最佳环球12V DC笔记本电脑充电器

这些天,我们的开发ices charge via USB. Smartphones, tablets, and yes, even many laptops now charge using USB Type-A or Type-C. As a result, a USB fast charger will cover most of your needs. But despite its ubiquity, USB is far from universal, particularly among laptops. For one thing, USB Type-C provides a maximum of 100 watts, which isn’t enough for many laptops. For another thing, many manufacturers have been using the same chargers for years. Why ditch the same barrel-style adapters you’ve been using for years? As the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Unfortunately, there’s no single standard DC charger. In fact, there are dozens of standards, used by various manufacturers for various products. This wild west atmosphere is no problem when you first buy your laptop. You just use the charger that’s included with the package. But what happens when the charger breaks? Sometimes, it can be difficult to get a replacement from the manufacturer, or exorbitantly expensive. And if you’re looking for a replacement, you can end up going down a rabbit hole of options. In many cases, the most sensible thing to do is just to buy a universal charger.

Today, we’re going to review three of the best universal 12-volt DC laptop chargers for your car. We’ll start with the Aisilk Universal 100W Laptop Car Charger, a long, durable charging cable. We’ll continue with the Belker 90W Universal Laptop DC Car Adapter Charger. This charger has a fob in the middle, with a second USB charging plug in the side. We’ll finish up by reviewing the Outtag 65W Universal Laptop Car Charger. This charger has a more traditional design, with a rectangular adapter built into the cable. Which one is the best choice for you? Let’s take a closer look, and see how these three chargers compare.



Before we go any further, let’s talk about the different types of DC chargers. There are many different standards, which is why universal chargers come with many different tips. But the fact is that even a “universal” charger won’t come with every possible tip. There are simply too many different standards. So how do you know whether or not you’re getting the right tip?

这short answer is to look at the name. For example, if you have an M5 tip, you’ll need an M5 replacement. But that name isn’t always easy to find. In this case, you’ll need to check your charger’s specifications. Here’s a quick overview of how to determine whether or not you’ve got the right charger.

Volts, Amps, and Watts



Volts are a measurement of a circuit’s maximum capacity. Many electronics manuals describe a circuit as a river, with electricity flowing through it instead of water. In this analogy, the voltage is the width of the river bed. But the same width river can flow with a different intensity. To continue our river analogy, amps are a measurement of the current’s intensity. You can have a narrow river that’s barely more than a creek, but it’s whitewater rapids (low voltage, high amperage). Or, you can have a wide river that flows so slowly it looks still (high voltage, low amperage).


To carry our river analogy to its conclusion, wattage is a measurement of the volume of water. In real world terms, it’s a measurement of the total electrical power. Determining the wattage of a circuit is simple. You take the voltage and amperage, and multiply them together. For example, a standard USB charger delivers 5 volts, 2.4 amps. 5 x 2.4 = 12, so the port is delivering 12 watts of power. Conversely, if you know the wattage and voltage, you can easily determine the amperage. For example, suppose your charger delivers 100 watts at 10 volts. 100/10 is 10, or 10 amps. You can do the same thing to determine voltage from wattage and amperage. This is a useful skill, since not all chargers will list all three numbers. But if you know at least two of them, you can determine the third one.




值得庆幸的是,极性很容易确定。在任何现代充电器上,都会有一个“+”和“ - ”标志,以及一个圆圈和一个点。连接到圆的符号是外极性,而连接到点的符号是内部极性。例如,假设“+”符号连接到圆圈。在这种情况下,您知道枪管的外部是积极的接触。


In contrast to the current and plug polarity, the diameter isn’t terribly complicated. DC charger plugs are measured in millimeters, as is appropriate for their small size. There are also two numbers: the outside diameter and the inside diameter. Normally, these will be indicated as “OD” and “ID.” For example, a plug might be listed as “4mm OD x 1.7mm ID”. Some manufacturers will omit the “OD” and the “ID” altogether. That’s just fine. As should be obvious, the smaller number will be the inside diameter.

Aisilk Universal 100W Laptop Car Charger

Aisilk Universal 100W Laptop Car Charger

Aisilk Universal 100W Laptop Car Charger由6.2英尺的黑色电缆组成,中间有FOB。该FOB的直径为2.7英寸,由耐用的ABS塑料构造。所有材料的颜色都是黑色的,并且坚固耐用。适配器FOB具有防火性,并包含用于短路,过电流,过电和过热的电路。在FOB的侧面,您会注意到一个USB端口,该端口可用于为智能手机或其他设备充电。您可以自由执行此操作,而不会干扰笔记本电脑的充电过程。


Belker 90W通用笔记本电脑DC汽车适配器充电器

Belker 90W通用笔记本电脑DC汽车适配器充电器

贝尔克(Belker)是我们过去曾评论过的著名制造商。例如,他们做了一些universal AC laptop chargersthat we very much liked. So we were eager to see howtheir DC car charger堆叠到交流版本。您会注意到的第一件事是,电线比Aisilk的电线更长。从插头到FOB的尺寸为1.8英尺,从FOB到适配器尖端4.9英尺。这为您提供了6.7英尺的游戏。与Aisilk充电器一样,圆形FOB的侧面有一个USB充电端口。您还获得了类似的安全功能。电路保护和短路保护位于电路中。

这re are 15 tips included, but the selection is different than the Aisilk. The tips are sized T01, T02, T03, T04, T05, T08, T09, T10, T12, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, and M11. All have a 90-degree configuration. The voltage output can be 18.5, 19, 19.5, or 20 volts.


Outtag 65W Universal Laptop Car Charger

Outtag 65W Universal Laptop Car Chargeris a bit different than the last two options. It has a rectangular adapter in the cord, rather than a circular one. But it’s still well-engineered, with protection from high temperature, short circuits, and over-voltage. In fact, Outtag provides a 30-day money back guarantee and a 12-month warranty. That’s not half bad for an inexpensive charger! You also get plenty of reach, with a total length of five feet.

As with the last two chargers, there are 15 tips included, and all are 90 degrees. The sizes are M4, M5, M6, M8, M9, M11, M12, M13, M18, M19, M20, M21, M22, M27, and M28. The output voltage can be 18.5, 19, 19.5, or 20 volts, at a maximum of 65 watts.

Final Verdict

As you can see, there’s a lot of overlap between these three cables. TheAisilk Universal 100W Laptop Car Chargerand theBelker 90W通用笔记本电脑DC汽车适配器充电器几乎相同。两者都带有大多数相同的适配器,并且具有相似的设计。唯一真正的区别是绳索中间的适配器,纯粹是化妆品。这Outtag 65W Universal Laptop Car Charger有些不同,因为它带有许多不同的技巧。也就是说,如果您有选择的话,则OUTTAG或AISILK将是理想的。FOB侧面添加的USB端口太好了,无法传递。

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