Best Universal Laptop AC Chargers (Adapters)

当您拥有笔记本电脑时,您需要可靠的电源。是的,您的电池将为您带来一些粗糙的补丁。但是,当该插入时间时,该插入了。您可能只需要几个小时才需要再次依靠电池。如果您的电源起作用,则必须尽快进行更换。现在,现代电源有多种口味。许多较新的笔记本电脑只需用USB Type-C电缆充电即可。在这种情况下,PD-capable USB Type-C AC charger将是您所需要的。

But many laptop manufacturers still use barrel-style adapters. These adapters come in different sizes, different polarities, and different voltages and wattages. As a result, it can be hard to find a good match. The same adapter that works for your Samsung Chromebook won’t work with your Compaq. The good news is that none of these adapters are proprietary. They’re simply variations on the same basic design. As a result, third-party manufacturers are able to come along afterwards and make “universal” adapters.

We’re about to look at three of these universal laptop AC chargers. We’ll start by reviewing theZOZO 90 w AC通用笔记本电脑充电器。This is a powerful, 90-watt charger, designed for even the most demanding of laptops. Next, we’ll look at theBelker 65W通用笔记本电脑充电器。This is a more modest 65-watt charger, ideal for smaller laptops. Finally, we’ll examine the防弹70W通用笔记本电脑充电器。这是一个70瓦的旅行充电器,带有短3英尺的绳索。哪一个最适合您?为了找出答案,我们将仔细研究每个。然后,我们将能够做出最终裁决。


How to Choose the Right Adapter

So, your laptop’s power adapter is broken, and you need a replacement. How do you know which one is right? The ones we’ve chosen all come with a number of tips with several specifications. That said, it’s impossible to find one charger that literally charges anything. When in doubt, it’s best to verify the specifications to make sure you’re using the right thing. Here’s a quick guide to making sure your replacement charger functions correctly.

Voltage, Amperage, and Wattage

这first thing you’ll want to look at is the adapter’s output voltage. This is extremely important, since a device will only work if it’s receiving the correct voltage. Most laptop chargers are rated for 3, 5, 6, 9, 12, or 18 volts. However, you’ll want to check your owner’s manual or original charger to verify.

电压呢?sponds to a circuit’s maximum capacity. If you imagine the circuit as a river, the voltage measures the width of the river bed. Amperage, on the other hand, represents the intensity of power delivery. So a high-voltage, lower amperage charger is like a wide, slow-flowing river. A low-voltage, high-amperage charger is like a narrow whitewater rapids.

Unlike voltage, amperage does not be exactly matched to your device. You can use a higher amperage charger with a lower-amperage laptop, but not vice-versa. So a 4.5-amp charger will work with a 3.25-amp device, but a 3.25-amp charger won’t power a 4.5-amp device. Keep in mind that it’s sometimes possible to use a lower-amperage charger if the numbers are close enough. However, this is a Very Bad Idea. In the best case scenario, over-power circuitry in the charger will deactivate it. In the worst case, the charger can overheat, permanently burning out the circuitry or even starting a fire.


瓦特是对总功耗的测量 - 伏特和放大器的组合。如果电压是河流的宽度,并且安培数是其速度,那么瓦数是水的总体积。要找到瓦数,您只需乘电压和安培数即可。因此,如果您使用的是5.0伏,1.5-AMP USB充电器,则获得5.0V x 1.5A = 7.5W的功率。同样,您可以通过将瓦数除以电压来找到安培数。因此,100瓦,5伏充电器提供了100W÷5v = 20a的功率。该计算可能很有用,因为充电器通常会列出瓦数或安培语,但两者兼而有之。您还可以将瓦数除以安培,以找到电压(如果需要)。但是,如果有的话,您很少会这样做,因为几乎所有充电器都会显着列出它们的电压。

Plug Polarity

Once you’ve found a charger that provides the correct amount of power, the next step is to determine your polarity. For barrel-style plugs, you’ll see a symbol with a “+” and “-“ sign, connected to a ring and a dot. The symbol connected to the outer ring represents the polarity of the outside of the barrel. Similarly, the sign connected to the dot represents the polarity of the inside of the barrel. Most devices use an adapter with the positive connector on the center, but there are exceptions.

Regardless, it’s essential to get the right polarity! A charger with the wrong polarity can cause your laptop to overheat. If your laptop is equipped with a polarity fuse, the fuse will blow. You’ll need to replace the fuse, and you’ll still need a new charger. If your laptop doesn’t have a polarity fuse, you’ll potentially cook your entire machine.

Plug Diameter

Compared to everything else we’ve discussed, plug measurements are relatively straightforward. There are two measurements: one for the inside diameter, and the other for the outside. Both are measured in millimeters. This is generally noted as “5mm OD x 2mm ID” or something similar. If need be, you can also check by simply plugging it in. Provided the polarity and power supply are correct, connecting the wrong size adapter won’t do any harm. It just won’t work.

ZOZO 90 w AC通用笔记本电脑充电器

ZOZO 90 w AC通用笔记本电脑充电器

ZOZO 90 w AC通用笔记本电脑充电器consists of two primary components. The first is a 10-foot power cord, which plugs into any 2-prong AC outlet. The other end of this cord plugs into a black plastic power supply. This supply is just over 5 inches long and 2 inches wide, and is easy to carry along with your laptop. From the other end of the power supply, a secondary cord runs to your laptop. Near this end, you’ll notice a green LED indicator, which lets you know when the power supply is active.

ZOZO 90 w AC通用笔记本电脑充电器

这far end of the smaller cord ends in a 3-pin tip which connects to any one of 16 different tips. The neat thing about this design is that each tip comes with automatic voltage adjustment. In other words, when you attach a tip, the charger will automatically adjust the voltage to match. You don’t have to mess around with any switches, buttons, or other shenanigans. Another thing we should point out is that the connection to the tips is flattened on one side. This ensures that you attach the 3-pin connector in the correct orientation. Finally, there’s a small velcro strap attached to the DC cord. It’s not much, but it’s a nice extra touch when you’re transporting your charger.

ZOZO 90 w AC通用笔记本电脑充电器

Power Input and Output

For power input, the ZOZO charger accepts both North American 110/120-volt power and 220/240-volt power. As a result, you’ll be able to use it anywhere in the world. Just keep in mind that outside of North America, you’ll still need a plug adapter. It won’t have to adjust the voltage to North American standard, though.

ZOZO 90 w AC通用笔记本电脑充电器

Zozo上的输出电压主要是为高压笔记本电脑设计的。它可以提供15、16、18.5、19、19.5或20伏,最多90瓦。它适用于一些较大的HP和联想机器,很难找到充电器。也就是说,鉴于高瓦数,我们不禁对没有USB Type-C适配器感到失望。是的,USB-C用户还有其他选项。但是,为了完整,无论如何都很高兴看到一个。

This charger comes with over-voltage protection. Basically, this means it won’t deliver too much voltage and damage your laptop. On the downside, the power supply block itself tends to run hot. It’s poorly-ventilated, and should be exposed to the air as much as possible. If you’re laying in bed with your laptop, this can present a small challenge.

Belker 65W通用笔记本电脑充电器

Belker 65W通用笔记本电脑充电器

Belker 65W Universal Laptop Chargeris similar to the ZOZO in terms of basic design. There’s an AC power cord, a power supply block, and a DC cord running out of the power supply. The only significant difference is the length of the cord, which measures 6 feet instead of 10 feet. For what it’s worth, the LED is also blue instead of green. But let’s be honest, one laptop charger looks the same as another.

Belker 65W通用笔记本电脑充电器

这similarities even extend to the number of tips. These include 16 different options, for a variety of brands. Among others, you can find tips for Acer, Asus, Compaq, Dell, HP, IBM, Lenovo, and Sony laptops. You’ll also find that all the tips attach with the same standard three-pin connector.

Belker 65W通用笔记本电脑充电器

Power Input and Output

Belker充电器可以接受100到240伏之间的输入功率,从50到60 Hz。这使其适合美国和国际权力渠道。与Zozo一样,您仍然需要适合所在国家 /地区的适当套接字类型的插头适配器。

Output voltage is more limited than the ZOZO. There are 18.5, 19, 19.5, and 20-volt tips, with a maximum power delivery of 65 watts. As a result, you’ll be limited to powering small to mid-sized laptops. On the other hand, there are still 16 tips. This gives you broader coverage among this size of machine. You also get overload and over-voltage protection to keep your charger and laptop safe.





该套件包括16个套件,可兼容各种制造商。如果我们的最后两个选择都不适合您,那么这个选择很有可能。也就是说,如果您要寻找更多的可移植性,请考虑便携式电力库。这RAVPOWER 30,000mAh PD&AC充电器can charge anything that has its own AC or USB plug. And with its powerful battery, it can fully charge even the beefiest laptops without the need for an outlet.


Power Input and Output

这POWSEED charger accepts input voltages in both North American and international standards. On the output side, it can deliver 12, 15, 16, 18, 18.5, 19, 19.5, 20, 22, or 24 volts. This makes it compatible with a number of machines that won’t work with our other choices. Its maximum power is 70 watts, though, so it won’t work for the very largest laptops. It does, however, have all the safety features you’d expect, including over-charge and over-voltage protection.

Final Verdict

As you can see, each of these chargers has its own benefits and drawbacks. Which one is the best? TheZOZO 90 w AC通用笔记本电脑充电器is an excellent choice if you have a larger laptop. It supports big Lenovo and HP machines that other chargers don’t. It also has a long, 10-foot cord. On the downside, it doesn’t support as many smaller laptops as some other chargers. The long cord also takes up more space for travel than a shorter cord.

Belker 65W通用笔记本电脑充电器具有类似的设计,大多数功能都不会重复。但是,电源线稍短一些,最大瓦数要低一些。如果您的中小型笔记本电脑无法与Zozo一起使用,则Belker可能非常合适。


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  1. Ann
    • Juan Herrero
  2. Raz
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