Bowers & Wilkins P3 S2 Headphones Review

When you’re talking Bowers and Wilkins, it’s a given that your products are in a category that serious audiophiles consider worthy of their attention. So to all you audiophiles out there, allow us to draw your attention to the B&W P3 S2 wired Headphones.



P3 S2在后一类中的电话,他们解决的问题是缺乏高质量,真正的便携式耳机。传统的刻板印象将发烧友描绘为只有在他们最喜欢的音频设备商店中的志趣相投的人或志趣相投的人包围的势利小人。


它引出了一个问题,甚至有可能拥有系列耳机的顶级耳机,您可以与您一起在世界各地牵引吗?鲍尔斯和威尔金斯的回答是肯定的。输入P3 S2。

Bowers and Wilkins P3 S2


It would be logical to presume that any set of headphones is portable once placed in a good quality case, but anyone with premium headphones knows this not to be true.

When it comes to premium quality headphones, there is so much more to portability than the simple act of throwing your headphones in a case. Ideally, you want a compact size headphone that feels secure enough to get tossed around in your bag without causing any damage.

这些正是鲍尔斯和威尔金斯在设计时所想到的P3 S2 Headphones. The ear cups easily fold in toward the headband with a sturdy sounding click for a secure, compact shape. When folded, you can easily store them in the case or even in your pocket.

Bowers and Wilkins P3 S2

Imagine premium quality headphones sitting comfortably in your pocket – that’s the kind of confident portability the P3 S2’s offer. Not to mention that they are – for lack of a better term – downright cool looking. They are made with aluminum and sheepskin leather for performance, luxury, and durability. They are simple, yet elegant.




Bowers and Wilkins P3 S2

在此类别中,P3 S2的出色。在自然界中,最耐用的生物不是大而强大的,而是小而细腻的生物。蚂蚁轻巧的身体使它能够在没有太多剥离的情况下跌落距离。同样,P3 S2的重量仅为1.7磅,使它们具有舒适性,优雅性,最重要的是耐用性。


The materials are what allow such a lightweight, elegant set of headphones to remain so perfectly suited for the unpredictable roughness of transportation. The aluminum allows for the marriage between fine design and strength. The quality and durability of the sheepskin leather speaks for itself. The headband is straightforward, sturdy, and durable.

P3 S2是耳机,可以说明便携式耳机在构建质量方面应提供的内容。B&W在雄辩的设计和紧凑的耐用性之间取得了完美的平衡,这将使他们羡慕附近的任何人。

Bowers and Wilkins P3 S2



This means that sacrificing comfort for durability and portability would be counter intuitive. But comfort is one of the easiest things to sacrifice for better durability, which is a lesson you don’t want to learn firsthand while sitting beside a crying infant on a plane.

B&W知道这种权衡根本不会。只有1.7磅,P3 S2的感觉也不会觉得它们正在慢慢重塑您的头骨,即使您戴着它们睡着了。我们也不能对耳垫说足够的积极措施。


头带只能轻轻缓冲,但我们发现这是一个非问题的,鉴于耳机的轻巧重量。总体而言,P3 S2为这种耐用,便携式产品提供了出色的舒适性。

Bowers and Wilkins P3 S2

Sound Quality

最重要的声音质量。这是任何一套优质耳机的不可否认的皇冠上的珠宝,B&W再次提供了P3 S2。

对于初学者来说,他们完全对驾驶员进行了改造,从一正方形进行了重新设计。P3 S2的驱动程序包括一个独特的阻尼系统,可增强性能。经过改造的阻尼系统可以更多地控制隔膜的运动,以提供更准确,精致的声音,在耳机中经常发现。

结果是一种均衡的音景,听起来很自然并且清晰。贝司像芹菜茎的那样,打包了一个沃洛普和高音,共同提供了一个有力的低音/高音一致。中距离不太温暖或麻木,但不会太少或平坦。每个声学微振动都是透明且光滑的。该组合是具有个性的音景,意味着扭曲被减少到最小。没有什么可以分散您从Buddy Rich的清脆,不可能的音乐独奏,Flea疯狂的低音系列或Etta James的乳白色,有力的和谐中分散您的注意力。

Let’s put it this way: they’ll make you wish your flight was longer.

Bowers and Wilkins P3 S2


P3 S2绝对拥有巨大的价值不足为奇。如果您在旅途中需要家庭影院级享受,那么市场上很少有可比的耳机可以击败B&W的P3 S2。


While they were built to perfection for transportation, they are outstanding enough to be used as your at-home headphones as well. The revamped driver delivers sound quality that can be enjoyed anywhere with minimal distortion for the perfect listening experience.

Bowers and Wilkins P3 S2

The P3 S2’s really are the whole package, and perfect for the travelling audiophile. With revamped sound, premium quality build and materials, intriguing design and a price tag to get excited about, it’s hard to find anything that challenges the value of these headphones. And for those who can never be too careful, they also offer a 2-year limited warranty so you can rest easy while discovering that you won’t need the warranty anyway.


一次又一次,B&W提供最重要的地方。如果例外证明了规则,那么您必须在其他地方寻找证明,因为Bowers & Wilkins P3 S2 Headphones也不例外。

Bowers and Wilkins P3 S2


Built from aluminum and sheepskin leather, they’ll hold their own on long journeys. Designed to fold easily and securely, they can be taken down any road your travel takes you.

These are headphones you’ll want as a companion, because they even deliver where it matters most: sound quality. If you truly value a pleasurable listening experience, these headphones are up to snuff for at home or on the road.

Why settle for the completely flat audio offered by earbuds when the P3 S2’s are yours for the taking? The price leaves no question that these are the headphones to get if you need to fulfill a portable headphone need.

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