话。

因为使用S1,您可以将投影仪与兼容的智能手机或平板电脑一起连接,然后镜像Rayo S1上的这些设备的显示。这为即兴会议诸如即兴会议,在不辅助另一台计算机的情况下共享文档的事情打开了大门,以及一些漂亮的通话功能。

如果你可以使一个投影仪很小,那么为什么n’t all projectors made this small? Because there are tradeoffs to cramming a projector into a space of this size. Those tradeoffs occur in many forms, including battery lifespan, storage capacity, and even brightness. That means the S1 Mini Projector isn’t going to be the right choice for everyone. But it does certainly does have a few things worth checking out.

Canon Rayo S1

Design & Layout

The S1 Mini Projector measures 4.1 x 4.1 x 0.8 inches, and weighs just over one pound. That makes it easily one of the smaller projectors on the market right now, and it’s nearly an eighth the size of some projectors that are sold as mini projectors. Since the device is pretty small, everything is just a tiny bit cramped though.

For instance, the backside of the device has a USB jack and a headphone terminal, using USB Type-A connections. That allows you to connect essentially any USB device or data carrier to your projector. And the smart touch pad is basically like the touchpad control that you’ll find on a laptop — it’s quite smooth and responsive.

In addition to the touch control, there are only three analogue buttons. So using the S1 is actually very intuitive. With only a couple of taps, you can start manipulating video sourcing, changing the projector’s settings, and so forth. This is really far better than the alterative, which would’ve been cramming the interface with a bunch of different analogue buttons and perhaps even an LCD screen. Touch controls draw very little power, but even well designed LCDs can become a real power-draw over time. So this is a pretty smart tradeoff.

小尺寸为良好设计创造了障碍。但是Rayo S1在围绕这些障碍编织方面做得很好。例如,您会发现大约有4GB的内存帮助提供了足够的空间来存储应用程序,图像,文档等。但是,车载内存实际上不是S1闪耀的地方 - 只有当您开始查看其更广泛的连接选项时,您才能真正开始欣赏该投影仪的真正功能。

Canon Rayo S1


You probably have low expectations for the performance of a mini projector, and under most circumstances, those expectations are reasonable to have. After all, it’s tough to get strong performance out of a smaller unit like the S1. Nevertheless, there are a lot of things that help the Rayo S1 along. For instance, this projector makes use of DLP technologies, which is a proprietary tech from Texas Instruments that’s used on some of the best full-sized projectors on the market. It helps guarantee the S1 can deliver color vivacity that exceeds that of a standard LCD television.

Canon Rayo S1

The Rayo S1 also needed to deliver when it comes to clarity. Because if you’re presenting information, data, charts, graphs, numbers, and text, a professional presentation will need everything to be crisp and readable. That’s exactly what makes it so tough to pick the right portable projector for professional purposes. Because it’s not that tough to cram a projector into something that’s around this size. But it’s actually much tougher to make that smaller projector perform with the kind of vivacity that you can squeeze from a larger unit.

巴S1活泼,超过了你find from most full-sized routers around this general price range, and that’s pretty impressive. Not that many portable projectors are made specifically for clarity – most are made with the assumption that you’re going to be watching a bunch of movies. Of course, the S1 does reasonably well in those kinds of scenarios as well. That’s largely because this projector is capable of delivering such vivid colors since it’s backed by DLP.

Canon Rayo S1



That may be difficult unless you’re using the S1 in particularly well-dimmed locations. But should you expect to run the projector at maximum brightness at all times, then you’ll end up with the 2-hour estimate. Another thing to keep in mind is that you don’t want to operate the projector while it’s recharging. Technically speaking, you can get it to work. But you’ll tank the longevity of your battery in the process.

Really, the fact you can use the S1 to recharge your other devices is a little bizarre. Because you’re already working with a battery lifespan that’s in the neighborhood of two-hours. If you start tapping into that with your smartphone, then you’re going to end up draining the S1 pretty quickly. Of course, you’d be able to totally refill your phone if you really wanted.

But you shouldn’t think of the S1 Mini Projector as being an independent power bank. Instead, think of it as a backup that you might use if you find yourself in a pinch. And from that perspective, it’s actually a pretty cool feature to have. As long as your presentation only runs 20-minutes or so, you just might have a little excess battery lifespan to spare after-all.

Canon Rayo S1

Additional Features


If you feel like being a little more hands-off with your installation, then you may be pleased to know that the S1 includes a pre-installed Canon Camera Connect App. That can be used to connect with various compatible Canon devices, for an easier time sharing videos and images. Think of it as a Wi-Fi type feature specifically for Cannon products.


Sometimes projecting from a flat surface just won’t give you the kind of presentation you’re looking for. Larger projectors are usually designed with some kind of bottom screw that can allow you to extend a small leg from the front end of their body, and slightly adjust the pitch of your projection.

Canon Rayo S1

在这种情况下,佳能Rayo S1 Mini投影仪包括一个可以用于将投影放置的三脚架安装座。通过一些调整,它可以使您更好地访问所需的首选角度。它还提供了比将投影仪直接放在平坦表面上的稳定性要多得多,尤其是在任何其他人与该表面交互的情况下。当有人放下桌子上的饮料时,这肯定不是很好,这足以摇晃屏幕。

Because this device makes use of a built-in battery, you can probably expect its lifespan to be in the neighborhood of five or six years. That’s assuming you’re using it modestly. If you’re using the S1 frantically, and emptying the battery day-after-day, then you’ll more likely end up with about three years with this projector before needing to replace the unit.

Canon Rayo S1

Who Should Choose the Canon Rayo S1 Mini Projector?


Most mini projectors, especially those that are aimed specifically at presenting movies, will not be able to deliver the kind of clarity you need for professional presentations. Especially when it comes to small text. The S1 is a rare exception to this rule. Of course, you can still enjoy a movie or YouTube clip on the S1. But it doesn’t command the kind of high contrast ratios that you can only expect from stationary equipment.

Canon Rayo S1

So if you’re someone who is trying to find a projector for mobile presentations, theCanon Rayo S1 Mini Projectorcertainly has a lot of things to offer. In more than a couple of ways, the S1 is adaptable. The only hard limits you’ll find, like the 2-hour battery capacity, are limits shared by virtually all similar machines. Which really makes the S1 attractive in a number of different ways.

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  1. Mark Haywood
    • Steve

