BENQ HT2550 4K UHD HDR家庭影院投影仪Review

每个人都喜欢看电影。反思童年旅行的回忆使我们想起了充满笑声,糖果,家庭和赛璐oid的日子。Now that we are all grown-up (even if we don’t act like it most of the time), the mere smell of buttered popcorn is enough to transport our minds back to those summer days filled with matinees, sticky seats and boxed candy.

What many of us fail to realize is that the advancement of technology now allows us to experience the cinematic experience in the comfort of our own homes. TheBENQ HT2550 4K UHD HDR家庭影院投影仪包装足够的技术冲击,为我们提供了我们最疯狂的童年梦想之外的戏剧体验。


First Impressions

Before you even plug in the HT2500, you’ll notice that this device is super sleek and slender. We’ll get into the specific measurements a little later on in the review, but the beauty and practicality of the projector’s form factor is an immediate source of eye candy. It’s light, and compact and, dare we say, cute? Yes, in fact we do, dare say cute!


有了我们的第一印象,是时候看看一些多汁的技术细节了。HT2500挤满了边缘,具有优化的功能,以使家庭影院体验与剧院体验相媲美。使用真正的4K UHD分辨率技术,该投影仪为每个框架生产830万个不同的像素,这是您典型1080p电视上显示的像素数量的四倍以上。


The additional pixels produced by the HT2500 significantly reduces pixel blur, which can sometimes plague lower definition displays when the brightness level is set too high. Let’s put it this way – unless you have a 4K display, you have never truly experienced the glory of peering into Morgan Freeman’s skin pores.

And yet, the HT2500’s pixel density is only one small part of the big picture. The projector’s 0.47” single DMD DLP technology not only reduces the projector’s size profile, but helps to avoid any potential alignment issues. The result is better color accuracy and improved picture clarity. Its single DMD DLP even helps prevent potential image artifacts, such as blur and shadowing. We think we can speak for everybody when we say that we’re sick and tired of Morgan Freeman’s pores being blurred by inadequate stability technology. Are we right, or are we right?


Color Accuracy


The HT2500’s CinematicColor technology combines Rec.709 HDTV color accuracy, high native ANSI contrast ratio and RGBRGB color wheel technology to create a picture that is as elegant as a 50-year-old whiskey and as crisp as a kettle fried potato chip. Did we mention that kettle fried potato chips are an excellent movie snack? That’s right, people; a home theater projector means no need for ninja-ing your own snacks into the cinema – and no more being a slave to the theater’s concession selection. Take that Big Candy! We’re looking at you Whoppers!


Let’s take a closer look at the HT2500’s Cinematic Color feature, because this is something that BenQ completely nailed. The technology’s authentic Rec. 709 color accuracy allows the projector to display the director’s true vision, which for cinephiles, is a real selling point. Think about it this way; for the vast majority of theatrical history, the home movie experience has never been technologically advanced enough to display movies in the manner that the director envisioned them. It’s a great time to be a movie lover.

The RGBRGB color wheel allows the projector to achieve 96% Rec. 709 coverage, which guarantees Delta-E less than three performance. For those of you who may never have heard of Delta-E, it is a color management system that measures the distance between two colors. The closer the numbers, the closer the color is to the original source material. While we don’t quite understand how they figure out the number (all we know is that it entails a whole of math with symbols we don’t understand), we do know that the degree of Delta-E which is squeezed out of the HT2500 is extremely impressive.

One of the problems that some projectors face is their difficulty in displaying flesh tones. The light of the projection beam can sometimes cause a slight skin discoloration, resulting in an almost surreal and distracting viewing experience. BenQ has taken this common issue into consideration with the HT2500. The projector uses a color and pixel enhancer that not only uses an algorithm to construct subtle color saturation, gradients, hues and pigments, but uses edge enhancement to create precise edges which display sharply against any background. This means Morgan Freeman’s pores look as circular and perfectly symmetrical as they do in real life.


Sound Quality

虽然视频质量显然是HT2500的重点,但BENQ包括足够的内置音频功率来保持我们的内容,直到我们连接环绕声系统为止。借助集成的Cinemamaster Audio+ 2音频增强技术,投影仪能够用作您唯一的音频来源,但是您购买的大多数投影仪都将希望将那个坏男孩挂上电影级的声音系统。您不会购买保时捷,并用保险杠贴纸盖上。

音频+ 2技术使用各种异国情调的金属来产生清晰的声音和微妙的细节声音。Benq使用了一些工程天才,将声音系统的外壳在共鸣的音响室中使用,从而创建了更开放和更广泛的声音。直接构建在框中的EQ系统使投影仪可以创建类似电影院的体验。您能想象看着没有那些大而低音的跳跃恐慌的恐怖电影吗?这就像在没有林戈的情况下听甲壳虫乐队。是的,我确实将跳跃恐慌与林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)进行了比较 - 猜猜是什么?他们俩在HT2500上听起来都很棒。



Considering how tiny the HT2500’s form factor is, it still packs quite a punch. The HT2500 only weighs 9.26 lbs., which is nearly half the weight of its most fierce competition, the Veritek HK2288. It also takes up considerably less space than its competitors, measuring 10.71 x 13.9 x 5.31. The few extra inches might not sound like much, but think about what you can do with all that extra table real estate. That’s enough room to comfortably store an extra snack, or even conspicuously display some moisturizer in hopes that Morgan Freeman gets the hint.

Screen Size

如果您担心屏幕尺寸太大或太小,Benq包括Nifty 1.2倍的缩放功能,可以在需要时创建更大的图像。您是否曾经在车道上举办过直通电影院?永远不会太迟。缩放功能还允许您使用广泛的安装和放置选项。没有其他安装。这就像按下按钮一样容易。而且,如果这对您来说太多了,那么您的帮助超出了我们的帮助。或者,您根本没有手指,在这种情况下,我们真的很抱歉冒犯您。


如果你曾经在过去,拥有一个投影仪know how frustrating it can be to make sure that the device stays flat and centered. When a projector is even slightly off-kilter it creates an image with an annoyingly distracting trapezoid effect. The HT2500 features a vertical keystone function that allows you to project aligned images from a variety of angles. I would still recommend keeping your projector on a flat surface whenever possible. It’s just safer and better for your device’s health.

Going Green

One of our main concerns when buying a new device is gauging whether or not it’s safe for the environment. BenQ has integrated their SmartEco technology right into the HT2500. The company claims that their LampSave mode allows the projector lamps last for 15,000 hours, which is a disturbing amount of time to be staring into the abyss of Morgan Freeman’s sweaty cheek holes, even if it IS in a slightly dimmer and eco-friendly environment. A longer lamp life means less bulb replacements and maintenance, which means less overall waste and a lower cost of ownership.


Final Thoughts

在1499美元的价格上,市场上没有其他类似价格的投影仪,可以衡量BENQ HT2550。HT2550投影仪凭借其光滑且轻巧的设计,非常可容纳,并在您的Rec Room中增加了优雅而又不明显的设计小工具。单个DMD DLP可确保图片保持稳定且清晰,并在REC中提供HDR10支持。709质量使我们能够观看自己喜欢的电影,导演打算如何看待他们。虽然您可能会觉得有必要使用高端环绕声单元升级内置音响系统,但投影仪的库存音频+ 2声音技术完全能够成为您的独立选择。

The Competition

When compared to its most similar rival, the $1499.95 Vivitek HK2288-WH, it becomes clear that BenQ has knocked it out of the park with their newest release. The Vivitek is heavier, bulkier, and produces 200 less lumens, which might not seem like much, but results in a 10% gap. The BenQ HT2550 4K UHD HDR is the clear winner among the two options.


In a Nutshell

TheHT2500is not simply a home entertainment device – it’s a full-on home theater projector system. The projector’s RGBRGB color wheel, combined with a small footprint (both ecologically and literally) and True 4K picture quality, really allows BenQ to take home projection to the next level. If you’re on the fence about jumping into the projector market and have the expendable income, don’t be afraid of the leap. Your eyes, and Morgan Freeman’s pores, will thank you for it.

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