Best Head Cleaners for VCR’s, VHS Tapes & Cassettes



当然,使用VCR需要一些耗材。除非您有旧的CRT电视,否则您可能需要组件/AV到HDMI转换器just to plug in. And then, you still need to keep your heads clean. As video tape spools through the player, dust and debris can build up inside the VCR. When this debris builds up on the heads, your video quality will suffer.

We’re about to look at three of the best head cleaners that money can buy. We’ll start with the Trisonic Video Head Cleaner. This is a cleaning cassette that includes a small bottle of cleaning liquid. Next, we’ll review the CleanDr VHS Video Head Cleaner. This is a dry cleaning cassette that requires no liquid. Finally, we’ll review the Read Right Tape Head Cleaning Swabs. These swabs are made to be used with alcohol or cleaner to maintain your VCR. Which choice is right for you? Let’s dig deeper, and find out!



Like other mechanical devices, VCRs get dirty over time. As the video tape passes through, it can leave small traces of magnetic dust, or spread dirt around. It can also spread small amounts of lubricant from the moving parts of the machine. As this builds up, it becomes harder and harder for the VCR to read your tapes. Eventually, you’re going to have to clean your machine.

If you’re going to clean your VCR yourself, the first thing you’ll want to do is unplug the power supply. You’re going to be poking around inside, and you don’t want to get an electrical shock. Next, remove the VCR housing, and the internal shield plate that holds cassettes in place. Now, you’ll be looking at the guts of your machine. There, you’ll see a path where the tape travels through the VCR. You’ll want to clean every surface your tape might come in contact with.

First, you’ll want to clean the capstan shaft and pinch roller. This is the large shaft that physically pulls the tape along, as well as the wheel that holds it in place. Wipe them gently with alcohol or a specialized VCR cleaning solution. Next, move on to the A/C head, a magnetic component that sits next to the tape path. This head is metallic, and it should shine once you’re done cleaning it. Note that the A/C head is for audio. The video head is further down. Further along the line, you’ll find the erase head, and eventually the video heads. These should also be cleaned thoroughly, since they’re the parts that are most sensitive to dirt. You’ll also need to clean the tension rollers and guides that line the tape’s path.

This might sound like a lot of parts, but keep in mind that they’re small. Cleaning all of them shouldn’t take more than about five minutes. Once that’s complete, simply reassemble the VCR and plug it back in. That said, manually cleaning every part is still fairly involved, and you have to disassemble your VCR to do it. For most people, it makes more sense just to use a head cleaning kit.

As for how often you should clean your VCR heads, different people have different answers. Some guides recommend cleaning as often as every 20 hours of playback. Others are less rigorous, and suggest cleaning every 30 to 40 hours. At the end of the day, it depends on how dirty your VCR is. If the video and audio are fine, there’s no urgent need to clean. If your picture is getting fuzzy, a cleaning is probably in order.

On the flip side, it’s important to remember that not every VCR problem can be fixed with a head cleaner. Issues like tracking and mechanical failure have nothing to do with how dirty the inside of your VCR is. If you’ve cleaned your heads and you’re still having issues, clean them a second time to be sure. If the picture or audio still isn’t right, you might be looking at a mechanical failure.

Trisonic Video Head Cleaner

Trisonic Video Head Cleaner

Trisonic Video Head Cleaneris a special cassette that automatically cleans your VCR. It looks like a normal cassette on the outside, but the inside houses a special cleaning tape. Instead of a normal magnetic tape, this soft fabric is designed to gently clean your VCR’s most delicate parts. Along with the cassette, you also get a small bottle of cleaning solution. To use the cleaner, you simply put a few drops in the cassette, then run the tape for 20 seconds. Rewind the tape so it’s ready for your next cleaning, and you’re good to go.

Trisonic Video Head Cleaner


Trisonic Video Head Cleaner


Cleandr VHS视频头清洁器

Cleandr VHS视频头清洁器

Cleandr VHS视频头清洁器is a simpler device, and takes less than a minute to use. Like the Trisonic cleaner, the CleanDr is a cassette tape that’s designed especially for cleaning. However, it uses a dry cleaning process, so there’s no need to mess around with cleaning solution or alcohol. Instead, a non-abrasive fabric gently wipes dust and grime off VCR heads and other parts.

Cleandr VHS视频头清洁器

This makes it the most convenient option of the bunch. To use the CleanDr, you simply insert the cassette and press play. After 30 seconds, rewind the cassette and eject it. That’s all there is to it. Your heads will be clean, and you’ll be ready to start watching your favorite tapes. The cassette is good for up to 30 cleanings, so it will last for quite some time. Depending on how often you clean, it could last for 1,200 hours of video playback. That’s on the order of 600 full-length movies before you have to worry about buying yourself a new cleaner.

这downside of the CleanDr’s dry design is that it’s not as effective as other cleaning kits. Without a proper cleaning solution, there’s only so much it can remove. This is particularly true for lubricant, which can be tough to take off without any kind of solvent. We’re not saying the CleanDr will leave your VCR filthy. It will certainly be noticeably cleaner than before you cleaned! We’re just saying that it won’t leave your heads as pristine as some of the other options.

Read Right Tape Head Cleaning Swabs

Read Right Tape Head Cleaning Swabs

Right Read Tape Head Cleaning Swabs不是专门的头部清洁套件。取而代之的是,它们是五英寸,刚性的拭子,设计用于清洁各种电子产品。他们装在36盒中,因此您有足够的清洁工作。不仅如此,而且它们非常通用。盒式盒子只能用于清洁VCR,但这些拭子几乎可以用于任何东西。每个人都有自己的密封袋,并用清洁溶液预先安装。您可以将它们用于键盘,鼠标,计算机组件和其他敏感电子产品。

Read Right Tape Head Cleaning Swabs

这swabs themselves are rigid and well-constructed. The stems are made of plastic, not paper, so they maintain their stiffness even under light pressure. The tips are broad and spatula-shaped, so they can cover a wider area than a smaller swab. Not only that, but the material of the heads is a soft, absorbent fabric, not a ball of cotton. This fabric resists shedding, so you don’t have to worry about it leaving a bunch of lint behind. Not only that, but it’s even more absorbent than cotton. Grease and excess cleaning solution will wipe away easily, without leaving a lot of residue.

If the pre-applied solution doesn’t last, you don’t have to worry. The swabs are made to be impervious to alcohol, so you can always re-moisten them as needed. Be careful about using acetone, though. It can eat away at the tips. While the tips are normally lint-free, this corrosive action can cause them to start shedding. So when you need to re-moisten, stick with alcohol, and you’ll be just fine. And with all of that being said, the pre-applied solution is pretty effective to begin with.

Final Verdict

那么,这些VCR头部清洁器中的哪一个适合您?在大多数方面,这取决于您要寻找的东西。这Trisonic Video Head Cleanerprovides a good balance of effectiveness and convenience. On the one hand, it’s a complete kit, so you don’t have to disassemble your VCR. On the other hand, as a tape cleaner, it’s not going to be quite as effective as a manual cleaning. Even so, the cleaning solution makes the Trisonic cleaner far more effective than your average dry cleaning tape. This means cleaner heads, and a longer period of time between each cleaning.

Cleandr VHS视频头清洁器奖的时候方便。贝科use it doesn’t require any solution, you don’t have to worry about spilling or mess. You literally just stick it in your VCR and let the tape run for 30 seconds. In terms of time investment, that’s about as minimal as it gets. On the other hand, there’s only so much a dry band of cloth can do to keep your heads clean. This isn’t to say that the CleanDr is a bad head cleaner. It’s just not the best option if you want the maximum possible effectiveness.

Read Right Tape Head Cleaning Swabs位于频谱的另一端。“便利”并不是真正的词汇。要使用它们,您必须拆卸您的VCR,这涉及一些时间。也就是说,它们是非常精心设计的拭子,非常适合清洁。如果您愿意付出努力,他们将获得比任何清洁盒更清洁的。它们也可以用于其他电子产品,因此比清洁盒更通用。

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