

Why is this? The answer is viewing distance. When you view your computer monitor, you’re typically sitting just a couple of feet away. On a large screen – anything bigger than 27 inches – this can cause distortion. Due to the short viewing distance, the difference in distance between the center and edges of the screen distorts shapes. The way to compensate for this is to use a curved monitor. Contrary to popular belief, a curved monitor doesn’t cause distortion; it actually eliminates it. This means you can use much larger monitors than in the past. Today, we’ll be reviewing 34-inch monitors, but manufacturers are even producing43英寸49-inch models。Wow!

我们将要查看三个34英寸弯曲的21:9超宽的监视器。第一个是LG 34WL850-W 34英寸21:9弯曲的超速QHD IPS显示器。这是一个更基本的选择,但考虑到价格,仍然远高于其重量。第二个是三星34英寸CJ791超级弯曲游戏显示器。该显示器具有高级VA面板,尽管价格陡峭。最后,我们将检查Alienware AW3420DW。此选项介于其他两个之间,IPS面板上的刷新率很高。让我们仔细看看每个显示器,看看它们如何堆叠!

LG 34WL850-W

LG 34WL850-W 34-Inch 21:9 Curved UltraWide QHD IPS Monitor

LG 34WL850-Whas a similar design to other LG monitors. The frame has a narrow black bezel around the screen, with a small, silver LG logo at the bottom. This frame doesn’t interfere with viewing, and doesn’t distract from the display. It rests on a stainless steel stand, which has an attractive brushed finish. It has a minimalist appearance, but it’s actually quite sturdy. You can adjust the height by telescoping the vertical support, and tilt the screen for a more comfortable viewing angle.

LG 34WL850-W

框架的背面和侧面具有拉丝钢饰面,与架子很好地匹配。在背面,您会找到位于嵌入式输入面板中的所有输入插孔。标准的HDMI输入对大多数人来说应该很好。但是,还有一对Thunderbolt 2.0输入用于双PC或三PC支持。这些输入仅与Windows机器兼容。如果您有Mac,则仅限于单个HDMI输入。

In addition to the inputs, you’ll also find a pair of USB 3.0 quick charge ports. These aren’t useful for display purposes. However, they make it easy to rapidly charge your smartphone while you’re working or gaming. With a quick charge-compatible cable, you can fully charge an iPhone X or Samsung Galaxy S8 in under an hour.

LG 34WL850-W

Image Quality and Color Gamut

LG 34WL850-W 34英寸21:9弯曲的Ultrawide QHD IPS显示器的刷新率为60 Hz或60 fps。对于一些想要最大程度地发表其图形卡的铁杆游戏玩家来说,这可能并不令人满意。但是对于大多数人来说,60 fps将足够。屏幕分辨率为3440 x 1440像素,因此您可以从大型弯曲的显示器中获得期望的经验。如果您是游戏玩家,这意味着您将获得更广阔的视野,从而在射手中获得至关重要的优势。此外,屏幕支持拆分屏幕模式或图片中的模式。对于内容创建者来说,这是一个主要好处,因为您将有足够的两个显示空间。

LG 34WL850-W

这contrast ratio of the LG 34WL850-W is 1000:1. Contrast ratio refers to the difference between the brightest and darkest colors. At 1000:1, you’re looking at a good, but not great, contrast ratio. You aren’t going to have any significant problems here. But if you’re dealing with lots of blacks and dark colors, you might have some trouble distinguishing them. The color gamut is 99 percent of the SRGB spectrum, which is better than most monitors. You’ll get high-fidelity video, without any color distortion. Finally, the IPS panel allows for a viewing angle of 178 degrees. If you work on a team with people looking over your shoulder, this is an essential feature.

LG 34WL850-W还支持专门的游戏模式。您可以在预设的FPS和RTS设置之间进行切换,或设置自己的自定义模式。这些模式调整监视器设置,以确保不同游戏中的理想性能。例如,FPS模式减少条纹和撕裂,而RTS模式最大化颜色对比度。





后面板是光滑的白色,易于擦拭并保持清洁。在那里,您会看到一个覆盖显示输入的小型可移动面板。正如您所期望的那样,有一个HDMI和显示端口输入。此外,还有一对USB 3.0输入,因此您可以一次连接多达四个设备。在同一区域,您会看到3.5毫米音频插孔。这使您可以将计算机连接到内置的7瓦扬声器。它们的功能不是令人难以置信的功能,但是声音质量比您预期的要好。如果没有别的,则有良好的附加值。



Image Quality and Color Gamut

像我们列表中的其他监视器一样,三星CF791的分辨率为3440 x 1440像素。这为您提供了广泛的游戏视野,并为内容创建提供了大量房地产。此外,您将获得100 Hz刷新率或100 fps。如果您想启动图形设置,则此显示器将支持它。您还可以访问AMD FreeSync,这使运动模糊和撕裂最小化。与我们刚刚查看的LG显示器一样,​​您也获得了多个游戏模式。




Alienware AW3420DW

Alienware AW3420DW

Alienware AW3420DWhas a sleek black look, as befits a monitor that was designed specifically for gamers. It has a narrow black bezel, with a grey Alienware logo at the bottom that won’t distract you from gaming. The stand is black on the front, which also won’t distract you. By contrast, the back of the stand and the screen have a white finish. Like the other monitors we’ve looked at, the screen height is adjustable and the monitor can be tilted. However, you can also swivel the screen from side to side, so off-center placement is a non-issue.

Alienware AW3420DW

在背面,有一个可移动的输入面板盖,可让您通过底部的电缆。在内部,您会发现HDMI和显示端口输入。如果您想使用多台计算机,这允许双输入。您还将获得另外四个USB输入,可用于其他机器。最后,有一个音频和音频端口,因此您可以通过显示器路由音频。甚至还有一个USB OUT端口,可用于为您的智能手机充电。

一个特性AW3420DW提供了别人不知道的事情is a customizable lighting system. The back of the monitor has four different lighting zones, which can be customized for different games. You can even download lighting profiles for 145 different games. This lighting scheme is great if you’re playing in a dark room. Furthermore, Alienware’s AlienFX technology intelligently adjusts to what’s on your screen. This ensures a comfortable viewing experience under almost any circumstances.

Alienware AW3420DW

Image Quality and Color Gamut

随着高级游戏监视器的配置,Alienware AW3420DW具有令人印象深刻的120 Hz刷新率。对于IPS面板来说,这几乎是闻所未闻的,因为IPS面板通常提供的刷新率低于其他面板类型。与我们的其他选择一样,分辨率为3440 x1440。这对游戏玩家来说是一个巨大的优势,因为它比大多数对手为您提供了更广泛的视野。对于经常使用双重显示的内容创建者来说,这也是值得的。您可以立即将两个显示器放在屏幕上,而无需任何问题。

Alienware AW3420DW

这contrast ratio of the AW3420DW is 1000:1. As we said before, this isn’t the best of the best. But it’s good enough for most purposes, including gaming. In addition, you get a color gamut of 98 percent of the DCI-P3 color space. This is a much wider color space than SRGB, and is used by professional movie editors. As a result, you’ll get some of the best color fidelity on the market. And with a 178-degree viewing angle, putting your monitor to one side is a viable option. Moreover, the monitor utilizes G-sync technology, which eliminates motion blur by displaying frames only when your monitor is ready.


那么,这些监视器中的哪一个是最好的?让我们从头开始。这LG 34WL850-W 34-Inch 21:9 Curved UltraWide QHD IPS Monitor是我们的预算选择。我们在这里用相对的话说。与典型的平面显示器相比,所有这些监视器都有点昂贵。尽管如此,它为您提供了足够的巨大声音,具有宽阔的色调和强大的对比度。

On the other end of the spectrum, we have the三星34英寸CF791超速弯曲游戏监视器。这是带有VA面板和3000:1对比比的顶级监视器。凭借100 Hz的帧率,您的FPS不会成为问题。就是说,使用银色/白色的身体,对内容创作者来说比对游戏玩家更好。

最后,我们有Alienware AW3420DW,这是针对游戏玩家的专门建造。凭借其黑色表壳和LED背光,非常适合在黑暗的房间里玩游戏。更不用说,它提供每秒120帧的帧率。如果您想将图形卡推到极限,这是一个明显的选择。



  1. Cora
  2. 迈克尔
  3. Paige Delk

