Guide to the Best Wireless Wii Sensor/Motion Bars


这也是由于这个方案,Wii尸体ns popular today. Despite being more than a decade old at the time of this writing, millions of people use the Wii every day. There’s even a rich aftermarket of parts, so people can replace and repair their Wiis as needed. There are also gadgets likeWii to HDMI converters,因此您可以连接到现代电视。所有这些都说您可能时不时地需要一个替换部分。

Integral to the Wii’s control scheme is its motion sensor bar. The bar sits on your TV, and picks up the movement of your controller. If the bar is out of place, or if it’s broken, you won’t be able to play your Wii. Of course, there may be other reasons to replace your sensor. You might want to use your Wii with a different system, or use a wireless bar. In that case, you’ll definitely need an aftermarket option.

我们将要查看可用的三个最佳替换无线Wii传感器(运动)条。我们将首先审查Mayflash W010无线传感器海豚。这是一个专门的WII传感器,旨在使您可以将WiiMote用作PC输入。接下来,我们将检查Kimilar替换无线传感器栏。该条在有线和无线模式下工作,以涵盖各种情况。最后,我们将审查Nifery无线红外运动感知栏。该传感器的范围为12英尺,比原始传感器长,适用于非常大的房间。让我们仔细看看它们,看看它们是如何堆叠的。

Mayflash W010无线传感器Dolphinbar

Mayflash W010无线传感器Dolphinbar

Mayflash has produced a number of Wii accessories, including theirGameCube控制器适配器。现在,我们已经看了看W010无线传感器海豚杆。Dolphinbar是一个光滑的黑色传感器条,具有与原始形式相同的一般形状。但是,它光滑的黑色饰面是PC和其他“游戏玩家”装备的更好匹配。此外,支架是可移动的。这意味着如果您不想将支架连接到电视上,就可以轻松地放在桌子或梳妆台上。在10英寸宽,1深和0.7厚的位置,它也足够紧凑,可以轻松旅行。您可以在没有很多大惊小怪的情况下将其带到路上。

Mayflash W010无线传感器Dolphinbar


这W010 sensor bar can be easily synced with your Wii console. Simply hold down the sync button as you normally would, and follow the usual pairing process. From that point, use it as you’d use any other Wii sensor. You can set it underneath your TV, or attach it to the top with double-sided tape.

Mayflash W010无线传感器Dolphinbar



这Mayflash W010 works in four different modes. In the first two, your Wiimote will work as a mouse, along with your PC’s keyboard. There are subtle differences between the two, but both are fairly easy to use. The two modes differ based on how your Wii buttons work. In the first, they’ll function as media controls, for pausing, playing, and skipping tracks. In the second, they’ll function as gaming controls. In both cases, the cursor doesn’t shake or stutter.

Mayflash W010无线传感器Dolphinbar

In the third mode, your Wiimote will work as a normal gaming controller. The motion controls will be locked out, and you can use the controller in horizontal mode. In the fourth mode, your Wiimote will work like a Wiimote. You can play Wii games through an emulator, or use the Wiimote for playing third-party games. You can cycle through all four modes easily by tapping a button on top of the sensor. Moreover, you can connect four controllers simultaneously, either on your Wii or on your PC.

KIMILAR Replacement Wireless Sensor Bar

KIMILAR Replacement Wireless Sensor Bar

KIMILAR Replacement Wireless Sensor Bar是一个紧凑的黑色传感器,看起来像原始的传感器。此外的例外是设备正面的突出功率/同步按钮。还有一个易于固定和拆卸的小型透明塑料架。宽度仅为9.55英寸,它是我们列表中最狭窄的传感器。如果您将其定位在狭窄的位置,这使其成为理想的选择。例如,如果您想将其放在屏幕上方或屏幕下方的狭窄架子上,则可以。

KIMILAR Replacement Wireless Sensor Bar


这KIMILAR sensor is designed to be easy to install both with your PC and your Wii. On your PC, it connects via either Bluetooth or USB. Using USB usually makes the most sense, since you can save batteries. That said, there is no plug-and-play functionality. You’ll need an emulator to actually use your Wiimote as a Wiimote. Syncing with the Wii is easy with the Sync button, and you can also sync with the Wii U. This means you can use both the old and the new versions of the Wii console. Moreover, KIMILAR includes mounting tape in the kit, so everything you need is at hand.

KIMILAR Replacement Wireless Sensor Bar


This sensor takes four AAA batteries, which are included in the package. When it’s set up, it will run for just over 12 hours, depending on conditions. The range of eight feet is neither long nor short, about the same as the original Wii sensor. The sensitivity is very good, so you won’t have trouble with shooters and other precision games. Once the Wii has been calibrated, your controller will point exactly where you want it to.

NIFERY Wireless Infrared Motion Sensor Bar

NIFERY Wireless Infrared Motion Sensor Bar

NIFERY Wireless Infrared Motion Sensor Baris a bit more eye-catching than our last two options. It has a blocky, retro-Nintendo vibe, with a prominent sync button on the front. At 12.1 inches wide and 3.5 inches deep, it’s fairly large. But at only 0.4 inches thick without the stand, it will fit just about anywhere. It’s also well constructed. This doesn’t mean it’s shock-proof, by any means. But if you accidentally drop it now and then, it’s not going to suddenly quit working. Along with the unit itself, you get a small stand, which is easily removable.


Installing the NIFERY sensor is simple and straightforward, just like the other two on our list. It can be synced with your Wii, and used in mere seconds. Install the four AAA batteries, and you’re ready to go. Alternatively, you can connect to a PC via USB. This method will save you on battery life, since the cable will provide the power. That said, there’s no plug-and-play compatibility on PC. Much like the KIMILAR, you’ll need to use an emulator for PC gaming.

NIFERY Wireless Infrared Motion Sensor Bar


Like the KIMILAR, the NIFERY sensor will work with both the Wii and the Wii U. A set of fresh batteries will last for 12 hours, which is about the same as the Wiimote. If you’re on the road, you’ll probably want to bring an extra set or two.

这actual performance of the sensor was a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, it could be a bit laggy. It works fine when you’re moving your Wiimote slowly. But as soon as you start making any quick movements, you’ll occasionally get some lag. This is no big deal if you’re just navigating a menu. But if you’re in the middle of Smash Bros, it can seriously crimp your style. On the other hand, the maximum sensor range of 12 feet is quite impressive. You can use the NIFERY sensor in large rooms that would be problematic for most other sensors.

Final Verdict

如今可能很明显,这些替换Wii传感器中的每一个都有其自己的目的。这Mayflash W010无线传感器Dolphinbar如果您是PC游戏玩家,则是最好的。由于它旨在与您的计算机一起使用,因此您可以随时无需安装第三方软件。您甚至可以将Wiimote用作鼠标,并释放您的手。它还具有可移动的基础,这使运输易于运输。您也可以将W010与Wii一起使用,但是没有什么壮观。

KIMILAR Replacement Wireless Sensor Bar是最好的混合动力选项。使用蓝牙和有线选项,您可以连接到Wii和PC。但是,它不是PC上的插件。您需要像海豚模拟器这样的东西来使其正常工作。但是,由于它不需要电线,因此很容易在房间到房间。Wii上的性能非常出色,配对很容易。

NIFERY Wireless Infrared Motion Sensor Barworks with both the Wii and the Wii U, just like the KIMILAR. Its main difference is that it has a very long range, as far as 12 feet. This makes it suitable for large rooms where a normal motion sense bar wouldn’t be workable. On the other hand, the sensitivity isn’t quite as accurate as we would have liked. If you need a hyper-accurate sensor, you may want to look elsewhere.

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