这se are the Best PS5 Media Remote Covers (Skins)

难以让我们中的一些人相信,Playstation 5现在近四个月了。尽管提供了短缺,我们现在只有每个人都有一个拥有一个的朋友。如果你是那个幸运的朋友,你可能已经要寻找配件来调味你的新控制台。其中最令人兴奋的是媒体遥控器。起初,它只是一个简单的遥控器,就像你为你的PlayStation使用一样。但经过一些考虑,它提供了额外的好处,您无法从双模控制器中获得。


在一天结束时,媒体控制器只是另一个配件,就像你的常规控制器一样。而且,与您的常规控制器一样,它必然会占据滥用份额。颠簸,叮当,偶尔下降或多或少是不可避免的。与此同时,媒体控制器比爸爸的普遍遥控器多得多。你想要保护它。您可以使用专业化的双阵容控制器PS5 controller skin. So why not do the same thing for your Media Remote? Not only can you keep it safe, but you can provide yourself with a better grip.

With that in mind, we’re going to review three of the best PS5 Media Remote covers currently available. We’ll start with the Seltureone Silicone Skin. This is a one-piece cover that slips over your entire media controller, leaving the buttons exposed. Next, we’ll look at the Alquar Glow In The Dark Skin. This skin does exactly what it says it does; it glows in the dark. Finally, we’ll review the Eyglo Silicone Cover. This is a very similar skin to the Seltureone, complete with a distinctive diamond-textured back. Which one is the best? To find out, we’ll have to look a little closer.

PS5-媒体 - 遥控皮肤

What is the PS5 Media Remote?


这buttons themselves are arranged much like they’d be for a set top box. There are volume buttons, a power button for your TV, and a mute button. Beneath, there’s a PlayStation menu button, and other buttons for navigating your system menu. You can do anything with it but play games. Finally, at the very bottom, there are shortcut keys for four major streaming services: Disney+, Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube. This kind of shortcut key is always a risky bet. Remember those Vizio TVs that came with iHeartRadio pre-installed? That said, the four services Sony chose seem like they’ll be popular throughout the console’s life-cycle.

最后,还有一个额外的按钮在顶部center of the remote. It has a microphone icon on it, and Sony has only stated that it’s “reserved for future use.” Does Sony plan on building voice controls into the PlayStation 5 at some point in the future? We don’t know any more than you do, but this microphone button is making us wonder.

这Media Remote connects via Bluetooth, and is easy to set up. Start your PS5, go to your settings, then navigate to “accessories.” There should be an option for “media remote.” Follow the setup instructions, and you’ll be paired in just a few seconds. After this initial pairing, you can use it without going through all the menus. In the same wizard, you’ll be asked if you want to control your TV as well. This can be done viaHDMI ARC使用CEC,如果您已设置。如果没有,你需要多个步骤。如果您有第三方声音系统,则卷可能无法正常工作。但是,如果你有一个HDMI弧线连接,它都会游泳。



With the price of a Media Remote nearly the same as a new DualSense controller, you might wonder if you need one. The truth is that it depends on what you’re trying to do. If you use your PlayStation for a lot of non-gaming activities, it’s more useful. For instance, instead of picking up your DualShock, powering it on, and using both hands, you press a single button. And you do it with one hand, just as you would with a TV remote. Keep in mind that it’s fairly small, though. That’s an odd choice on Sony’s part, since they opted to make the DualSense controller larger than the earlier DualShock.

媒体遥控器的另一个优点是它看起来比DualSense更好。如果它坐在你的咖啡桌上,它不会在客人留意。请记住,正确的控制器皮肤可以增加 - 或减损 - 这种美学。确保您选择将与客厅其他剩余房间匹配的东西。

这Media Remote also boasts a set of programmable buttons. These can be linked to your favorite games or apps. Even if you’re using your DualSense controller to play the next MLB 2K, it’s cool to have a dedicated shortcut button. Similarly, we made fun of other manufacturers earlier for providing shortcuts to niche or little-used apps. But suppose you’re a big fan of Pandora’s music library, or you love to stream free horror movies on Tubi. You can pin those apps to your shortcut buttons, and they’ll have a place on your remote alongside Netflix.

Finally, you won’t have to burn through your controller’s battery. Everyone knows how fast the DualSense controller can drain, even when it’s just sitting there idle. And to be fair, an aftermarketcharging station可以帮助解决这个问题。但以这种方式使用您的控制器仍将缩短电池组的使用寿命。相反,媒体远程在一对AAA电池上运行,持续只要电视遥控器。它可能不是所有人的正确选择。但如果您将Playstation 5用作机顶盒,值得投资非常值得。



Seltureone has been one of the first manufacturers to the market with PlayStation 5 accessories. We’ve already reviewed theirPS5 portable monitor那which performs very well. TheSelturetone Silicone Skinis of the same standard, with a thin silicone construction that stretches easily over your controller. Once it’s in place, it provides excellent protection against drops and other shocks. It’s available in five colors: black, grey, green, red, and white. The cutout on top is wide, and leaves a single large opening for all the buttons. There’s an additional cutout at the front for the infrared emitter.

这Seltureone skin is comfortable to grip, with a rubbery surface that won’t slip easily. This easy gripping is further enhanced by a lattice of diamond hashes on the back. You probably won’t be grabbing your remote with sweaty palms like you will with a normal controller. But now you won’t have to worry about dropping your controller just because you’ve got butter fingers.

Alquar Glow In The Dark Skin

Alquar Glow In The Dark Skin

Alquar Glow In The Dark Skinis not a complicated product. It’s a controller cover, and it glows in the dark. The silicone comes in green and blue, and you get one of each in the two-pack. The design is a bit tighter than the Seltureone’s, with cutouts that are molded for each button. This makes the Alquar cover harder to get on and off. It can also make it harder to hit the buttons from anything but a directly vertical angle. On the other hand, you’ll get the maximum possible protection from dirt and staining. This cover is not as rugged as the Seltureone. But it still provides a secure, comfortable grip, with a wavy texture on the underside of your remote.





So, we’ve established that theEyglo硅胶覆盖只是塞尔特纳州的克隆。有效地留下了两种选择:塞子硅氧烷皮肤,肌肉焕发在黑暗的皮肤中。这两个之间的选择只是一个偏好问题。

With its large opening, theSeltureone更容易上下。它也更坚固,具有更厚的轮廓,可以提供更多的保护。最后,它有点正式,普通黑色和普通的白色变体。这Alquar skinis more playful, complete with a glow-in-the-dark aesthetic that’s also practical. If you like to watch movies in the dark, you’ll appreciate this feature. Not only that, but the Alquar’s molded button holes keep your Media Remote as clean as possible.


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