
If you look at the average living room, a lot has changed over the past few decades. When TVs first became widespread, they were big, bulky appliances. Forget about a slim, flat panel. These were full-sized cabinets, with wooden enclosures. With advances in technology, CRT TVs got smaller, and screens got bigger. By the 1990s, it wasn’t unusual to see an entertainment center with a 27-inch TV. By the standards of today, that might seem downright quaint. But by the standards of 1995, it was a “big” screen.

Fundamentally, though, CRT screens were limited. They were deep and heavy, so they required an entertainment center, stand, or table. This meant you needed a dedicated piece of furniture in your room. It also meant, however, that you had shelving for all your other electronics. Over the last 20 years, flat screens have slowly replaced older CRTs. With a flat screen, you can mount your TV on the wall, eliminating the need for a stand. In many respects, this is good news. After all, you get more floor space. Who doesn’t want more floor space?




今天,我们将审查市场上的三个最好的电子墙壁安装。我们将查看所有功能,它们是如何安装的,以及他们可以支持的内容。我们将从Humancentric Cable Box Mount和MODEM安装开始。

This is a standard steel mount that comes in multiple sizes. Next, we’ll review the HIDEit Uni-SW (Black) Mount. This is another steel mount, but it’s adjustable to fit a wide variety of devices.

最后,我们将通过Mount Genie看看全梦想吊索。这是一种创新的魔术贴安装座,没有金属部件。这些墙壁上的哪一个是最好的?让我们仔细看看,找出他们每个人都提供的东西!

Humancentric Cable Box Mount和Modem Mount

Humancentric Cable Box Mount和Modem Mount

当你听到“墙壁山”的话时,Humancentric Cable Box Mount和Modem Mount是想到的。这是一个简单的矩形支架,支持您的电子产品。

现在,当您在看任何墙壁山时,您需要思考的第一件事就是大小。如果坐骑不是正确的尺寸,则不会支持您的电子产品。Humancentric Mount有四种不同的尺寸。结果,它可以在今天的市场上拥有大多数电子产品。我们审查的版本支持3.5至10英寸的长度,深度为1.8至2.9英寸。这对于大多数现代机顶盒而言就足够了。它将举办康卡斯特Xfinity盒,AT&T U-Verse盒,大多数Roku设备以及大多数蓝光玩家。它甚至会持有任天堂Wii。只需在订购之前确保衡量您的设备。如果您没有正确的尺寸,则不会有一个安全的安装座。

Humancentric Cable Box Mount和Modem Mount

One thing we liked about the HumanCentric mount was its minimalist design. It’s mostly open, which offers a couple of advantages. First, this design allows for easy cable access. This makes it easy to plug in all your devices. Second, it keeps most of your device exposed to the air. In theory, this means your cooling vents will be fully exposed. In practice, your results will vary depending on where your vents are located.

Humancentric Cable Box Mount和Modem Mount

无论您的通风位置如何,您都会欣赏坚固的钢结构。Humancentric Cable Box Mount由耐用的黑钢制成,因此它不会容易受损。它还将匹配大多数现代电子设备,因此您的墙壁安装座将具有吸引力和功能性。

Humancentric Cable Box Mount和Modem Mount


The HumanCentric Cable Box Mount includes drywall screws and anchors. In other words, everything you need for mounting is already in the box. Just grab a Phillips screwdriver and you’re good to go. We should point out that there’s no weight rating on the anchors. This was a bit concerning, since it’s an easy enough bit of data to provide. On the other hand, even the weakest screws and anchors are strong enough for home electronics.


ideit Uni-SW Mount

ideit UNI-SW(黑色)安装

尤为州是一家知名的墙壁架制造商。我们此前审核了他们的Nintendo Switch wall mount,我们喜欢我们看到的东西。当我们了解到他们也制作了更通用的墙壁山,我们渴望仔细看看。

Theideit UNI-SW(黑色)安装is in most regards similar to the HumanCentric mount. This comes right down to the powder-coated black steel construction. 16-gauge construction ensures that you’ve got a rugged build, while a powder-coated finish resists rust. The frame is square rather than round. However, this is more or less irrelevant for practical purposes. The frame hugs so tight to your device that you won’t have to worry about getting jabbed. More to the point, the frame has an open design with plenty of breathing room. With most electronics, your air vents and cords will be totally unobstructed.

ideit Uni-SW Mount

关于设备尺寸,您有一点灵活性。ideit Mount可以支撑4到10英寸的长度,深度为1.76至2.7英寸。它还可以支持高达9英寸的高度,尽管那里有一点锯齿室。理论上,任何设备的高度都将是可接受的。在实践中,更高的设备更有可能提示。最重要的是得到的是紧张局势。安装了所有内容后,请确保您的电子产品被牢固地夹紧到位。不要把你伤害伤害,但确保他们不会蠕动。这将确保您的电子产品保持在位,不要脱落。

ideit Uni-SW Mount




all-in wonder mount由mount genie

The All-in Wonder Mount by Mount Genie

Theall-in wonder mount由mount genie毫无疑问,我们列表中最独特的安装座。这不是由金属构造,这是尼龙和魔术贴安装。这可能起初可能听起来很奇怪。VELCRO ELECTRONICS MOUNT?这不是有点脆吗?

all-in wonder mount由mount genie


All-In Wonder Mount有黑色或白色,因此它可以匹配大多数现代设备。无论您是安装白Xbox One S还是黑色电缆盒,您是否会很好。如果您有多个设备,则可以将它们全部安装。All-In Wonder安装在1-Pack或5包中的任何大小作业的船舶。

all-in wonder mount由mount genie



All-In Wonder Mount by Mount Genie包括所需的所有安装硬件。它配有四个螺钉以及干墙锚,总重量为50磅。螺柱安装不是必需的,但如果你愿意,你可以去。对于大多数人来说,Drywall安装更简单,为您提供更多的放置选项。

all-in wonder mount由mount genie

The metal-free design of the All-in Wonder Mount ensures that you get a clear signal from your remote. To be fair, the last two mounts we looked at are also designed for minimal interference. In most cases, you won’t notice any difference. When you’re sitting on the couch ten feet away, everything will work just fine. But there are edge cases. For instance, imagine you’re using a headset with your game console. In that case, a metal frame will limit your ability to roam. A metal-free design, on the other hand, will allow you to push the limits of your Bluetooth connection.

Final Verdict

正如您所看到的,这些都是值得的墙壁安装。也就是说,有一些值得指出的差异。我们开始看看Humancentric Cable Box Mount和Modem Mount。If you’re looking for a simple, straightforward mount, this is where it’s at. It’s constructed from steel, and it’s reasonably adjustable. It also comes in four sizes, so you can support just about any device.

Theideit UNI-SW(黑色)安装有类似的金属设计,虽然它是方形而不是弯曲。在大多数其他方面,它或多或少都是一样的。这包括整体轮廓,旨在促进最大气流。框架易于调节,螺母可以根据需要拧紧或松开。这意味着您整体兼容性更广泛。另一方面,您将无法安装非常大或非常小的设备。

最后,我们看了all-in wonder mount由mount genie。这是一个唯一的选项,用于快速交换设备。它也非常通用,支持各种尺寸。如果你不介意魔术贴的外观,那么这个坐骑有很多东西。

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