The Best Art Projector for Tracing Images

For many artists, tracing is a key part of the process. To be fair, that’s not always the case. A lot of artists prefer to work freehand. After all, creativity and a “human touch” are part of the process, right? But there are many reasons you might want to trace an image. For one thing, suppose you want to copy the same image exactly, several times over? Working freehand, that’s virtually impossible to do. The human brain isn’t a photocopier. With a tracing projector, the task becomes easy. You can project and trace the same image over and over, creating near-identical copies with ease.

Let’s look at a few examples of where this might be useful. For instance, suppose you’re decorating a child’s bedroom. You want to create a repeating pattern of teddy bears or balloons on the wall. There are stencils for this, but the variety is relatively limited. Instead, you find an image online, print it off, and project it on the wall. Presto! You have a virtual, custom stencil. The same can be done for public art. You can project flowers or other images on a concrete wall, and duplicate them without a physical stencil. The applications are virtually endless, which is why art projectors are growing in popularity.

我们已经审查了一些traditional projectors过去,我们熟悉基本技术。今天,我们将审查三个不同的艺术投影仪。首先,我们将看看艺术博语EZ示踪器艺术投影机。这是一个实惠的轻质投影机,最适合儿童或用于一次性应用程序。接下来,我们将看看艺术仪225-090多色棱镜艺术投影机。这是一个更先进的投影机,对专业人士来说是更好的选择。最后,我们将检查Neolucida XL。该投影机旨在将真实世界对象传输到纸张,而不是反之亦然。哪一个是最好的?让我们仔细看看,看看它们是如何比较!



Artograph is an established player in the tracer and art projector market. In the past, we reviewed theirLightPad PRO1700,它叠加漂亮well. As a result, we were excited to see how well their true projectors worked. The艺术博彩艺术仪ez示踪艺术投影机is compact, measuring 11 inches long, 8.6 inches tall, and 4.7 inches wide. It’s also lightweight, tipping the scales at only 2.15 pounds. This makes it easy to transport, and ideal for transporting from place to place. Towards the back, there’s a curved, ergonomic handle for carrying the projector. Even when the projector has been in use and most of the housing is hot, the handle remains cool. You don’t have to worry about burning yourself while you’re repositioning your projector.


The outer case is white, and constructed from ABS plastic. The sole exception is the front lens housing, which is black. It can be pulled out or pushed in to zoom in or out respectively. It can also be twisted to improve focus. Behind the lens housing, there’s a set of vent slots, with matching vent slots towards the bottom of the case. These slots are designed for maximum cooling capacity, and are complemented by an internal fan. The fan is virtually silent, so it won’t disturb you while you’re trying to work.

The EZ Tracer is protected by a 12-month manufacturer’s warranty. If there are any issues, you can send it back for a full refund. And all of this comes at a very reasonable price. You don’t have to pay a small fortune just to trace your artwork.




Using the front lens, you can expand the image from 2.5 to 5 times the original size. This equates to a size of 10 x 10 inches at the small end, or 20 x 20 inches at the larger end. Keep in mind, though, that the larger the magnification, the more you’ll see any potential flaws. You’ll also get less brightness at larger magnifications. For best results, use a 100-watt equivalent LED bulb. This should be bright enough for most purposes. And by using an LED, you won’t have to worry about excessive heating.

除了跟踪小的印刷图片,你一个lso have a couple different options. For one thing, you can actually trace small 3D objects. The key word here is “small”. You can easily trace a leaf or a tiny miniature. Anything larger, and it won’t be able to fit in the EZ Tracer’s projection cavity. You can even trace an image from a smartphone screen. To do this, you’ll need to turn off the EZ Tracer’s bulb and rely on your smartphone’s brightness for projection. As a result, it’s only an effective option for dark rooms without any external light interference.



The艺术仪225-090多色棱镜艺术投影机is a bit beefier than the EZ Tracer. It’s also shaped more like a standard projector, with a wide, flat design. It measures 17.5 inches long, 17.2 inches wide, and 10.2 inches thick. It’s also heavier than the EZ Tracer, weighing in at 11 pounds. Even so, it’s not terribly heavy for the size. Moving it from one location to another is no big deal.


The case is constructed from black ABS plastic, with cooling vents on the side and back. A fan is located inside the back vents, and pushes air through much like the fan in a traditional projector. This will keep the projector relatively cool, even during extended operation. That said, the lens can still get hot if the unit is being used for a long time. Use common sense, and don’t touch the lens itself. Not only might you burn yourself, but even if the lens is cool, you’re going to smudge it.

The lens can be twisted for focus, or pulled in and out to zoom. In addition, the 225-090 can also be used in a vertical configuration. With the optionalPrism/Super Prism Table Stand,您可以将其夹在桌子上并在表面上投射。换句话说,225-090不仅适用于创建墙壁艺术。它对简单的副本和提高您的平淡也是有效的。





The lens can magnify objects up to 20 times. Assuming a 7 x 7-inch image, you’re looking at a maximum image size of nearly 12 x 12 feet. That said, this is very large. Even the pair of 250-watt incandescent bulbs are going to look a bit dim at that magnification level. Moreover, unless your images are extremely sharp to begin with, that much magnification will result in blurring. Still, it’s nice to have the option. And at more reasonable magnification levels, the 225-090 works very well indeed. You can even reduce the image to 80 percent of its original size. This isn’t terribly useful for walls, but can be helpful in the vertical desktop configuration.


NeoLucida XL

NeoLucida XL

TheNeoLucida XL比我们看着的最后两个投影仪有点不同。这两种选项都旨在投影印刷图像,以便它可以在墙上进行追踪。另一方面,Neolucida XL旨在将真实世界的图像投射到一张纸上。因此,设计明显不同。

It consists of an angled mirror, which is attached to a gooseneck arm that ends in a clamp. The total length is about two feet, and the flexible arm lets you adjust the mirror as needed. Move it higher or lower, left to right, or tilt it from side to side to get the perfect image. This can take some practice to get right. But just stick with it for a few minutes, and it’s fairly easy to get the hang of.

NeoLucida XL


The overall weight of the NeoLucida XL is only 14.9 ounces, which makes it easy to transport. It even comes with a soft felt carrying bag to protect it from damage. You can use it at home, then take it to an art studio, an office, or anywhere else you need to work.

NeoLucida XL


The NeoLucida XL doesn’t have any built-in lights. This is to be expected, given the way it’s designed. But because it has no lights, it depends on ambient light to get a good quality image. If the object you’re trying to draw is poorly lit, you won’t get a good image for tracing. Depending on your environment, this may or may not be an issue. That said, provided you’ve got good lighting, the image quality is excellent.

Final Verdict

So, how do these three art projectors compare? Let’s do a quick recap. The first projector we looked at was the艺术博彩艺术仪ez示踪艺术投影机。这是一个低价投影机,仍然有效地完成工作。这是轻量级的,交通很容易,它悄然运行。它还可以将图像放大到每侧20英寸。也就是说,它被一个相对小的投影室阻碍,仅支持4×4英寸的图像。尽管如此,考虑到低价,对于小型家庭项目来说,甚至是孩子们也很棒。

For larger projects, the艺术仪225-090多色棱镜艺术投影机is a better choice. It can magnify images up to 20 times, and can accommodate an image of up to 7 x7 inches. The price is correspondingly higher, though. Not only that, but the stock incandescent bulbs can get pretty hot. But if you replace them with LED bulbs, cooling is a non-issue. Even better, you can orient the 225-090 vertically, which makes it considerably more versatile.

TheNeoLucida XL是一个不同的动物。它不是将小图像投影到墙上,而是将一个真实世界的物体投射到纸张或写生簿上。这使得具有卓越的保真度捕获物体的绝佳选择。但是,请记住,这取决于环境光来投影图像。如果您的环境点亮不佳,您的形象不会非常明亮。您可能希望与您带来一些额外的照明,只是肯定。

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