
Stock coolers are awful. Everyone knows it, and the reason why is simple. The people who make CPUs care about making CPUs, not coolers. The exact same thing is true of GPUs, which is why virtually everyone buys their NVIDIA-based products from a brand like EVGA or GIGABYTE. People want superior aftermarket cooling solutions.


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Intel, on the other hand, decided to stop shipping coolers entirely. Seeing how many of their stock coolers were ending up in the trash, many Intel chips now require you get your own aftermarket cooler to even use the chip! For many people, even if you have a pretty decent stock cooler, or a nice cooler left over from a previous build, it might not help you.


Choosing a Low Profile CPU Cooler

With CPU coolers, you basically get exactly what you pay for. That means choosing the right one is largely about understanding the amount of cooling appropriate for your investment. However, you’ll want to know that AMD coolers and Intel coolers aren’t necessarily compatible.

That’s because AMD coolers have a heat spreader that’s slightly convex, while Intel coolers are slightly concave. This physical difference in build ensures different mounting kits are necessary, only both types of mounting kits are not always provided by the manufacturer.

slim cpu cooler

Fitting In Your Case

The most important thing to get out of the way are space requirements. This doesn’t simply mean asking if you can physically fit the cooler within your case. More than that, you want to think about the range of space you have around the CPU socket of your motherboard.

This will help determine whether or not the cooler will interfere with the placement of other critical components in your build. And physically colliding with other components isn’t the only way you can make your life difficult. You don’t want access to other connectors or cables to be blocked in the process of installing your cooler.

Apart from the area around your CPU socket, you’ll want to know about the basic dimensions of the cooler. Just because a CPU cooler is low profile doesn’t mean it will fit in your case. There’s actually a fairly wide range of different size equipment, some exceptionally small, and others a tad larger. Generally speaking, you want to go as big as you can with your CPU coolers. Bigger coolers move more air and produce less noise, provided you can squeeze them in your case.



The second thing a CPU cooler does is act as a sort of insurance policy for your CPU. Statistically speaking, components run at cooler temperatures will last longer. This is important because of Moore’s law basically came to an end in 2011. The pace at which CPU technology is advancing has crawled to a halt. And consequently, the practical lifespan you can expect from a processor has increased. Many people can now expect to get 7-8 years of reliable performance out of their CPU.

如果你投资了一个顶层的CPU, 350美元n it makes sense to protect your investment with an equally matched cooler. That doesn’t mean you need the same cooler as an overclocking user would use, but you’d certainly want something more than the basics.

slim cpu cooler


One more thing should affect your consideration is the heat output of the CPU you have. Some CPUs run hotter than others. This is rated as thermal design power, or TDP. For example, Intel’s i7 8700k has a reputation for running a little hot. You’d want to pair a 95W TDP chip like that with a cooler equipped to take on at least as much heat.


A 3-pin fan cannot have its speed modulated by the motherboard or any software programs. The most you can do to control a 3-pin fan is through a separate fan controller. With a 4-pin fan, the 4th pin is responsible for communicating speed information to the motherboard.

That fourth pin means you can directly configure and control these fans with relative ease. You’ll need to make sure your motherboard has 4-pin fan headers, though. While 3-pin fans can be placed on 4-pin headers, it doesn’t work the other way around.






There are many ways to make a cooler, and theThermaltake发动机27显然,这是更独特的方法之一。它使用了高度创新的设计,将风扇和散热器元素组合到一个组件中,这称为径向鳍排列。这些径向鳍旋转,好像它们是粉丝。您不必是一名工程师,在观看发动机27时,您就不会有点印象深刻。


Build & Design

曜越科技引擎27坐在3.6 x 1.0 x 3.6 -inches, weighing just under a pound. It’s built to support Intel LGA 105X sockets, and manage heat dissipation for up to 70W Intel CPUs. The incredibly low 27mm height of this cooler, as reflected in its name, helps makes this CPU cooler fit within virtually any small case. And like you should expect from any modern fans, the Thermaltake Engine27 has PWM control to keep fan operation silent when you need.



Other Considerations

Under normal circumstances, 60mm fans would howl like crazy, making plenty of noise. But their metallic construction reduces blade noise and vibration since hot air being pushed away from the blades, creating a small vacuum around each blade, and drawing in fresh air from the heatsink. This pushes down noise towards as little as 13db, virtually silent operation.
This CPU cooler is also compatible with a 1U computer chassis.

Cryorig C7

Cryorig C7

TheCryorig C7is all about the basics. Its distinctly low profile 47mm design makes it ideal for any variety of small form factor cases. Its base is composed of copper, which is a great replacement for the cheap aluminum so often shipped with processors.

Moreover, the C7 offers a modern PWM controlled structure for fan speeds ranging between 600 and 2500 RPM. Cryorig claims their cooler performs about 25% better than the heatsinks provided by stock coolers, and that’s actually pretty easy to believe.

Cryorig C7

Build & Design

Cryorig C7位于3.9 x 2.0 x 0.8英寸,如果风扇是相当大的92mm,则直径为直径。从设计的角度来看,将风扇放在冷却器顶部使其很容易移除,更换或清洁。C7专为包括LGA115X在内的各种插座类型而设计。而且冷却器的重量刚好超过一磅,这不会增加您的外壳。

Cryorig C7使用与任何其他CPU冷却器相同的基本安装。冷却器本身直接放在CPU的顶部。在此之上,四个铜热管有助于在热链路上分配热能。风扇位于其中,有助于将热量从系统中拉开。

Cryorig C7

Other Considerations

This kit doesn’t include an AM4 bracket, you can get one for free by contacting customer service. The C7 is louder than a stock AM4 fan, but you can easily replace the fan to something quieter if it ends up bothering you. In short, the Cryorig seems like a great choice for both ITX and SFF cases.

Noctua NH-L9i

Noctua NH-L9i

Noctua is widely considered to be the best manufacturer of premium PC fans. Their equipment isn’t always cheap, but it’s always powerful. TheNH-L9I利用令人难以置信的低调23mm设计。风扇仅尺寸为14毫米,使总CPU冷却器在您的壳体内仅37mm。无论您是使用较小的外形还是HTPC盒,NH-L9I都会很容易适合。

Noctua NH-L9i

Build & Design

The NH-L9I uses the same brown and white aesthetic Noctua brands all their fans with. And like with most low profile air coolers, the NH-L9I has a fan which rests neatly on top of the heatsink, making it easy to pop off and cool.


大量的Mini-ITX主板将其唯一的PCIE插槽放在95mm x 95mm CPU插座区域旁边。许多大型冷却器可以阻止您的PCIE插槽。但是NH-L9I的建立是为了解决该问题的专门解决。

Noctua NH-L9i

Other Considerations

Even the fan used by the cooler is somewhat impressive. It’s a NF-A9x14 Noctua fan, using their highly soundproofed AAO frame. Additionally, PWM control is enabled for automatic speed control to keep your fan quiet. You can take it a step further with the included low noise adapter to reduce the fan from 2500RPM to 1800RPM. This setup is adequate for CPUs up to 65W TDP or less.

The Noctua kit includes NT-H1热糊to help you install the cooler. It includes the low-noise adapter cable, a mounting kit, screws, and a Noctua metal case badge. Noctua also provides an impressive 6-year warranty on all their fans.

Choosing Between 3 Strong CPU Coolers

如果您使用的是超小型表壳,那么您的最佳选择是一个同样小冷却器的选择Thermaltake发动机27. Its 27mm design is highly quiet, and highly effective at dissipating heat for up to 70-watt TDP, provided you’re using an Intel CPU. It’s a good choice for modest overclocking, and it’s compatible with a tiny 1U PC chassis.

TheNoctua NH-L9Istands at 37mm, making it the second smallest cooler on this list. While it doesn’t have the metallic radial fins of the Engine 27, it does have one of the best air cooling fans on the market. Moreover, it includes Noctua’s thermal paste, which is one of the best price per dollar thermal pastes you can purchase. It’s basically an added value of about $10. For up to 65 TDP, this cooler is an easy recommendation for anyone who can manage fit it within their case.

TheCryorig C7is a terrible choice for overclocking, you’ll get stock temperatures with extra noise. This fan is made for one thing and one thing only: fitting in compact spaces. It’s a great choice for someone who wants something better than a stock cooler at an exceptionally low price. The 47mm build is low profile, but not that low if you’re counting even single millimeter. Because of its somewhat large design, it supports a TDP of up to 100 watts.

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