Best USB-C Charging Cables for PS5 DualSense Controllers

PlayStation 5是索尼游戏控制台的最新最大的条目。在去年11月发布,它仍然在大多数主要零售商处售罄。要公平,这部分是由于全球半导体供应线的短缺。但事实,六个月发布后,供应仍然超过需求,是对PS5的质量的证明。如果你已经没有得到了手,你可能很清楚这种短缺导致的挫败感。但是,如果你是幸运的游戏玩家之一,足以拥有一个PS5,是时候开始思考配件了。

In fact, thanks in part to console shortages, there’s an actual glut of accessories! Go into any big box store, and you’ll see shelves full of controllers and chargers – just no consoles. And one of the very first things you’ll want to think about is how to charge your controllers. Yes, you can always just use AA batteries. But that can get expensive over time, especially if you do a lot of gaming. Not only that, but disposable batteries are terrible for the environment. A better option is to use a rechargeable battery pack. That way, you won’t have to constantly buy replacements. Both your wallet and the environment will be much better off.

But a rechargeable battery requires a charger. There are a few solutions to this problem. One is to use aPS5 controller charging station. This is generally the fastest way to charge your battery, and it’s also attractive to look at. Even a fairly basic charging station can look pretty sharp! Unfortunately, a charging station requires you to put your controller down for a couple of hours. If you’re gaming for a very long time, this can be problematic. Not to mention, if you forget to set your controller on the charger, it won’t be full when you come back. Either way, there are situations where a charging stations isn’t going to get the job done.

A charging cable, on the other hand, allows you to charge your battery while you’re playing. Now, we’re going to review three of the best USB Type-C charging cables for the PS5 DualSense controller. We’ll start out by looking at the Foamy Lizard Dual USB C Charger Cable. This is a dual cable for charging two controllers at the same time. Next, we’ll examine the UNIDOPRO Flat USB-C Charger Cable. This is a single, well-insulated flat cable that’s easy to coil up and transport. Finally, we’ll review the AGVEE Durable USB-C Charger Cable. It’s a three pack of nylon weave cables that can be used for multiple electronics. Let’s look a little closer, and see how each of these charging cables performs!

A Brief History of the DualSense Controller

Before we talk about charging the PlayStation 5 controller, let’s talk about how it came to be. TheDualSense控制器is the successor to Sony’s DualShock controller series, which was itself a major advancement. The original PlayStation controller, released in 1994 alongside the original PlayStation, had no thumbsticks. It was designed similarly to the Super Nintendo and Sega Saturn controllers at the time. These old-school controllers were designed for 2D gaming, so a D-pad was sufficient for controls. In fact, Sony added the R2 and L2 triggers precisely to deal with 3D gaming. They designed them to control the third axis of motion, and they’re even used by several early games.

dualsense controller

Unfortunately for Sony, they couldn’t have had worse timing. The N64 was released in 1995, and was the first home console to come with a thumbstick. This garnered a ton of attention for Nintendo, but the true watershed moment arrived in 1997. That year, GoldenEye was released on the N64, and changed console gaming forever. Until then, no-one had been able to make a good 3D console shooter. But with both a thumbstick and a D-pad, you could effortlessly navigate a 3D environment. Sony responded quickly. By the end of November, they released their answer to the N64 controller, the DualShock controller. With not just one but two thumbsticks, the DualShock cut the mold used for all subsequent console controllers. Pick up a modern console from any manufacturer, and you’ll find this basic design.

Actually, the DualShock wasn’t Sony’s first attempt at a controller with this design. That honor goes to the earlier Sony Dual Analog controller, which had come out in April, 1997. The design was similar to the DualShock, but the thumbsticks were slippery, and the triggers and handles were undersized. Sony responded by bulking up the triggers and handles, and adding some texture to the thumbsticks. Suddenly, their new controller had become a top seller.

dualsense -controller-side-angle

这不仅仅是由于双重拇指折叠。还要感谢Dual Motors,这也是Nintendo 64的答案。N64 Rumble Pak提供了触觉反馈,是第一个这样做的家庭控制员。但是,它是一个可选的附加成本额外的加载项。它还需要AAA电池,它只会在一个位置振动您的控制器。另一方面,Dualshock Motors不需要电池。并且因为它们位于控制器的两侧,因此您可以获得更好的反馈。这是您在每个现代游戏控制器上都会发现的另一个功能。

Following its initial success, Sony made the DualShock the standard controller starting at the end of November. In addition to that, so many PlayStation owners upgraded that it became the top-selling aftermarket controller in history. In fact, this is why early DualShock controllers had an analog button. It deactivates the thumbsticks, which keeps them from causing glitches in early PlayStation games designed for the original controller.

随着Playstation继续发展,Dualshock控制器也是如此。2000年,Dualshock 2带有更硬的拇指折叠和压敏按钮。它们还将灰色从灰色切换到黑色以匹配控制台,并使插头变小。事实上,这是当前的拇指镜设计起源于此。最多DualSense thumb grips将适合Dualshock 2 thumbsticks,但不是原始的Dualshock thumbsticks。

Further advancements came with the PlayStation 3 and 4 systems, and their accompanying DualShock 3 and 4 controllers. The DualShock 3 came with motion sensitivity, something that set it apart from Xbox controllers. The DualShock 4 added a touchpad, which was underused, but still essential for many games. However, both of these variants kept the same form factor as the DualShock 2.

随着Playstation 5的发布,索尼认为是时候升级了。正如这一代的Xbox控制器小于旧的那样,那么新的索尼控制器都是牛排。如果您拿起Dualshock控制器和Xbox One Controller,则Xbox Controller感觉巨大。如果拿起PS5控制器和Xbox系列X / S控制器,它们基本上大小基本相同。外观也已经更新,双色房屋真正引人注目。也就是说,大多数实际控制特征保持不变,包括触摸板。您的按钮,触发器和Thumbsticks仍将与早期的PlayStation模型相同。

泡沫蜥蜴双USB C充电器电缆

泡沫蜥蜴双USB C充电器电缆

泡沫蜥蜴双USB C充电器电缆是我们三种选择中最独特的。而不是单个连续电缆,这是一个10英尺,Y形的双电缆,用于充电两个控制器。一端,有一个USB类型 - 用于连接到控制台的端口。从那里,优质橡胶电缆延伸五英尺,直至其分为两种。这两种新部分都是额外的五英尺长,最后有USB Type-C提示。如果您播放MLB该节目,MADDEN,FIFA或其他相同屏幕的多人游戏,您将喜欢此功能。

泡沫蜥蜴双USB C充电器电缆

这USB Type-C tips themselves are also worth mentioning. They fit very snugly, and actually snap into place when they’re plugged in. This keeps them from tugging loose easily, although they’ll still break away before the cord gets damaged. The dual-charging function works on any 5V/2A or higher power source.

泡沫蜥蜴双USB C充电器电缆

这包括任何现代USB端口。如果您需要,您甚至可以从USB挂墙充电器充电。类似地,相同的电缆可用于许多USB Type-C充电设备。您可以将其用于Xbox系列X / S控制器,游戏耳机,甚至是您的智能手机。也就是说,电缆不允许任何类型的数据传输。例如,如果使用它来连接外部硬盘驱动器,则不会工作。

UNIDOPRO Flat USB-C Charger Cable

UNIDOPRO Flat USB-C Charger Cable

UNIDOPRO Flat USB-C Charger Cableis more like what you probably picture when you think of a charging cable. This is a single, 10-foot cable with a USB Type-A tip on one end and a Type-C tip on the other. The thing we like most about this cable is the design of the physical cord itself. It’s a flat cable, not a round one, which means it’s not prone to tangling, and easy to untangle. Not only that, but flat cables are easy to carry. If you need to wrap up your cable and put it in acarrying case, you’ll love the design. And despite its small size, the cable is well-shielded. You won’t have to worry about it causing interference with other devices.

UNIDOPRO Flat USB-C Charger Cable

这是兼容的电缆与QC 3.0快速查rge format, plus QC 2.0, Samsung AFC, and Huawei FCP. In total, it’s capable of delivering 60 watts, at a rate of 20 volts and 3 amps. This is sufficient for charging more than just game controllers. It can also charge most smartphones and tablets. It can even charge some small laptops while they’re in use. In addition to all that, the UNIDOPRO cable is also capable of data transfer at a rate of 5Gb per second. This makes it suitable for external hard drives, or for USB wired gaming headsets.





Like the UNIDOPRO cable, the AGVEE cable is compatible with QC 3.0 technology. It works not just with game controllers, but with most smartphones and tablets. However, QC 3.0 standards can vary, and AGVEE doesn’t provide an actual amperage rating. We’re not sure if it can handle any laptops, but we’re guessing not. It also only supports 0.48GB per second of data transfer.

Final Verdict

那么,这款USB Type-C充电电缆中的哪一个是最好的一个?这泡沫蜥蜴双USB C充电器电缆is best if you need a dual charger. Do you play a lot of games like FIFA, with more than one person on the same console? In that case, a dual charger is an obvious choice! On the other hand, there’s no data transfer capacity, and the Y-shaped design is difficult to coil and carry. If you only need a single charger, it’s probably overkill.

UNIDOPRO Flat USB-C Charger Cableis a better choice for portability. With its flat profile, it’s easy to wrap up and transport wherever you need it. It’s also well-shielded, and supports QC 3.0 charging as well as data transfer. These features aren’t necessary for a PS5 controller, but they’re useful if you need a multi-purpose cable.

佳肴耐用USB-C充电器电缆is a great value, since it’s both durable and comes in a three-pack. It’s not quite as capable as the UNIDOPRO cable. However, it’s more than sufficient for charging a PS5 controller. If that’s all you need, why choose anything else?

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